刘风对骑警道:Hey,where am I now?Hospital?(嘿,我在哪里?医院吗)
刘风闭上了眼睛,努力回忆着过去发生的一切,然后又睁开了眼睛看着骑警,心里充满了迷惑。混乱的思维让他变得烦躁不安起来,他又冲骑警大声说道:What the hell is going on here?(这他妈的是哪里)
刘风盯着他道:Who are you?(你是谁)
Stanley终于开口说道:My name is Stanley.And you are Feng Liu.Right?(我叫斯坦利。你是刘风,对吗)
Stanley看着他继续说道:You are the one who caused all of this big mess in our country,right?(你就是这个在我们国家引起这场大混乱的人,对吧)
刘风的眉毛立了起来道:What are you talking about?Are you crazy?(你在说什么,你疯了)
Stanley笑了,并没有接他的话茬道:You are in a big trouble ,son.(你现在有很大的麻烦,年轻人)
刘风有点激动的说道:What do you want from me?(你想从我这里得到什么)
Stanley摆了摆手道:No,no.I do not want anything from you.On the contrary,I am here to help you.(不,不,我并不想从你那里得到任何东西。正相反,我是来帮助你的)
刘风道:Oh ,really?(哦,是吗)
Stanley继续说道:We got all of the proof.The guns you used to kill people.The witness who saw you did so.We got everything that can put you in the jail for ever.(我们有所有的证据。你用来杀人的枪。还有看到你杀人的目击者。我们手头的所有证据可以把在牢里关到死)
刘风瞪着他道:You know the truth,right?I am not the culprit.The mercenries did everything.(你知道事实真相,对吧。我不是罪魁祸首,那都是雇佣兵干的)
Stanley微笑着道:I do not know what you are talking about.As I said,all the proof that I got has put you on the front.(我不知道你在说什么。正如我所说的,所有的证据都指向了你)
刘风深吸了一口气道:So what do you want from me?(那么你想从我这里得到什么)
Stanley道:I do not want anything from you.I just want to try my best to help you.(我不想从你那里得到任何东西。我只是想尽力帮助你)
刘风有点不耐烦的说道: Don’t waste your time. You can make it directly.(别再浪费你的时间了。你可以直接点)
Stanley道:Alright.We can make a deal.If you admit everything in the court ,I can let the judge sentence you to only 20 years imprisonment instead of life improsonment without parole.And if you are lucky enough ,you even won’t have to stay in the jail for all of your prison term.(好吧。咱们可以达成一个协议。如果你在法庭上承认所有的一切,我可以让法官只判决你20年徒刑,而不是不得保释的终身监禁。如果你足够幸运的话,你甚至不用在监狱里度过所有的刑期)
刘风哈哈大笑起来,因为笑的太用力,牵动了肩膀上的伤口,疼的他一咧嘴,刚想伸手去捂住伤口,但是手腕却被栓在床边栏杆上的手铐给拽住了。他闭上了眼睛,深呼吸了几下,尽力控制住自己的情绪后,又睁开了眼睛,看着Stanley道:To be honest,I do not care how many years that I could stay in the fucking jail.And I won’t admit anything that I did not do for any reason.You’d better try to find a better bait.(坦白的说,我不在乎会在他妈的监狱里坐多少年牢。而且我不会因为任何原因去承认我没做过的任何事。你最好再找一个更好的诱饵)
Stanley停了停道:I think you need to have a rest now.Please think about it seriously and I will come back later and then we can have a good talk again.(我觉得你现在需要休息一下。请认真思考一下,过后我会再来和你好好谈一谈的)