
传奇先知巴巴·万加 2025 年的预言 末日

(2025-01-09 10:50:47) 下一个

要点:传奇的盲人预言家巴巴·万加 (Baba Vanga) 透露,世界末日将于 2025 年开始。更具体地说,我们的毁灭将从明年欧洲的一场冲突开始,这场冲突将摧毁欧洲大陆的人口。这将是一系列事件的开始,最终将导致我们的灭亡。



末日与外星人:传奇先知巴巴·万加对 2025 年的预言

作者:David Mouriquand 2024 年 12 月 26 日https://www.euronews.com/culture/2024/12/26/end-times-legendary-oracle-baba-vangas-scary-predictions-for-2025

据说盲人神秘主义者巴巴·万加曾写下对 5079 年的预言,并预见了 2025 年将会发生什么。而且看起来不太好……
2024 年即将结束,这一年并不顺利……


据报道,传奇的盲人预言家巴巴·万加 (Baba Vanga) 透露,世界末日将于 2025 年开始。更具体地说,我们的毁灭将从明年欧洲的一场冲突开始,这场冲突将摧毁欧洲大陆的人口。这将是一系列事件的开始,最终将导致我们的灭亡。


令人痛心的是,巴巴·万加对 2025 年的预测与传奇预言家诺查丹玛斯的预测如出一辙,后者也预测明年欧洲将爆发战争。

对于那些从未听说过她的人来说,Vangelia Pandeva Gushterova,俗称巴巴·万加或“巴尔干的诺查丹玛斯”,出生于 1911 年,据称具有预言能力。



她于 1996 年去世,此后成为预言信徒的崇拜对象——你可以想象,阴谋论者也是如此。

显然,她的许多预言在她去世很久之后都成真了。例如,据说巴巴·万加曾预言过戴安娜王妃的死亡、俄罗斯潜艇库尔斯克号的沉没以及 9/11 恐怖袭击。她甚至预言了自己将于 1996 年 8 月 11 日去世,享年 85 岁。


尽管这位神秘主义者已不在人世,但她对公元 5079 年之前的每一年都做出了预言。

以下是这位著名的盲人神秘主义者对 2025 年的预言,以及她对我们灭亡的时间表:






预计 2025 年将见证灾难性的自然事件,包括休眠火山的喷发。大规模洪水也将造成严重破坏,神谕特别提到了美国西海岸的地震。这些事件将导致人员伤亡和大规模流离失所。

因为事情不可能全是灾难性的,巴巴·万加还预言科学家将在实验室培养器官方面取得突破,这将彻底改变移植方式。此外,她还预计 2025 年癌症治疗将取得进展,甚至可能治愈癌症。

2028 年:探索金星

2033 年:冰盖融化


2043 年:穆斯林统治下的欧洲

这位预言家表示,到 2043 年,欧洲治理将由穆斯林统治主导。
2076 年:共产主义回归


2130 年:第一次接触

人类据称将与外星人接触——从而证实了《X 档案》的预言始终是正确的。

2170 年:全球干旱


3005 年:火星战争



3797:世界末日 - 第一部分

5079:世界末日 - 第二部分(这次是真的)

如前所述,归因于她的许多预测都无法证实,而 Vanga 远非万无一失。所以对这一切持怀疑态度。
值得一提的是,当谈到对我们未来的预测时,Vanga 并不孤单。 《原子科学家公报》还公布了其末日时钟的年度估计,今年末日时钟被设定为午夜前 90 秒。这是连续第二年。这是时钟历史上最接近午夜的一次。


否则,请为听起来可怕的 2025 年做好准备。

诺查丹玛斯:他对 2025 年的六个预测是什么,谁是法国占星家,2024 年的预测有多准确?


Rochelle Barrand 罗谢尔·巴兰德 2024 年 12 月 23 日

法国哲学家诺查丹玛斯对 2025 年做出了六个预测——包括自然灾害和网络威胁。



据称,诺查丹玛斯此前曾预测过许多历史事件,包括最近的 2022 年 9 月伊丽莎白二世女王的去世。他还据称预见了 1666 年的伦敦大火、1919 年希特勒的上台、1914 年至 1918 年和 1939 年至 1945 年的两次世界大战,甚至 2020 年的冠状病毒大流行。

那么,诺查丹玛斯有如此准确的预测,他对 2025 年的预测是什么?他对 2024 年的预测有没有实现?以下是您需要了解的所有信息。法国占星家和医生米歇尔·德·诺查丹玛斯(照片由 Hulton Archive/Getty Images 拍摄)法国占星家和医生米歇尔·德·诺查丹玛斯

诺查丹玛斯预测 2025 年会发生什么?


在诺查丹玛斯的著作中,他提到了“地震”和“河流泛滥”,许多人将其解读为环境剧变的迹象。在 2025 年的背景下,这些短语与不断升级的气候变化问题相吻合。


诺查丹玛斯写过“天空中的光”和“发现新世界”,这些著作通常被视为太空探索的参考。2025 年,NASA 等太空机构以及 SpaceX 等私营公司将取得重大里程碑。

NASA 的 Artemis 计划旨在让宇航员重返月球,而火星探索任务则继续推进。




诺查丹玛斯还警告说,“一夜之间财富蒸发”,这可能是 2025 年将发生坏事的可怕征兆。



ns 可治疗痴呆症等疾病。

诺查丹玛斯最不祥的预言之一是“全球基础设施遭受重大网络攻击”。在日益互联互通的世界中,大规模网络攻击的可能性很可能在 2025 年全年都令人担忧。

诺查丹玛斯预测 2024 年会发生什么 - 有什么事情实现了吗?
诺查丹玛斯对 2024 年做出了一些令人担忧的预测。他预测将与中国开战,虽然这并没有完全实现,但人们担心美国和中国可能即将陷入贸易战。所以,也许这会在 2025 年蔓延开来。



诺查丹玛斯是一位法国占星家,本名为米歇尔·德·诺查丹梅,他最著名的著作是《预言》,这是一本收集了 942 首诗的四行诗集,据说可以预测未来事件。他出生于 1503 年 12 月 14 日,死于 1566 年 7 月 2 日。另一本书《诺查丹玛斯:未来的完整预言》收录了哲学家诺查丹玛斯 16 世纪的著作,这些著作由马里奥·雷丁翻译。


End Times: Legendary oracle Baba Vanga's scary predictions for 2025

By David Mouriquand 


End Times and Aliens: Legendary oracle Baba Vanga's predictions for 2025

End Times and Aliens: Legendary oracle Baba Vanga's predictions for 2025
Baba Vanga, the blind mystic who supposedly wrote her premonitions up to the year 5079, is said to have foreseen what's to come in 2025. And it doesn’t look too good...

It’s nearly the end of 2024, and the year hasn’t exactly been smooth sailing...

Just wait for what next year apparently has in store for us. Spoiler: It’s not great. Apocalypse-triggering, in fact.

Legendary blind soothsayer Baba Vanga has reportedly revealed that the end times will commence in 2025. More specifically, that the start of our destruction will begin next year with a conflict in Europe that will devastate the continent’s population. It will be the kickstarting of events that will ultimately culminate in our doom.


Distressingly, Baba Vanga’s 2025 prediction mirrors that of legendary seer Nostradamus, who also predicted war in Europe next year.

Scroll down for her full predictions.  

For those of you who have never heard of her, Vangelia Pandeva Gushterova, popularly known as Baba Vanga or “Nostradamus of the Balkans”, was born in 1911 and had alleged prophetic abilities.

Blind since childhood, the Bulgarian clairvoyant apparently was able to see into the future, "powers" she attributed to a tornado that left her blind. These abilities first brought her to public attention in the midst of World War II, and individuals like Bulgarian Tsar Boris III and Soviet leader Leonid Brezhnev reportedly consulted her in person.

A monument to the iconic soothsayer in the courtyard of her home-turned-museum in Petrich, BulgariaA monument to the iconic soothsayer in the courtyard of her home-turned-museum in Petrich, BulgariaiStock

She died in 1996 and has since become a cult figure among believers of soothsaying – and, as you can imagine, conspiracy theorists.

Apparently, many of her predictions have come true long after her death. For instance, Baba Vanga is said to have foretold the death of Princess Diana, the sinking of the Russian submarine Kursk, and the 9/11 terror attacks. She even allegedly foresaw her own death on 11 August 1996 at the age of 85.

Of course, not many of the predictions attributed to her can be authenticated, as they are based on second-hand accounts. Skeptics argue that her visions are too vague to be verified or refuted. Additionally, post-event analysis can lend statements an air of accuracy, leading to skeptics cautioning against treating these predictions as genuine foresight.

Even though the mystic is no more, she made predictions for every year up until 5079.

Here are the famous blind mystic’s predictions for 2025, as well as her timeline for our demise:


A devastating war in Europe  

The event that will spark humanity's demise will be an unspecified conflict in Europe which will decimate the continent's population.

The rise of Russia's influence 

Baba Vanga predicted that Vladimir Putin will be re-elected as Russia’s leader, solidifying the country’s dominance and continuing to shape the geopolitical landscape.

Natural disasters 

2025 is expected to witness catastrophic natural events, including the eruption of dormant volcanoes. Massive floods will also wreak havoc, and the oracle specifically mentioned an earthquake along the US west coast. These events will result in loss of life as well as mass displacement.

Scientific breakthroughs 

Because it can’t be all disastrous, Baba Vanga also foretold that scientists will make a breakthrough when it comes to lab-grown organs, which will revolutionise transplants. Additionally, she anticipated advancements in cancer treatment in 2025 - possibly even a cure.

Future predictions

2028: The exploration of Venus  

Humans will begin to explore Venus as an energy source. (It's worth noting that the second planet from the Sun is inhospitable and nothing can grow there.)

2033: Melting of the ice caps  

Baba Vanga reportedly foresaw that the polar ice caps will melt, raising sea levels to drastic heights worldwide.

2043: Europe under Muslim governance  

The soothsayer stated that European governance will be dominated by Muslim rule by 2043.

2076: The return of Communism  

Communism will spread to countries across the world.

2130: First contact  

Humans will supposedly make alien contact – thereby confirming that The X Files were right all along.

2170: Global drought  

Climate change will continue to ravage the planet and a drought will devastate much of the world.

3005: The Martian war  

Earth will go to war with a civilization on Mars. There’s no further information on who kicked things off, but we’re betting it’s probably us and not the Martians. We’re not the friendliest of species, let’s face facts.

3797: The end of the world – Part I  

The Earth will no longer be able to support life, meaning the humans that have survived the Martian war will have to vacate the Earth because it has become uninhabitable.

5079: The end of the world – Part II (For real this time)  

The end of everything. The grand finale. The world ends.

There we have it.

As previously mentioned, not many of the predictions attributed to her can be authenticated, and Vanga was far from infallible. So take all of this with a fistful of salt.

She did get some right, but she did also predict that a major nuclear power plant was supposed to explode last year and that the Earth would be hit by a devasting solar storm... So we dodged those catastrophies.

It’s also worth mentioning that when it comes to predictions on our future, Vanga is not alone. The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists also announces a yearly estimation with its Doomsday Clock, which was this year set to 90 seconds to midnight. For the second year in a row. It’s the closest it’s ever been to midnight in the history of the clock.

Not very reassuring, is it?

All we can do now is hope that Baba Vanga’s doomsday visions are skewed, that we finally focus on what unites us rather than divides us. And not piss off any Martians, naturally.

Failing that, brace yourselves for a terrifying sounding 2025.

Nostradamus: what are his six 2025 predictions, who is French astrologer, how accurate were 2024 predictions?


Rochelle Barrand By Rochelle Barrand 23rd Dec 2024

French philosopher Nostradamus made six predictions about 2025 - including natural disaster and cyber threat.

Many of us say we wish we knew what was around the corner to help us plan and prepare for it better. But, sadly, most of us don’t have the ability to do so.

There are people, whoever, who are said to have the power to be able to say what’s going to happen in the future. One of those is a mystic named Nostradamus, who has been able to predict what is going to happen many hundreds of years in the future.

Nostradamus has allegedly previously predicted many events in history including, most recently, the death of Queen Elizabeth II in September 2022. He also allegedly foresaw the Great Fire of London in 1666, Hitler’s rise to power in 1919, the two world wars from 1914 to 1918 and 1939 to 1945, and even the coronavirus pandemic in 2020.

So, with such accurate predictions to his name, what has Nostradamus predicted for 2025, and did any of his 2024 predictions come true? Here's all you need to know.French astrologer and physician Michel De Nostradamus  (Photo by Hulton Archive/Getty Images)French astrologer and physician Michel De Nostradamus 

What did Nostradamus predict would happen in 2025?

Nostradamus made six main prophecies for the upcoming year. Brace yourself before you read on because most of them aren't great. Here are the predictions:

Natural disaster

In Nostradamus’ writings, he alludes to “earth shaking” and “rivers overflowing,” which many interpret as signs of environmental upheavals. In the context of 2025, these phrases align with escalating climate change concerns.

Nostradamus also spoke of “fires and droughts” which could also be refernece to the global climate crisis, including wildfires, droughts, and floods.

Advancements in space exploration

Nostradamus wrote about “lights in the sky” and “new worlds discovered”, and these writings are often seen as references to space exploration. In 2025, space agencies like NASA, along with private companies such as SpaceX, are set to achieve significant milestones.

NASA’s Artemis programme aims to return astronauts to the Moon, while Mars exploration missions continue to advance.

Global conflict

The mystic predicted “cruel wars” and described a period marked by “great powers clashing”. There are many conflicts happening throughout the word right now which this could relate to.

Nostradamus’s prediction of “a decrease in the influence of established Western countries and the emergence of new world powers” aligns with observable shifts in global politics.

Economic turmoil

In a cryptic reference to “coin leather,” Nostradamus is believed to have predicted financial instability or a shift in economic systems. Financial experts believe this could be about inflation and the rise of digital currencies such as cryptocurrency.

Nostradamus also warnings of “fortunes lost overnight” which could be a scary sign of something bad to come in 2025.

Medical breakthroughs

Nostradamus said there would be huge advancements in medical technology, specifically predicting “significant improvements in illness prevention and treatment.” There is expected to be huge innovations in artificial intelligence in healthcare, personalised medicine and more next year.

There may be new treatments for chronic diseases and better preventive healthcare solutions for illnesses such as dementia.

Cyber threats

One of Nostradamus’s more ominous predictions involves a “significant cyberattack on global infrastructure.” In an increasingly interconnected world, the possibility of a major cyberattack will highly likely remain a worry throughout 2025.

What did Nostradamus predict would happen in 2024 - and did anything come true?

Nostradamus made some concerning predictions for 2024. He predicted there would be war with China, and while this hasn’t exactly come true there are worries that the US and China could be about to enter in to a trade war. So, perhaps this will spill over in 2025.

He also predicted there would be further climate disaster, and this year we have seen more record high temperatures, but also record rainfall and also extreme winds.

There are some things the mystic predicted that definitely didn’t come true, such as Prince Harry becoming King and a new Pope coming to power.

Nostradamus was a French astrologer, born Michel de Nostradame, who was best known for his book Les Prophéties, a collection of 942 poetic quatrains which allegedly predicted future events. He was born on 14 December 1503 and died on 2 July 1566. Another book, Nostradamus: The Complete Prophecies for the Future, includes the 16th century writings of the philosopher Nostradamus which have been interpreted by Mario Reading.

Academic experts do not believe that Nostradamus had any genuine supernatural prophetic abilities and instead say that the associations made between world events and Nostradamus’s quatrains are the result of misinterpretations or mistranslations. These academics also argue that Nostradamus’s predictions are very vague, meaning they could be applied to any happening.

欧洲神婆 2025年六预言:俄罗斯崛起,欧洲不明冲突

青木在德国 2025-01-01 德国《环球时报》驻德国记者

欧洲新闻电视台等1月1日称,生前曾成功预言“911事件”、戴安娜王妃之死、英国脱欧和俄乌战争等世界大事的“欧洲神婆”——保加利亚已故失明传奇女预言家万加(Baba Vanga)生前曾对2025年做出“六大预言”,认为今年将是改变世界的关键一年。










自然灾害预计仍将贯穿2025 年。大规模的洪水会造成严重破坏,尤其是巴西的致命洪水。万加海特别提到了美国西海岸的地震,以及毁灭性的火山活动。这些极端事件将导致人员伤亡和大规模逃亡。











尽管2025年危机重重,但是也有好消息。万加预测,实验室培育的器官将在科学上取得突破,这将彻底改变移植。她还预测到 2025 年癌症治疗将取得进展,甚至可能治愈。







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