
Trudeau Resigns as PM 特鲁多辞去总理职务

(2024-12-31 00:02:02) 下一个

突发新闻 - 特鲁多辞去总理职务

Breaking News - Trudeau Resigns as PM


今天我宣布辞去你们的总理职务我知道这是一个令人心碎的消息特别是对于那些享受飞涨的食品价格、严重的通货膨胀和住房如此难以负担以至于千禧一代成为终身室友的人来说现在别忘了我最伟大的成就我团结了这个国家通过分裂它无论是授权抗议还是仅仅选择冒犯了半个国家的袜子我TR真正让加拿大人团结在一起他们共同的失望通货膨胀那不是我只要问问碳税我提高它是因为拯救地球完全值得你买不起牛奶对于那些质疑我领导能力的人听戏剧老师都是即兴创作的而我多年来一直在即兴创作我的政策最后我把你交给了有能力的人无论谁有足够的勇气来清理这个烂摊子只要记住当你回头看我的遗产时不要因为它结束而哭泣因为它发生了 谢谢加拿大

today I announce my resignation as your
prime minister I know heartbreaking news
especially for those of you who enjoyed
skyrocketing grocery prices crippling
inflation and housing so unaffordable it
turned Millennials into lifelong
roommates you're welcome now let's not
forget my greatest hits I've United this
nation by dividing it whether it was
mandates protests or just choosing socks
that offended half the country I TR
truly brought Canadians together in
their shared disappointment inflation
that's not me just ask the carbon tax I
raised it because saving the planet is
totally worth you not affording milk as
for those questioning my ability to lead
listen drama teachers are all about
improvisation and I've been improvising
my policies for years finally I leave
you in the capable hands of well
whoever's brave enough to clean up this
mess just remember when you look back at
My Legacy don't cry because it's over
cry because it happened thank you Canada
today I announce my resignation as your
prime minister

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