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Reagan McSwain,《星报》驻多伦多综合任务记者。电子邮件:rmcswain@thestar.ca 2024 年 12 月 17 日

Service Canada.JPG一些老年人可能在使用在线表格时遇到困难,或者没有意识到他们可以去 Service Canada 领取申请表。
Reagan-McSwain Reagan McSwain 记者

一份新报告显示,多伦多有超过 10,000 名贫困居民无法领取他们有资格领取的老年保障金。

该报告由多伦多的非营利研究机构 Wellesley Institute 和省级社会政策咨询公司 Open Policy Ontario 共同编制,比较了有资格领取养老金的老年人的比例与实际领取养老金的比例。报告发现,新移民和英语或法语水平有限的人最有可能错过养老金。
根据报告中引用的加拿大统计局数据,多伦多有超过 100 万 65 岁以上的人,老年人是该市增长最快的群体。

“如果把加拿大作为一个整体来看,30% 的老年人是移民,70% 不是,”开放政策安大略研究员约翰·斯台普顿说。“在多伦多地区,情况正好相反,71% 的老年人是移民。”



要获得养老金,老年人必须年满 65 岁,并在该国居住至少 10 年。“对于刚到加拿大的人来说,63 岁,他们要到 73 岁才有资格领取,”他说。

加拿大首个全民养老金计划——老年保障金最初于 1952 年推出,为大多数 65 岁以上的加拿大人提供月收入。对一些人来说,老年保障金每年可高达数千美元。



多伦多公共图书馆的老年人和老年人服务专家 Vanessa Sparks 表示,为了帮助不确定是否有资格申请或如何申请的老年人弥补差距,多伦多公共图书馆定期举办讲习班,教授金融知识技能。Sparks 表示:“类似的计划将于 2025 年 1 月至 3 月举行,老年人可以查看我们的日程安排以了解更多。”她提到了 www.torontopubliclibrary.ca

Stapleton 表示,这些养老金计划可供人们使用,尤其是低收入老年人。“如果他们没有(老年保障),那么就意味着更多的老年人将捉襟见肘,”Stapleton 说。

对于该报告,2021 年加拿大收入调查的数据用于确定多伦多人口普查大都会区 65 岁或以上成年人的 2020 年收入来源。

开始使用 OAS 申请

1. 直接访问加拿大服务部网站。您可以下载 PDF 文件以填写或打印表格。

2. 如果您没有电脑或打印机,需要一份纸质版老年保障申请表,请前往加拿大服务部的任何办公室。他们将免费提供纸质版。

3. 请咨询多伦多公共图书馆,了解“低收入退休规划”等免费研讨会。这些研讨会可在线或面对面进行。

4. 通过多伦多公共图书馆“预约图书管理员”,这是一小时免费课程,图书管理员将一对一帮助您开始使用电脑、浏览网站、查找表格并使用打印机(如果需要)。

Thousands of Toronto residents are eligible for old age security but not getting it. Here's why


A study found that new immigrants and people with limited English or French skills are most likely to be missing out. 

Reagan McSwain , Toronto-based general assignment reporter for the Star. email: rmcswain@thestar.ca 
Service Canada.JPGSome seniors may have trouble with online forms or not realize they can go to Service Canada for the application forms.
A new report shows that more than 10,000 Toronto residents living in poverty are not accessing the old age security pension they are eligible for.
The report, conducted by the Wellesley Institute, a non-profit research group in Toronto, and Open Policy Ontario, a provincial social policy consultancy, compared the rates of seniors eligible for the pension with the rates of those actually receiving it. The report found that new immigrants and people with limited English or French skills are most likely to be missing out on the pension. 

According to Statistics Canada data, also referenced in the report, there are more than one million people in Toronto over 65, with seniors making up the fastest growing group in the city. 

When comparing the most populated downtown areas across Canada, Toronto has the third highest rate of older-adult poverty in the country, and most of the city’s low-income seniors are immigrants. 

“If you take Canada as a whole, 30 per cent of seniors are immigrants and 70 per cent are not,” said John Stapleton, researcher with Open Policy Ontario. “In the Toronto region, it’s literally reversed and 71 per cent of seniors are immigrants.”

Christine Sheppard, a researcher with the Wellesley Institute, said no other city has that same proportion of older immigrants. “That is unique to Toronto.”

Stapleton, who also leads workshops for seniors on “Planning for Retirement on a Low Income” through the Toronto Public Library, said applying for old age security can be particularly challenging, as “there’s no one set of rules that apply to everybody.” 

To be eligible for the pension, a senior must be at least 65, and have lived in the country for at least 10 years. “For somebody who’s just come into Canada, at age 63, they wouldn’t be eligible until they’re 73,” he said. 

Originally introduced in 1952, the old age security pension, Canada’s first universal pension, provides a monthly income to most Canadians 65 and over. For some, the old age security payments can be worth thousands of dollars annually. 

Lack of access to technology can be another barrier to eligible seniors applying. Having trouble with online forms, not having access to a computer, the internet or a printer and not knowing they can go Service Canada for forms are all challenges, said Stapleton. 

To help bridge the gap for seniors unsure if they are eligible to apply or how to, the Toronto Public Library periodically offers workshops teaching skills in financial literacy, said Vanessa Sparks, senior services specialist for older adults & seniors at the library. “Similar programming is being planned for January to March 2025, and seniors can check out our schedule for more,” said Sparks, referring to www.torontopubliclibrary.ca

These pension programs are there for people to access, especially low-income seniors, said Stapleton. “If they don’t have (old age security) then it means that more seniors are going to be stretched,” said Stapleton. 

For the report, data from the 2021 Canadian Income Survey was used to identify 2020 income sources for adults 65 or older in the Toronto Census Metropolitan Area.

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