
世界银行行长 我看到了中国人疯狂的努力

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World Bank Director: "I Saw the Craziest Things in China"

2024年11月16日  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bCnMz0Kx2f8

毛主席执政后,他们发动了大跃进,然后又发动了文化大革命,消灭了社会上任何道德的迹象,因此他们用成功取代了马云的红宝书,我并不嫉妒他们,因为他们非常勤奋和聪明,我抱怨的是,当你没有道德核心时,你会做任何事情,所以我们几个月前去了中国,我们住在一家不错的酒店,我们去医院看了看,如果她要在中国生孩子,那会是什么样的,那是外籍医院,非常好,非常好,所以她感觉舒服多了,让我们看看住房,住房是什么样子的,因为你知道,人们有一个形象住房是什么样的,日常生活在中国是什么样的,但当时中国有数百万外籍人士,我的意思是数百万,是的,所以今年是哪一年,对不起,是在 0405 时间范围内,所以嗯,是的,我们去拜访了一些我在那里的朋友,他们过得很好,嗯,他们中的很多人都在跨国公司工作,而且生活得很好,当时包括我在内的每个人都认为中国会发展成一个大版的韩国或日本,只是大 10 倍,看起来它正朝着那个轨迹前进,你知道我会说,现在我错了,在某个时候,他们来了 180 度大转弯,他们说现在轮到我们了,美国是我们实现全球霸权使命的障碍,这有点像就在那时,我有点逃离了矩阵,我从吊舱里跳了出来,说,哇,等等,这是怎么回事,这花了多长时间,我认为这是一个渐进的过程,当我第一次到那里时,中国的每个人都非常有礼貌,非常友好,顺便说一句,我一点也不怀有敌意,中国人是可爱的人,但我开始注意到,人们开始对待美国人和外国人的方式发生了某种转变,起初,我们来这里是为了学习,我们很谦虚,教我们关于你们的制造业,哦,等等,那台电脑是做什么的,我的朋友注意到有些事情有点不对劲,所以我有一个朋友在通用汽车合资企业工作,他们的中国合资伙伴基本上偷走了一切,所以他们在工厂里玩大猩猩战争,就像哦,不要看看那些服务器,不要看这个制造能力,接下来你知道的,中国创造了通用汽车的竞争对手,这家公司叫 Cherry,他们把雪佛兰 Spark 的蓝图带到了铆钉上,创造了 Cherry 汽车,注意到雪佛兰和 Cherry 之间只有一点点区别,甚至连名字都不一样,所以这开始发生了,嗯,嗯,情况变得更糟了,嗯,然后你看到的其他一些是什么,我的意思是,我们有一个人,我在美国商会的财务委员会任职,我不会说这个人的公司来自哪里,因为那样不合适,但是一个人进来了,他是我们所说的美国一家大型制造公司的首席技术官,他在委员会里和我们坐在一起说,你知道最奇怪的事情发生了我在酒店插入以太网,我的电脑就死机了,然后当我将它恢复时,我的硬盘是空的,我就像老兄一样,你真的把你的硬盘和你所有的知识产权带到了中国,嗯,当时没有人真正想过这件事,嗯,但我每天都看到这种事情发生,嗯,我看到了中国最疯狂的事情,你还看到了什么,嗯,所以让我知道你有没有,我的意思是很明显你对它的反应,你刚才描述了那个事件,但你怎么知道他们从设备中吸取了所有的信息,而且,因为我开始和很多中国人发展关系,嗯,你知道,和他们交谈,他们的经营理念是,如果它没有被固定下来,我就会把它拿走,嗯,他们只是让我们免费获得所有这些东西,谢谢,但有件事更根本的是,这就是毛主席执政后中国发生的事情,他们有一个叫做“伟大”的东西,然后他们进行了文化大革命,他们从社会中根除了任何道德的迹象,所以他们用成功、权力、成功取代了马云的红宝书,那是他们当时的宗教,新的 G 神变成了 famo、Gucci、lvmh、成功、哈佛,嗯,当你摆脱了任何道德核心的束缚时,你会做任何事情来获得成功、强大,你有 10 亿 4或者说,14 亿人都是为了熊而努力,希望能够成功,我并不嫉妒他们,因为他们非常努力,非常聪明,但我的不满是,当你没有道德核心时,你会做任何事情,所以我们在中国有一个孩子,我们必须购买婴儿配方奶粉,我的妻子说我们不买中国奶粉,你开玩笑吧,这里有 2 亿中国孩子,或者不管这个数字是多少,不,所以每次我去美国,我都会带着两箱雀巢好开端回来,她会买 Evan 水,我看着钞票蒸发,觉得这是最愚蠢的事情,结果我想说,在 2007 年到 2008 年,中国婴儿配方奶粉公司在婴儿配方奶粉中添加了一种名为三聚氰胺的塑料,毒害了无数中国儿童,因为显然三聚氰胺人工增强蛋白质,所以他们可以,所以他们可以,他们基本上是在偷工减料,使用伤害人类的化学物质,所以这听起来像 FDA,我不知道,所以嗯,所以是的,我,我都见过,你知道,我被坑过很多次,如果我在中国没有被坑,那一定有什么问题,所以如果我在一项协议的签字仪式上,这种情况不止一次发生在我身上,你去,假设你在中国某个随机省份做一笔交易,嗯,真实的故事,我住过,我去了,我想这是在,嗯,是在达利昂,我不记得在哪里了,但它是在,不是上海,不是北京,我住在这家叫做银河和平饭店的酒店,我觉得很有趣,嗯,因为中国很多名字都很有抱负,尽管听起来有点傻,所以我住在银河和平饭店,它说欢迎著名的美国投资者埃里克bethl 有这样的标语牌,你知道,在灯光下,对吧,不管怎样,第二天我去睡觉,我们在签字仪式上,你走进一个走廊,有人拿着电视摄像机看着你,你有两把椅子,非常气派,一把挂着美国国旗,一把挂着中国国旗,市政府的领导团队在那里,你知道,来自这个市政府,我们要签合同了,我看了看数字,看了看我应该和他做交易的人,那是我们应该支付的数字,他把它定为 X 加上 40%,我说兄弟,这是怎么回事,他说哦,我们不得不在最后一刻改变事情,你同意吗,我说不,但是每个人都在这里,我们该怎么办,你必须签字,我说嗯,然后我走了出去,所以我走出去,每个人都看着我,这很尴尬呃,我希望这不会引发什么意外,所以我正要上车,那个人说,好吧好吧好吧好吧,我们会回到你原来的号码哇,欢迎来到中国哇,这是现在每天都会发生的事情,每天都会发生的事情,不管你在哪里看肖瑞安秀,如果你从中得到了什么,请点赞评论订阅,最重要的是,尽可能地分享,如果你觉得特别慷慨,请在 Apple 和 Spotify 播客上给我们留下评论

World Bank Director: "I Saw the Craziest Things in China"

2024年11月16日  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bCnMz0Kx2f8

after Chairman Mao took over they had
this thing called the Great Leap Forward
and then they had the cultural revolution and they eradicated any
semblance of morality from society and
so they replaced Ma's Little Red Book
with success and I don't begrudge them
because they're very hardworking and
intelligent people the beef I have is
when you don't have a moral core you'll
do anything so we took a fact-f finding
trip to China a few months before and we
stayed at a you know a nice hotel we got
to see you know the hospital if she's
going to have a baby in China this is what it'd be like it's the expat hospital it was very nice very nice like uh and so she felt a lot more comfortable let's look at housing what does the housing look like because you know one has an image of
what housing is daily life is like in
China but at the time China had like
millions of expats and I mean Millions really yeah and so
what year is this I'm sorry it's in like
0405 time frame and so um yeah we went to uh to
visit some friends that I had down there
they lived very nicely um a lot of them
were on xat packages uh with multinational firms uh and and it was good it was very good living and it was at the time uh
where everybody myself included thought
that China was going to develop just
like a big version of South Korea or a
big version of Japan just 10 times
bigger and it looked like it was heading
in that trajectory uh and you know I'll say it
now I was wrong uh it at some point they
did a 180 and they said all right now
it's our turn and the United States is a
speed bump on our mission to Global
dominance and that's sort of that's when
I had my sort of escape the matrix
moment I popped out of my pod and said
whoa wait wa what's going on here and
how many how long did it take for that
to happen I think it was a gradual
Evolution when I first got there um
everybody in China was super polite very
nice and by the way I have no animus at
all uh the Chinese people are lovely
people but I started noticing kind of a
phase shift in the way um people began
treating Americans and foreigners
generally initially it was hey we're
here to learn we're very humble teach us
about your manufacturing oh wait what
does that computer do um and I had
friends that were noticing um things that were a little
off kilter so I had a friend that worked
at um a um a a joint venture of General
Motors JV where um their Chinese JV partner was
basically stealing everything and so
they were playing gorilla Warfare at the
factory like oh don't look at those
servers don't look at this manufacturing
capability well next thing you know
China creates a competitor to General
Motors uh the company was called Cherry
uh and they took the Chevy Spark
blueprints like down to the rivet and
created the Cherry automobile notice
that there's onlet difference between
Chevy and Cherry like even the name wow and so that was
starting to happen um and uh and it was
and it just got worse um then what are
some of the other ones that you saw well
I mean look we had a guy I was on the uh
finance committee at the American
Chamber of Commerce and I'm not going to
say where this guy's company was from
because that's it wouldn't be proper but
a guy came in and he was the uh Chief
technology officer for let's just say a
big Manufacturing Company in the
us and he sat down with us in the
committee and said you know the
strangest thing happened I plugged into
the ethernet at my hotel and my computer
just died and then when I resuscitated
it my hard drive was empty and I was
like dude really you brought your hard
drive with all your intellectual
property to China um and at the time nobody really
thought about it um but I saw this
happening every day every single
day um I saw the craziest things in
China what else did you see well um so did let me did you know
did you have I mean obviously you did
the way that you just described that
incident your reaction to it but how did
you know that they were sucking all the
information out of the devices and and
and kind of the because I started
developing relationship ships with um a
lot of folks in China um and um you know
talk to them and the operating
philosophy is well if it's not bolted
down I'm just going to take
it um they're just letting us have all
this stuff for free thanks but there's something more
fundamental and that is what happened in
China after Chairman Mao took over is
they had this thing called the Great
lead forward and then they had the
cultural revolution and they eradicated
any semblance of morality from society and so they
replaced Ma's Little Red Book which was
their religion at the time with success
power success and the new little G Gods
became famo and Gucci and lvmh and
success and Harvard and um um when you're untethered
from any sort of moral core you'll do
anything to become successful powerful
and you have a billion four or whatever
1.4 billion people who are just out for
Bear uh looking to make it uh and I
don't begrudge them uh because they're
hardworking very hardworking and
intelligent people but the the the beef
I have is when you don't have a moral
core you'll do anything so um here we are we've got uh a kid in
China and uh we've got to buy infant
formula and my wife says we're not
buying Chinese milk formula it's like
what you you got to be kidding me there
are like 200 million Chinese kids here
or whatever the number is nope so every
time I'd come go to the states I'd come
back with two suitcases of you know
Nestle Good Start and she would buy Evan
uh water and I'm just like watching
dollar bills evaporate thinking it's
like the stupidest thing and it turned
out I want to say in 2007 2008 that
Chinese infant formula companies were
putting a plastic called melamine in the
infant formula that was poisoning countless children in China
because apparently that melamine artificially beefed up the protein um so they could so they could they basically
were cutting corners and putting chemicals that were hurting people so this sounds like the FDA I don't know so um so yeah I i' I've seen it all I've been you know screwed over more
times uh if I'm not getting screwed over
in China something is wrong so if if I'm at the signing
ceremony of a deal and this it's happened to me on more than one occasion you go to Let's say you're doing a deal
in some random Province in China um true story I stayed at I went
to a uh I think this was in um was it in dalion I don't remember
where it was but it was it was in a not
Shanghai not Beijing uh and I stayed at this hotel
called the galactic peace hotel which I
thought was funny um because a lot of
the names in China are very aspirational
even though they sound sort of silly uh
to us so I stay at the galactic peace
hotel and it says welcome famous
American investor Eric bethl there's
like this placard you know in in in
lights right anyway I go to sleep the
next day we're at our signing ceremony
and you walk into a hallway and you have
guys with TV cameras looking at you
you've got two chairs it's very imposing
one with an American flag one with a Chinese flag the the municipal um leadership team is there you know for from this municipality and uh we're going to sign the deal and I look at the numbers I look at the guy that I'm supposed to be doing the deal with and it was like the number we were supposed to be paying X and he had like made it X plus 40% and I said bro what what's up with this and
he's like oh we had to change things at the last minute you're you're okay with it right and I said no but but everyone's here like what are we going to do uh you you have to you have to sign I was like uh-uh and I walked out and so I'm walking out everyone's looking at me it's very awkward uh I'm hoping this isn't going to cause an incident uh and so I'm about to get in my car and the guy's like okay okay okay okay okay we'll go back to your original number wow welcome to China wow that's a that's an everyday occurrence now everyday occurrence no matter where you're watching sha Ryan Show from if you get anything out of this please like comment subscribe and most importantly share this everywhere you possibly can and if you're feeling extra generous please leave us review on Apple and Spotify podcasts

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