
Justin Trudeau 加拿大为什么要改变移民制度

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Justin Trudeau 加拿大为什么要改变移民制度

Why Canada’s changing its immigration system

Justin Trudeau  2024年11月17日 
















“安大略省正面临一代人的劳动力短缺。38 万个工作岗位空缺。”毫不奇怪,每个行业在移民方面都有不同的需求。









“这是一个巨大的变化。”“大幅削减移民数量,将永久移民水平降低至少 20%。”“一系列新措施打击临时移民。”“这意味着国际学生、临时外国工人的数量会减少……”





这些申请将得到分析和处理,如果他们的申请失败,他们将被遣返回国。在来来往往的人数之间,我们将在未来两年内有效暂停人口增长。然后,从 2027 年开始,人口将达到平衡,并开始以可持续的速度缓慢增长。事实上,这将使我们回到疫情之前的人口增长路径。




我们必须确保我们的人口不会领先于这些事情。我可以简而言之吗?人们仍然这么说吗?或者这是 50 年代的表达方式?你可以说,我们会这么做。这是我们的新计划。




在来来往往的人数之间。我们将在未来两年内有效暂停人口增长。然后从 2027 年开始,人口将达到平衡并以可持续的速度缓慢增长。


Why Canada’s changing its immigration system

Justin Trudeau  2024年11月17日 


Canada’s population’s grown really fast, and it’s putting pressure on our housing and infrastructure. So, we did something major to get our population back on track. I’m going to let you in on how we’re changing immigration, where we made some mistakes — and why we’re taking this big turn.

00:00: Canada’s population today
00:33: Permanent vs temporary immigration
01:16: Canada’s immigration targets
01:39: Post-pandemic boom and the labour shortage
03:21: Bad actors
04:22: Canada’s immigration plan
05:37: Getting us back on track
Immigration. Let's talk about it. In the last two years, our population has grown
really fast, like ‘baby boom’ fast. And increasingly, bad actors like fake colleges and
big chain corporations have been exploiting our immigration system for their own interests.So we’re doing something major. We’re reducing the numbers of immigrants that will come to Canada for the next three years.

Today, I'm going to let you in on what happened, where we made some mistakes, and why we're taking this big turn. There are two kinds of immigration in Canada.

The one you probably think of most is permanent immigration, like when families come to Canada to settle and call it home. Every year, the government determines the right number of permanent residents that we want to admit. That's how it's been done for decades.
But a plan that only talks about permanent immigration misses the other pathway: temporary immigration.

Temporary residents are people who come to Canada for a limited time, like international students, temporary workers, and so on. They come to work a job or go to school. When the job is done or when they finish their degree, most return home. Some apply to stay as permanent residents, but most return home. So, back to this year's plan. 

Historically, Canada’s annual immigration plan just looked at permanent residents. The number of temporary students and workers that we admitted each year was left to the demands of the economy.

It was usually a small proportion of our population, so it’s never been a part of the long term immigration plan. But after the pandemic, our economy came roaring back quickly. We needed a lot of workers, fast. “Canada is in the middle of a huge labour shortage.”

Temporary foreign workers became such a significant part of our workforce that it’d be a mistake not to include them, when we plan our immigration levels. So this year, we did exactly that for the first time.

We laid out a plan that sets targets for both permanent and temporary residents.

This way, we’re getting the full breakdown of people coming into our country, so we can prepare the homes and infrastructure needed to support them.

Like I said, immigration is based on demand. When we set our targets, we look at every province and territory.

We ask the premiers, “what are the gaps in your workforce?” “Is your population growing or getting older?” We field calls from businesses, CEOs, economic experts, all sharing their thoughts on where we should set our targets.

"We've had a chronic shortage of labour for the last decade. It is the number one issue of all manufacturers across Canada. So we think it needs to be more, you know, push the pedal to the floor to bring more people into Canada."

"Ontario is facing a generational labour shortage. 380,000 jobs are going unfilled."
It’s no surprise that every sector has different wants and needs when it comes to immigration.

But after the pandemic, they all came to us with the same message: After two years with closed borders, we need more people, more workers, fast. So we brought in more workers.
It was the right choice. 

It worked. Our economy grew. Restaurants and stores reopened. Businesses kept running.
But most importantly, in spite of lots of economists’ predictions, we avoided the worst case scenario: a recession.

But some saw that as an opportunity to profit, to game the system. We’ve seen way too many large corporations doing this. “The government says the program has been used to get around hiring Canadian workers, in some instances.”

Far too many colleges and universities used international students to raise their bottom line. “There are the diploma equivalent of puppy mills that are just churning out diplomas.

There is fraud and abuse, and it needs to end.” Because they could charge these students
tens of thousands of dollars more for the same degree. And then, there are really bad actors who outright exploit people, who target vulnerable immigrants with promises of jobs, diplomas, and easy pathways to citizenship — promises that would never come true.

Looking back, when the post-pandemic boom cooled and businesses, no longer needed the additional labour help, as a federal team, we could have acted quicker, and turned off the taps faster.

“Now, it is time to make the adjustments to stabilize the immigration system that we need, and get it working right for Canadians — for right now.”

Immigration is primarily a federal job. We have the levers to rein it in. So we are.
“This is a big change.” “A major cut to immigration reducing permanent immigration levels
by at least 20%.” “New string of measures to clamp down on temporary immigrants.” “That means a decrease in international students, temporary foreign workers...”

Canada’s new immigration plan is straightforward: Lower the number of new immigrants coming into Canada, both temporary and permanent.

We’re prioritizing permanent residents with the skills we need, like health care workers for our hospitals and construction workers who will build more homes. And those temporary residents who are already in Canada? Some will apply to stay in Canada as permanent residents. Since they’re already here established and working, the added pressure put on communities is very low.

Or they’ll leave Canada when their temporary residency expires, reducing our population.
Some temporary residents may turn to our asylum system, when their visa expires, as a shortcut to stay in Canada.

Those claims will be analyzed and processed, and if their claim fails, they’ll be sent home. Between the amount of people coming and going, we will effectively pause population growth for the next two years. Then, from 2027 onwards, it’ll balance out and slowly start increasing again at a sustainable pace. In fact, that gets us back to the population growth path we were on before the pandemic.

This pause is going to give our economy and our communities the chance to catch up,
with things like our plan to build millions more homes. That’s not stopping. But now we’ll have a little more breathing room as we build.

We'll see more corporations investing in Canadian workers and youth rather than relying on cheap foreign labour. Our cap on international students is already bringing rental prices down in big cities, and as we keep that cap in place, rents will keep coming down.
We’re making the system work for Canadians and for newcomers, rather than for the big box stores, chain restaurants, immigration consultants, and sham colleges that exploit it.

Immigration is a great thing, and we’re lucky that so many people dream of coming to our country. Fulfilling that dream depends on having a good job, a decent place to live, and health care that you can access when you need it.

We have to make sure our population isn’t getting out ahead of those things. Can I say in a nutshell. The people still say that? Or is that a like, a 50s expression? You could just. Say, we're going to. Here's our new plan.

Lower the number of new immigrants coming into Canada. Both temporary and permanent. We're prioritising permanent residents with the skills we need, like health care workers
for our hospitals and construction workers who build more homes, and those temporary residents who are already in Canada.

Some will apply to stay in Canada as permanent residents, which we've planned for in our estimates since they're already here established and working. The added pressure put on communities is very low, or they'll leave Canada when their temporary residency expires.

Reducing our population some temporary residents may turn to our asylum system when their visa expires, attempting to claim asylum as a shortcut to stay in Canada.

Those claims will be analysed and processed, and if their claim fails, they'll be sent home. It's part of the investments in the reforms we're making to crack down on illegitimate asylum claims and to make the system faster and fairer.

Between the amount of people coming and going. We'll effectively pause population
growth for the next two years. Then from 2027 onwards, it'll balance out and slowly start increasing again at a sustainable pace. 

In fact, this gets us back to the population growth path we were on before the pandemic.

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