
加拿大安省76 岁 拒绝做陪审员

(2024-10-20 15:45:10) 下一个

加拿大安省76 岁 拒绝做陪审员

各州的陪审员年龄限制为60岁,陪审员年龄上限是多少?我住在加拿大安大略省。我今年76 岁


律师助理 chatimg

客户:各州的陪审员年龄限制为 60 岁,陪审员年龄上限是多少?






客户:我今年 76 岁,被叫来参加陪审员工作。

Mike Phillips 在 8 个月前 1 小时内回答

您好。我叫 ***** *****,我非常乐意今天为您提供帮助。请记住,我只能为您提供一般的法律指导。

我已查看了您上面的笔记。从技术上讲,陪审员工作没有最高年龄限制。但是,如果您年满 65 岁或以上,您可以申请豁免,这很可能会获得批准。


Is there a maximum age limit for jury duty as the states has 60 year old limit? I live in Ontario Canada. Well I am 76


Lawyer's Assistant chatimg

Customer: is there a maximum age limit for jury duty as the states has 60 year old limit?
Lawyer's Assistant: I understand that you have a question about the maximum age limit for jury duty. Can you please let me know which state you are in?
Customer: I live in Ontario Canada

Lawyer's Assistant: Have you or someone you know been called for jury duty and are concerned about the age limit?

Customer: Yes

Lawyer's Assistant: Is there anything else the Criminal Lawyer should know before I connect you? Rest assured they'll be able to help with your concern about the age limit for jury duty in Ontario, Canada.

Customer: Well I am 76 years of age and been called to come in to possibly be accepted for jury duty.

Answered by Mike Phillips in 1 hour  8 months ago

Hi there. My name is ***** ***** I would be more than happy to assist you today. Please keep in mind, I can only provide you with general legal guidance.
I have reviewed your notes, above. There is technically no maximum age limit for jury duty. However, if you 65 years old or older, you can request an exemption, which would likely get approval.
If you would like to request an exemption for jury duty, please do so by following the instructions on this page, https://www.ontario.ca/page/jury-duty-ontario. I do hope the insight helps. It was my pleasure to assist you. Take care and have a great rest of your long weekend.

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