
Dennis Kucinich 国会议员 北溪管道被美国炸毁

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Dennis Kucinich 国会议员:北溪管道被美国炸毁

Katie Halper 2024 年 8 月 31 日



00:00 简介

03:06 FISA 促成了不合理的间谍活动

07:03 丹尼斯为他对北溪的评论辩护

09:29 谁真的炸毁了北溪?


丹尼斯·库辛尼奇曾于1977年至1979年担任克利夫兰市市长,并于1997年至2013年担任俄亥俄州第10 国会选区的美国众议员,在此期间,他提出了针对乔治·W·布什总统和理查德·切尼副总统的弹劾条款,指控他们撒谎让美国卷入伊拉克战争。

他曾于2004年和2008年竞选总统,现在以独立候选人身份竞选 2024 年俄亥俄州第 7 国会选区。
紧张的人 C 

我想知道你对总统竞选的看法 显然有很多关于种族灭绝的讨论 乔关于卡马拉 有些人认为她在巴勒斯坦问题上会做得更好 有些人正在考虑投票给第三方 然后人们说 哦太好了 那是给特朗普的票 你对这次选举有什么看法?


你知道 建制派政客以独立候选人身份参选的问题 凯蒂 我真的没有建议人们这样或那样投票 人们会投票 他们会怎么投票 但我会说 我们必须关注美国人民的经济需求 而这些需求与持续的战争完全无关 我们必须停止无休止的战争 正是无休止的战争在预算中造成了漏洞 我之前提到过 8 万亿美元的预算35 万亿美元的债务增加了赤字,我们必须停止思考美国统治世界,这毫无意义,我们需要保护自己吗,是的,但我们需要知道防守和进攻之间的区别,我的意思是,我是三线四分卫,我不是很好的校队橄榄球队,我当然知道防守和进攻之间的区别,美国在世界各地协助进攻,我们必须阻止这种行为,这让我们付出了高昂的代价,我们应该能够让每个年轻人都能够期待上大学或接受高级培训和交易,我们应该能够让这个国家不再有无家可归的人,年轻人应该能够期待有一天拥有自己的房子,他们现在做不到,他们很幸运,将来他们有

Congressman: Nordstream Pipeline Was BLOWN UP By U.S.

Katie Halper  2024年8月31日

Former Mayor and U.S. Rep. Dennis Kucinich joins Katie to discuss his recent comments calling out the real perpetrators of the Nordstream Pipeline explosion. Kucinich also reveals why the U.S. is the ONLY country capable of pulling off a demolition of this magnitude, and the political implications that has for the future.  
00:00 Intro
00:25 The problem with establishment politicians 
03:06 FISA has enabled unreasonable spying 
07:03 Dennis defends his comments on Nordstream
09:29 Who REALLY blew up Nordstream?

Dennis Kucinich served as mayor of Cleveland from 1977 to 1979. and as a U.S. Representative from Ohio's 10th congressional district from 1997 to 2013, during which time he introduced Articles of Impeachment against both President George W. Bush and Vice President Richard Cheney for lying to take the US into war against Iraq. He ran for president in 2004 and 2008 and is now running as an independent for Ohio's 7th congressional district  in 2024.
nervous man C I want to know your thoughts on the presidential race there's obviously a lot of discussion about genocide Joe about Kamala some people think she's going to be a lot better on Palestine some people are considering voting third party and then people say oh great that's a vote for Trump what are your thoughts on on this election 

Dennis Kucinich

you know in The problem with establishment politicians running as an independent Katie I I have really stayed out of recommending people go this way or that way people are going
to vote how they're going to vote but I will say this we have to focus on the economic
needs of the American people and those needs are are totally separated from continual War we have to stop the endless Wars It's the endless Wars that have blown a hole in the budget I mentioned it before 8 trillion of the $ 35 trillion debt has added to the
deficit we have to stop thinking of of America ruling the world there's no point in
it do we need to defend ourselves yes but we need to know the difference between defense and offense I mean I was third string quarterback and I'm not very good varsity football team and I sure know the difference between defense and offense and the United States has
aided offensive uh attacks around the world we have to stop this it's costing us dearly we should be able able to uh to have every young person be able to look forward to going to college or having Advanced train uh training and trades we should be able to not have homelessness in this country people young people should be able to look forward to owning a home of their own someday they can't do that now they're lucky down the road they have
rent people are the the things that we identified as part of the American dream
have become diaphanous and all of a sudden it just Fades and then what's left but what uh uh the pretense that somehow uh we're uh the king of the world it's all vanity we we need to focus on rebuilding our basic industry steel Automotive Aerospace which help produce a middle class we need to get away from this financialization of the economy which is all flimflam and make things again in this country we need to change the trade agreements to make sure that workers rights human rights Environmental Quality principles are part of our trade agreements we need to return to an America which was the Vanguard of freedom for the world but when you start losing your economic freedom the loss of political Freedom isn't going to be far away and this is what we're looking at if we don't change
directions and so whether the Republicans win or the Democrats win in terms of the presidency these fundamental economic issues have to be dealt with and the foreign policy issues that help circumscribe those economic issues have to be dealt with or the United States States is going to be in decline because of bad leadership speaking of Freedom can you talk about FISA has enabled unreasonable spying
the spying under fisa that you referred
to earlier in the in our discussion yes
I mean what what fisa has done is basically permit the United States
government uh to be able to uh to look
into the Affairs of individuals without
a warrant there are members of Congress
who tried to amend the fisa bill to say
okay you want to find out what's what a
person's doing get a warrant no it goes
back to the passage of the Patriot Act
and the extension of fisa which allowed
for so-called national security letters
so that anybody in the FBI could just
write a piece called a national security
letter and then go ahead and spy on
somebody wir tap or use any other
ctitious activity you know the to me the
Constitution of the United States needs
to be held in violent um instead what we're seeing is
the right to be free of unreasonable
search and seizure ripped up the right
to um uh the right to free speech torn up I
mean when you see what's going on in
campuses how campuses which should be
the Catalyst of ideas the the you know
the effervescent movement of of protest
and exchange of of of you know the the
catalytic thinking of these young people
all of a sudden squashed shut down no
protest you say anything you're out
what what is that about it's about the
shredding of our constitution is what
it's about and you know we need to remember
who we are as the United States of
America we need to go back to the basic
principles upon which this country was
founded I'm not talking about the social
situation I'm talking about legally what
a constitution meant and and we're
getting away from that and fisa was one
of the things that enables the government to start to find out a little
bit more about people and spy on them
and you look at the the twinning of the
government and the private sector with
respect the internet such you know as
the Twitter files censorship what we talking about here
how how I mean you look at people like
Scott Ritter how how how the foreign uh
agent uh how far is being used against
Scott Ritter you look at how the um uh
Homeland Security tracking Tulsi
gathered and assigning a a codery of of
minders to her when she tries to fly
what in God's green acre is happening in
our country when you've got citizens who
who are just trying to be of service or
who are in have been of service who are
connected actually in this case with
military service dedicating their lives
to America and all of a sudden they're
suspect this is dangerous this is very
dangerous we have to respect each other
as Americans again quit accusing each
other of being unamerican and come to a
place where we can have an honest and
rational debate about the direction of
our country without smearing each other
and this is something that you know I'm
very concerned about and I feel that uh
uh this uh there's a virulent uh strain
of debate right now going on that is
taking America down a a philosophical
and a moral culd saac and and I stand to
I stand resolutely for the Constitution
and resolutely for the Bill of Rights so
that people realize that we can once
again claim who we are as Americans
we're not Servants of the government
government should be our servant you
tweeted something out um a couple days
ago it's about nordstream which is uh
Dennis defends his comments on Nordstream
getting some attention once again um not
of course by the corporate media Mario
nael tweeted out German MP Ukraine must
pay for damage to nordstream pipelines
Alex Alice vdel has called for Ukraine
to compensate Germany for the damage
caused to its economy as a result of the
attack and you're right by the time the
German government admits who really blew
up the pipeline they won't be the German
government anymore so can you elaborate
on that the explosion of nordstream is
being turned into a kind of an international uh game of Clue like
zalinski did it with a uh six six six drug divers in a yacht look my mother
used to read to me when I was a kid she read to me fairy tales okay I'm not letting any government read fairy tales to me about who blew up
nordstream there's only one country that had the skill and to be able to execute
something like this so perfectly and uh you know uh we should
take credit where credit is due just as a uh member of the Polish government
assigned credit to uh our dear Nation yeah the question is how do we stop the
world from getting blown up right now now Germany has to worry because as a
result of the of the blowing up the nordstream their major source of oil was
cut and the energy prices went through the roof the government's in trouble and so uh to now uh blame zalinski uh I mean that's very interesting that means Germany's not
going to give zalinsky any more arms if they can claim that it's a good you know
it works for Germany but the truth of the matter is that Germany has been has
been caught in a vice uh between U the Ambitions of U of an America that wants
to use NATO as a foil against Russia uh and it's really you know very sad so when I saw that remark come out by Mario noo I thought you know the German government ought to ought to un you know knows what happened and they're just trying to find ways of uh staking out of Middle Ground so they don't get wiped out in the next election and can you just kind of spell out who you think actually was responsible for nordstream and why I don't think that Who REALLY blew up Nordstream? anyone else could have done it but uh in in concert with uh our own agencies in the United States it just I mean it just doesn't happen that way you know people the the the one narrative that was given is a you know six divers on a yacht no way Jose you know this is something that
involved an extraordinary amount of planning intelligence technical skill uh people that that have tremendous underwater experience and and demolition you know there's only there's there's only one country in the world that is absolutely the best at that

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