
埃隆·马斯克 X 大战不能平息骚乱的英国官员

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埃隆·马斯克挑战 Humza Yousaf 起诉,并在公开争吵中称他为“超级种族主义者渣滓”


美国科技亿万富翁埃隆·马斯克在 X 上与苏格兰前首席部长 Humza Yousaf 发生了公开谩骂。

作者:STEPH SPYRO,环境编辑 2024 年 8 月 11 日

Elon Musk and Humza Yousaf

埃隆·马斯克瞄准前苏格兰首席部长 Humza Yousaf(图片:Getty)

埃隆·马斯克挑战 Humza Yousaf 起诉他,此前这位科技亿万富翁将苏格兰前首席部长描述为“对白人的超级种族主义者”。

社交媒体网站上的一篇帖子称,据报道,尤萨夫先生不排除对 X 老板采取法律行动,因为尤萨夫先生的言论称他“讨厌白人”。

推文接着引用了 Humza 先生的律师 Aamer Anwar 的话,他说:“埃隆用他完全不真实和煽动性的言论有效地把尤萨夫的背上刻上了靶子。”

不要错过……奈杰尔·法拉奇在埃隆·马斯克对英国发表大胆言论后作出回应 [最新消息]



马斯克因暗示内战“不可避免”而面临煽动英国街头极右翼暴力的指控,他告诉其 1.93 亿粉丝,苏格兰民族党议员“厌恶白人”。


他还对 X 说:“我想不出是什么让他对一位棕色皮肤、穆斯林、进步的政治家如此不满?但他的数十亿美元不会阻止我呼吁他支持极右翼。”



“埃隆·马斯克的言论完全不可接受、不真实且具有煽动性,这实际上把 Humza Yousaf 变成了众矢之的。”



作者:ALICE SCARSI,世界新闻记者 2024 年 8 月 8 日


埃隆·马斯克于 2022 年收购了 X,前身为 Twitter(图片:GETTY)

据信埃隆·马斯克删除了他在其拥有的社交媒体平台 X 上分享的一篇帖子,其中包括一张错误地声称基尔·斯塔默爵士正在考虑建造紧急拘留营的图片。




据报道,马斯克还在这张图片上评论道:“拘留营……”。这位科技亿万富翁在 8 月 8 日上午分享了他的帖子。

阅读更多:埃隆·马斯克问“英国还是苏联”,并分享“因 Facebook 被捕男子的视频”

Politics.co.uk 的编辑乔什·塞尔夫在 X 上声称,马斯克的消息在首次分享后 30 多分钟就消失了。到那时,该帖子的浏览量已达到 180 万次,评论 2800 条,转发 3700 次。


社交媒体平台上的“社区注释”功能允许 X 用户标记他们认为可能是虚假的内容,该功能在西蒙女士的帖子发布数小时后被触发,告知读者图片中显示的故事并不存在。

X 的所有者(原名 Twitter)尚未公开承认他是否分享并删除了西蒙女士的帖子。

Elon Musk left looking silly as he falls for claim UK rioters are being sent to Falklands

Elon Musk has posted a series of controversial messages and remarks on the UK riots in recent days.


By ALICE SCARSI, World News Reporter 


Elon Musk

Elon Musk bought X, formerly known as Twitter, in 2022 (Image: GETTY)

Elon Musk is believed to have deleted a post he shared on X, the social media platform he owns, which included an image falsely claiming Sir Keir Starmer was considering building emergency detainment camps.

The image included the headline of a fake article which said "Keir Starmer considering building 'emergency detainment camps' on the Falkland Islands", mocked up in the style of the Daily Telegraph website.

The byline of the fake article clearly linked the made-up piece of news to the riots that have been raging across the country over the past week, as it read: "The camps would be used to detain prisoners from the ongoing riots as the British prison system is already at capacity".

Mr Musk reportedly shared the image by reposting a message by Ashlea Simon, the co-leader of the far right Britain First party. Ms Simon had commented on the image, which had already appeared elsewhere before she shared it, writing: "We're all being deported to the Falklands".

Mr Musk also reportedly commented on the image by writing: "Detainment camps...". The tech billionaire shared his post during the morning of August 8.

Politics.co.uk's editor Josh Self claimed on X that Mr Musk's message had disappeared more than 30 minutes after being first shared. By then, it had recorded some 1.8 million views, 2,800 comments and 3,700 reposts.

Ms Simon's post was also removed, and the far right party leader appeared to acknowledge she had shared a piece of fake news, as she posted later in the morning without referencing the image: "If I find out a post is fake (it happens). I delete it."

The "community notes" feature on the social media platform, which allows X users to flag content they believe may be false, was triggered under Ms Simon's post several hours after it had been posted, informing readers the story shown in the image did not exist.

The owner of X, formerly known as Twitter, hasn't yet publicly acknowledged whether he shared and deleted Ms Simon's post.

Express.co.uk has contacted X for comment.

Elon Musk dares Humza Yousaf to sue and calls him a 'super-racist scumbag' in public row


US tech billionaire Elon Musk got into a public slanging match with Scotland's former first minister Humza Yousaf on X.

By STEPH SPYRO, Environment Editor 


Elon Musk and Humza Yousaf

Elon Musk took aim at former Scottish first minister Humza Yousaf (Image: Getty)

Elon Musk has dared Humza Yousaf to sue him after the tech billionaire described Scotland's former First Minister as "super-racist against white people".

A post on the social media site said Mr Yousaf is reportedly not ruling out legal action against the X boss over comments saying Yousaf "loathes white people".

The tweet goes on to quote Mr Humza's lawyer Aamer Anwar who said: “Elon has effectively painted a target on Yousaf’s back with his completely untrue and inflammatory comments.”

In response, Mr Musk today replied saying: "He’s obviously super-racist against white people. I dare that scumbag to sue me. Go ahead, make my day."

The Tesla chief used his own social media site on Saturday to brand the Glasgow-born politician a bigot for a speech Mr Yousaf made in the Scottish Parliament about racial injustice and lack of diversity.

Mr Musk, who is facing accusations of stoking far-Right violence on Britain’s streets by suggesting civil war was “inevitable”, told his 193million followers the SNP MSP “loathes white people”.

Mr Yousaf called Mr Musk a "dangerous race baiter" who must be held to account for his actions.

Also taking to X, he said: "I can't think what it is that upsets him so much about a Brown, Muslim, progressive politician? But his billions won't stop me calling out his support for the far-Right."

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Mr Yousaf's lawyer said: “Anybody who goes on social media, even if they own the platform and thinks that free speech is absolute whether in the UK or USA, needs to think again. Free speech carries responsibility and if you break the law there are consequences, as we have seen in recent days.

Elon Musk has effectively painted a target on Humza Yousaf’s back with his completely unacceptable, untrue and inflammatory comments.”

Humza Yousaf was approached for comment.

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