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菲利普·里卡德(德国梅塞贝格)2024 年 5 月 28 日

埃马纽埃尔·马克龙和奥拉夫·舒尔茨在梅塞贝格城堡(德国)举行的新闻发布会上向记者发表讲话,2024 年 5 月 28 日。

埃马纽埃尔·马克龙和奥拉夫·舒尔茨在梅塞贝格城堡(德国)举行的新闻发布会上向记者发表讲话,2024 年 5 月 28 日。LIESA JOHANNSSEN / 路透社
埃马纽埃尔·马克龙和奥拉夫·舒尔茨一直小心翼翼地避免与俄罗斯的紧张局势升级,但在 5 月 28 日星期二,两人都在对乌克兰的军事支持方面迈出了新的一步。在法德部长理事会会议上,法国总统首次同意允许基辅袭击俄罗斯领土上的军事目标,而德国总理则对这一问题采取了更为谨慎但新颖的态度。

“我们必须允许 [乌克兰人] 压制发射导弹的军事基地,乌克兰正在从这些军事基地发动攻击“我们不应该允许他们袭击俄罗斯,”马克龙在对德国进行国事访问的最后一天,在柏林附近的梅塞贝格城堡举行的新闻发布会上说。“但我们不应该允许他们触及俄罗斯的其他目标,显然还有民用设施,”他补充道。“变化的是,俄罗斯已经在一定程度上调整了其做法,”这位法国总统辩解道。他使用地图来支持自己的立场,指出俄罗斯正在从自己的领土而不是从被占领土轰炸哈尔科夫市及其周边地区:“如果我们告诉[乌克兰人]‘你们不得到达导弹发射点’,实际上,我们是在告诉他们,‘我们正在向你们提供武器,但你们无法自卫。’

虽然德国仍然拒绝向基辅运送远程金牛座导弹,但肖尔茨也为柏林转移到前线的坦克袭击俄罗斯领土打开了大门。“乌克兰完全有机会在国际法框架内这样做,”他说。 “我们必须明确表示,乌克兰正遭受攻击,但有能力自卫。”



Macron ready to allow Ukraine to 'neutralize' Russian military sites with French missiles


'What has changed is that Russia has adapted its practices somewhat,' justified the French president.

By Philippe Ricard (Meseberg (Germany)  May 28. 2024

Emmanuel Macron and Olaf Scholz address journalists at a press conference at Meseberg Castle (Germany), May 28, 2024.

Emmanuel Macron and Olaf Scholz address journalists at a press conference at Meseberg Castle (Germany), May 28, 2024. LIESA JOHANNSSEN / REUTERS
Emmanuel Macron and Olaf Scholz have always been careful to avoid escalation with Russia, but on Tuesday, May 28, both took a new step in their military support for Ukraine. At a French-German Council of Ministers meeting, the French president agreed for the first time to allow Kyiv to strike military targets on Russian territory, while the German chancellor made a more cautious, but new, approach on the issue.

"We must allow [the Ukrainians] to neutralize the military sites from which the missiles are fired, the military sites from which Ukraine is being attacked," said Macron, speaking at a press conference at Meseberg Castle, near Berlin, on the final day of his state visit to Germany. "But we should not allow them to touch other targets in Russia, and obviously civilian capacities," he added. "What has changed is that Russia has adapted its practices somewhat," the French president justified. Using maps to support his position, he noted that Russia was bombing the city of Kharkiv and its environs from its own soil and no longer from occupied territories: "If we tell [the Ukrainians] 'you're not allowed to reach the point from which missiles are fired,' actually, we are telling them, 'we are delivering you weapons, but you cannot defend yourselves."

While Germany is still refusing to deliver its long-range Taurus missiles to Kyiv, Scholz also opened the door for the tanks transferred by Berlin to the front to strike Russian territory. "Ukraine has every opportunity to do so, within the framework of international law," he said. "We have to say it clearly, it is under attack and it can defend itself."

Threats from Vladimir Putin

The issue has been troubling for Ukraine's allies for weeks, with President Volodymyr Zelensky repeatedly calling for the possibility of striking Russian territory, despite Western restrictions on the weapons they supply. "There's no change to our policy at this point. We don't encourage or enable the use of US-supplied weapons to strike inside Russia," commented John Kirby, spokesman for the United States National Security Council, after Macron's announcement. NATO, on the other hand, urged Western capitals to lift restrictions that "ties one hand of the Ukrainians on their back and makes it very hard for them to conduct defense," according to its secretary general, Jens Stoltenberg, speaking at the NATO Parliamentary Assembly in Sofia, Bulgaria on Monday.

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