
Asia-Pacific NATO 亚太北约 煽动战火

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Asia-Pacific NATO



2023 年 7 月 10 日

“我的国家,美国,已经面目全非。我不确定谁在管理这个国家。我不相信是总统。”杰弗里·萨克斯在澳大利亚墨尔本举行的拯救人类和地球 (SHAPE) 研讨会上发表演讲时说道。“美国的行动正让我们走上与中国开战的道路,就像美国在乌克兰的行动一样。”

SHAPE 网络研讨会的 YouTube 视频:亚太北约:煽动战火
SHAPE 演讲记录(拯救人类和地球)

大家下午好。我要感谢你们邀请我,并感谢 SHAPE 的领导。我刚刚有幸聆听了艾莉森·布罗诺夫斯基和文正仁的演讲。我们听到了精彩而深刻的言论。我完全同意他们所说的一切。世界已经疯了,尤其是盎格鲁-撒克逊世界,我担心。我不知道我们这个说英语的小角落是否还有任何理智。我当然指的是美国、英国、加拿大、澳大利亚和新西兰。

我们国家现在的政治有些令人沮丧。我担心,这种深深的疯狂是被美国接管的英国帝国主义思维。我的国家,美国,与 20 或 30 年前相比,现在面目全非。说实话,我不确定谁在管理这个国家。我不认为现在是美国总统。我们是由将军、由我们的安全机构管理的。公众对任何事情都一无所知。主流媒体每天都在散布有关外交政策的谎言,我几乎再也听不到或读不到这些谎言了。《纽约时报》、《华盛顿邮报》、《华尔街日报》和各大电视台每天都在 100% 地重复政府的宣传,几乎不可能突破。



现在,澳大利亚和新西兰如何陷入这种愚蠢的境地,对我和你来说都是一个深刻的问题。人们应该更清楚。但我担心,正是五眼联盟和安全机构告诉政客们,如果政客们参与其中,‘好吧,我们必须这样做’。这是我们的安全国家,我认为我们的政客不一定在其中发挥多大作用。顺便说一句,公众在美国外交政策中根本没有任何作用。我们没有辩论、没有讨论、没有审议、没有辩论百人投票,现在是 1130 亿美元,但事实上在乌克兰战争上花费的钱要多得多。


我本人所看到的一切,以及我作为全球经济顾问从事这项工作已有 43 年的历程,都表明这一信息是无稽之谈。为了了解这些事态发展,人们应该看看我哈佛大学的前同事罗伯特·布莱克威尔大使和阿什利·泰利斯在 2015 年 3 月为外交关系委员会撰写的一篇非常有说服力的文章。我想读一下其中的几个摘录,因为它非常直接地阐述了目前正在发生的事情。美国的情况就是这样的,这些报告都为建制派制定了未来计划。

我们基本上在 2015 年就被告知了中美关系将会发生什么。关系恶化是有计划的——不是临时的。所以,这就是布莱克威尔和泰利斯在 2015 年写的内容。首先,“自建国以来,美国一直奉行一项宏伟战略,重点是获得并保持对各种竞争对手的卓越权力。首先是在北美大陆,然后在西半球,最后是全球。”然后他们认为,“维护美国的地位”




我觉得这份名单特别引人注目的地方在于,它是在 2015 年制定的。这是一份正在实施的分步行动计划。美国外交关系委员会 (CFR) 预示的政策在近代历史上广为人知。1997 年,兹比格涅夫·布热津斯基 (Zbigniew Brzezinski) 在美国外交关系委员会的《外交事务》杂志上,精确地阐述了北约扩张的预期时间表,特别是将乌克兰纳入北约扩张的意图。当然,北约扩张计划直接导致了乌克兰战争,这实际上是俄美为争夺北约扩张而展开的代理战争。

现在,那些给你们带来乌克兰战争的朋友和天才们,正在为你们的邻国带来一场新的战争。正如 Moon 教授所说,北大西洋公约组织 (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) 开始在东亚开设办事处,而东亚并不完全是北大西洋。


军工联合体及其企业游说团体已经接管了我任教的东海岸大学。我在哈佛大学任教 20 多年,现在在哥伦比亚大学任教。就我的经验而言,情报机构对校园的影响是前所未有的。所有这些都是在没有引起太多公众注意的情况下发生的,几乎是一场无声的政变。没有辩论,没有公开政治,没有诚实,没有文件披露。一切都是秘密的、机密的,还有点神秘。由于我恰好是一名经济学家,与世界各地的国家元首和部长打交道,所以我听到了很多事情,也看到了很多事情,这些都帮助我看透了官方的“叙述”和普遍的谎言。

在我们的公开讨论中,你不会发现这些。如果可以的话,我只想说一下乌克兰战争。这场战争是完全可以预见的,是美国基于北约扩张的霸权计划的结果,该计划可以追溯到 1990 年代初。美国的战略是将乌克兰纳入美国的军事轨道。布热津斯基在 1997 年的《全球棋盘》一书中再次阐述了这一战略。他认为,没有乌克兰的俄罗斯什么都不是。他写道,乌克兰是欧亚大陆的地理枢纽。有趣的是,布热津斯基警告美国政策制定者,确保他们不会将俄罗斯和中国推入联盟。事实上,这与美国的利益背道而驰,布热津斯基显然认为这永远不会发生。但事实却并非如此,因为美国的外交政策既无能,又极其危险和错误。

1990-91 年期间,我恰好担任戈尔巴乔夫的顾问,1991-94 年期间,我担任鲍里斯·叶利钦和列昂尼德·库奇马的顾问,时间跨度从改革后期到苏联解体后俄罗斯和乌克兰独立的初期。我密切关注着当时发生的事情。我发现美国对帮助俄罗斯稳定局势完全不感兴趣。

20 世纪 90 年代初,美国安全机构的理念是美国主导的单极世界或美国霸权。 20 世纪 90 年代初,美国拒绝了帮助稳定苏联经济和俄罗斯经济的措施,同时开始计划北约扩张,这与美国和德国对戈尔巴乔夫和叶利钦的承诺直接相悖。因此,北约扩张问题(包括向乌克兰扩张)是美国自 20 世纪 90 年代初开始的一项计划的一部分,并最终导致了乌克兰战争。

顺便说一句,美国深度参与了 2014 年乌克兰亲俄总统被推翻的事件。

这是一场政变,在很大程度上是美国的政权更迭行动。我碰巧看到了其中的一部分,我知道美国投入了大量资金来支持 Maidan。美国的这种干预令人厌恶,破坏了稳定,都是将北约扩大到乌克兰和格鲁吉亚的计划的一部分。

当人们看地图时,它确实是布热津斯基 1997 年的想法:在黑海地区包围俄罗斯。乌克兰、罗马尼亚、保加利亚、土耳其和格鲁吉亚都将成为北约成员国。这将是俄罗斯在东地中海和中东的力量投射的终结。这些“安全”天才就是这样。


2021 年 12 月 17 日,普京提出了一份非常合理的文件作为谈判的基础,即《美俄安全协议草案》。核心内容是俄罗斯呼吁结束北约扩张。可悲的是,美国置之不理。我在 2021 年 12 月底给白宫打电话,与我们的一位高级安全官员交谈,并恳求道:“谈判。停止北约扩张。你们有机会避免战争。”当然,无济于事。美国对普京的正式回应是,北约扩张与俄罗斯是不可谈判的,俄罗斯对此绝对没有发言权。

这是一种令人难以置信的外交方式,因为它是一条直接通往战争的道路。我希望大家都明白,这场乌克兰战争早在 2022 年 3 月就接近结束,就在 2 月 24 日俄罗斯入侵一个月后,双方达成了一项谈判协议。美国阻止了谈判达成的协议,因为它是基于乌克兰的中立。美国告诉乌克兰继续战斗,结束谈判,拒绝中立。







首先,如果拜登站出来表示北约不会扩大到乌克兰,乌克兰战争可能会结束。通过谈判达成安全协议的基础已经存在了 30 年,但迄今为止一直被美国拒绝。




第五,亚太地区应该以 RCEP [区域全面经济伙伴关系协定] 为基础。 RCEP 是该地区将中国、韩国、日本、东盟十国、澳大利亚和新西兰聚集在一个连贯的框架中的正确概念,特别是在气候挑战、能源政策、贸易政策以及基础设施和投资政策方面。一个运作良好的 RCEP 将造福世界,不仅对 RCEP 的 15 个国家,而且对整个世界。

很抱歉说了这么久,但 SHAPE 所做的事情非常重要。你完全正确,跟踪并祝愿您的努力一切顺利。

An Asia-Pacific NATO: Fanning the Flames of War


July 10, 2023

“My country, the U.S., is unrecognizable. I’m not sure who runs the country. I do not believe it is the president.”, says Jeffrey Sachs in a speech at a Saving Humanity and Planet Earth (SHAPE) seminar, Melbourne, Australia. “U.S. actions are putting us on a path to war with China in the same way that U.S. actions did in Ukraine.”

Youtube video for the SHAPE webinar: An Asia Pacific NATO: Fanning the Flames of War


Good afternoon to everybody. I want to thank you for inviting me and to thank SHAPE for its leadership. I just had the privilege to listen to Alison Broinowski and Chung-in Moon.  We have been treated to brilliant and insightful statements.  I absolutely agree with all that has been said. The world has gone mad but especially the Anglo-Saxon world, I’m afraid. I don’t know whether there is any sense in our little English-speaking corner of the world. I’m of course speaking of the United States, UK, Canada, Australia and New Zealand.

There’s something profoundly disheartening about the politics of our countries right now. The deep madness, I’m afraid, is British Imperial thinking that has been taken over by the United States. My country, the U.S., is unrecognizable now compared even to 20 or 30 years ago. I’m not sure, to tell you the truth, who runs the country. I do not believe it is the president of the United States right now. We are run by generals, by our security establishment. The public is privy to nothing. The lies that are told about foreign policy are daily and pervasive by a mainstream media that I can barely listen to or read anymore. The New York Times, Washington Post, Wall Street Journal and the main television outlets are 100 per cent repeating government propaganda by the day, and it’s almost impossible to break through.

What is this about? Well, as you’ve heard, it’s about a madness of the United States to keep U.S. hegemony, a militarized foreign policy dominated by the thinking of generals who are mediocre intellects, personally greedy, and without any sense because their only modus operandi is to make war.

And they are cheer-led by Britain, which is unfortunately, in my adult life, increasingly pathetic in being a cheerleader for the United States for U.S. hegemony and for war. Whatever the U.S. says, Britain will say it ten times more enthusiastically. The U.K. leadership could not love the war in Ukraine more. It is the great Second Crimean War for the British media and for the British political leadership.

Now, how Australia and New Zealand fall for this idiocy is really a deep question for me and for you. People should know better. But I’m afraid that it is the Five Eyes and the security establishment that told the politicians, to the extent that the politicians are involved in this, ‘well this is how we have to do it’. This is our Security State and I don’t think our politicians necessarily have much role in this. By the way, the public has no role in U.S. foreign policy at all. We have no debate, no discussion, no deliberation, no debates over voting the hundred, now $113 billion, but in fact much more money spent on the Ukraine War.

So far there’s not been an hour of organized debate even in the Congress on this, much less in the public, but my guess is that your security establishment is really the driver of this in Australia, and they explain to the Prime Minister and others: ‘you know this is the utmost National Security, and this is what America has told us. Let us, your security apparatus, explain what we’re seeing. Of course, you cannot divulge this to the broader public, but this is, at the essence, a struggle for survival in the world’.

Everything I see myself, and I’m now 43 years in this activity as an economic advisor all over the world, suggests that this message is nonsense. One thing that would be interesting for people to look at, in order to understand these developments, is a very telling article by a former colleague of mine at Harvard, Ambassador Robert Blackwell and Ashley Tellis, written for the Council on Foreign Relations in March 2015. I want to read a couple excerpts from it because it laid out the plan of what’s happening right now pretty directly. This is how things work in the U.S., in which future plans are laid to out the establishment in such reports.

We’re basically told in 2015 what’s going to happen in US-China relations. The deterioration of relations was planned -- it’s not ad hoc. So, here’s what Blackwell and Tellis wrote in 2015. First, “Since its founding, the United States has consistently pursued a grand strategy focused on acquiring and maintaining preeminent power over various rivals. First on the North American continent, then in the Western Hemisphere, and finally, globally.” And then they argue that “preserving U.S. primacy in the global system ought to remain the central objective of U.S. grand strategy in the 21st century.”

So, what’s the U.S. goal? The goal is very straightforward, it is primacy of the United States globally. Blackwell and Tellis lay out the game plan for China. They tell us what to do.

Here’s the list, though I’m only excerpting: “Creating new preferential trading arrangements among U.S. friends and allies to increase their mutual gains through instruments that consciously exclude China.” This is the game that Obama already started with TPP, though he couldn’t get it through domestic political opposition. Second, “create, in partnership with U.S. allies, a technology control regime vis-à-vis Beijing,” to block China’s strategic capabilities. Third, build up “power-political capacities of U.S. friends and allies on China’s periphery,” and “improving the capability of U.S. military forces to effectively project power along the Asian rimlands despite any Chinese opposition.”

What I find especially remarkable about this list is that it was made in 2015. It’s the step-by-step plan of action actually being carried out. This foreshadowing of US policies by way of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) is well-known in recent history. In 1997 in the CFR’s journal Foreign Affairs, Zbigniew Brzezinski laid out with precision the intended timeline for NATO enlargement and specifically the intention to include Ukraine in that NATO enlargement. Of course, that NATO enlargement plan has led us directly to the Ukraine War, which is indeed a proxy Russia-US war over NATO enlargement.

Now the friends and geniuses that brought you the Ukraine War are on their way to bringing you a new war in your neighbourhood. As Professor Moon noted, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization is starting to open its offices in East Asia, which is not exactly the North Atlantic.

So, this is where we are. It’s not absolutely simple to see through for one main reason, at least in the U.S. I’m not sure what it’s like in Australia but I expect that it’s pretty much the same as in the U.S., where we have no honesty or public deliberation about any of this. The policies are owned entirely by the security establishment, the military-industrial complex, the network of “think tanks” which are in fact non-think tanks in Washington, with almost all funded by the military-industrial complex.

The military industrial complex and its corporate lobby have taken over the East Coast universities where I teach. I taught at Harvard for more than 20 years, and now I teach at Columbia University. The influence of the intelligence agencies on the campuses is unprecedented, in my experience. All of this has happened without much public notice, almost a silent coup. There is no debate, no public politics, no honesty, no documents revealed. Everything is secret, confidential and a bit mysterious. Since I happen to be an economist who engages with the heads of state and ministers around the world, I hear a lot of things and see a lot of things that help me to pierce through the official “narratives” and pervasive lies.

You will not find any of this in our public discourse. And just a word, if I may, about the Ukraine War. The war was completely predictable, and resulted from a U.S. plan for hegemony based on NATO enlargement that dates back to the early 1990’s. The U.S. strategy was to bring Ukraine into the U.S. military orbit. Brzezinski, again in 1997 in his book The Global Chess Board, laid out the strategy. Russia without Ukraine is nothing, he argued. Ukraine, he wrote, is the geographical pivot for Eurasia. Interestingly, Brzezinski warned American policy-makers to ensure that they don’t push Russia and China into an alliance. In fact, that would be so antithetical to U.S. interests that Brzezinski clearly believed that it would never happen. But it has, because U.S. foreign policy is incompetent as well as profoundly dangerous and misconceived.

During 1990-91, I happen to have been an advisor to Gorbachev, and during 1991-94, to Boris Yeltsin and Leonid Kuchma, spanning the late days of perestroika and the early days of Russian and Ukrainian independence after the dissolution of the Soviet Union. I watched very closely what was happening. I saw that the United States was absolutely uninterested in any way in helping Russia to stabilize.

The idea of the U.S. security establishment from the early 1990s was U.S.-led unipolarity, or U.S. hegemony. In the early 1990s, the U.S. rejected measures to help stabilize the Soviet economy and then the Russian economy, while it also began planning NATO enlargement, in direct contradiction to what the U.S. and Germany had promised Gorbachev and Yeltsin. So, the issue of NATO enlargement, including to Ukraine, is part of a U.S. game plan that started in the early 1990s, and eventually led to the Ukraine war.

By the way the U.S. was deeply involved in the overthrow of Ukraine’s pro-Russian president in 2014. Yes, this was a coup, and to an important extent, a regime change operation of the United States. I happen to have seen a part of it, and I know that U.S. money poured into supporting the Maidan. Such U.S. meddling was disgusting and destabilizing, and all part of the game plan to enlarge NATO to Ukraine and Georgia.

When one looks at the map it’s indeed Brzezinski’s 1997 idea: surround Russia in the Black Sea region. Ukraine, Romania, Bulgaria, Turkey and Georgia would all be members of NATO. That would be the end of Russian power projection in the Eastern Mediterranean and the Middle East. So it went for these “security” geniuses.

Putin put forward diplomatic responses that were repeatedly rejected by the U.S. and its NATO allies, including the Minsk II Agreement endorsed by the U.N Security Council, but then ignored by Ukraine.

On December 17, 2021, Putin put on the table a perfectly reasonable document as the basis for negotiation, A Draft U.S.-Russia Security Agreement. At the core was Russia’s call for an end to NATO expansion. Tragically, the U.S. blew it off. I called the White House at the end of December 2021, spoke with one of our top security officials, and pleaded, “Negotiate. Stop the NATO enlargement. You have a chance to avoid war.” Of course, to no avail. The United States’ formal response to Putin was that NATO enlargement was non-negotiable with Russia, a matter in which Russia has absolutely no say.

This is a mind-boggling way to pursue foreign affairs because it is a direct road to war. I hope everybody understands this war in Ukraine was close to ending as early as March 2022 with a negotiated agreement just one month after Russia invaded on February 24th. The negotiated agreement was stopped by the U.S. because it was based on Ukraine’s neutrality. The U.S. told Ukraine to fight on, end negotiations, and reject neutrality.

And so we are in a war that continues to escalate towards possible nuclear war, which is what would happen if Russia were to suffer deep defeats on the battlefield. Russia is not losing on the battlefield just now, but if it did, it would likely escalate to nuclear war. Russia is not going to be pushed out of the Donbas and Crimea and meekly go home with apologies. Russia is going to escalate if it needs to escalate. So, we are right now in a spiral that is extremely dangerous.

Japan plays utterly into this spiral. And Australia does as well. It’s so sad to watch Australia accepting to be used in this reckless way. To pay a fortune for new military bases in a reckless, provocative, and costly way, that will feed the U.S. military-industrial complex while weighing heavily on Australia.

Such U.S. actions are putting us on a path to war with China in the same way that U.S. actions did in Ukraine. Only an Asia-Pacific war would be even more disastrous. The whole idea of the U.S. and its allies fighting China is mind-boggling in its implications, its stupidity and its recklessness. All of this is utterly divorced from Australia’s real security interests. China is not a threat to Australia. It is not a threat to the world.

I don’t know of a single Chinese overseas invasion in its history, by the way, except when the Mongols briefly ruled China and tried to invade Japan. Other than the Mongol invasion, defeated by a typhoon, China has not launched overseas wars. It’s just not part of China’s statecraft, nor would such wars be in China’s national interest.

What worries me about the world is a deeply neurotic United States (in)security leadership that aims to be number one, but that can’t be number one in the way that it believes. This is pathetic, yet is applauded each day in London, a place that still dreams of the glory of global empire from a long bygone era.

Permit me, in conclusion, to take one minute to say what should be done.

First, the war in Ukraine could end the day Biden steps up and says NATO will not enlarge to Ukraine. The basis for a negotiated security arrangement has been there for 30 years, but has been rejected so far by the U.S.

Second, the idea of opening NATO offices in Asia is mind-boggling in its foolishness. Please tell the Japanese to stop this reckless action.

Third, the U.S. approach to arming Taiwan is profoundly dangerous, provocative and deliberately so.

Fourth, what is needed most in the Asia-Pacific is regional dialogue amongst Asia-Pacific nations.

Fifth, the Asia-Pacific should build on RCEP [Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement]. RCEP is the correct concept for the region to bring together China, Korea, Japan, the ten ASEAN countries, Australia and New Zealand in a coherent framework, especially around the climate challenge, energy policy, trade policy, and infrastructure and investment policy. A well-functioning RCEP would do a world of good, not only for the 15 countries in RCEP but for the entire world.

Sorry to have run on so long but it’s so important what SHAPE is doing. You’re completely on the right track and all best wishes to your efforts.

Visit SHAPE website to learn more.

Translations and Global Publications

Other News, July 11:


Australia, Pearls and Irritations, July 8:


Brazil, Brasil 247, July 12 (in Portuguese):


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