
James Burns 为了国家利益 抛弃党派政治

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乔治.华盛顿 George Washington 告别演说 Farewell Address





詹姆斯·O·伯恩斯 James O. Burns Feb 19, 2019

"我们人民告诉政府该做什么,政府却没有告诉我们。” ——罗纳德·里根

我的美国同胞们,我们看到乔治·华盛顿总统的警告最终变成了预言。 我们正在看到我们的政府崩溃和削弱。 这种情况在本届国会和本届政府之前就已经发生了几十年,但一些现任当选官员的分裂和愤怒言论以及拒绝尝试团结国家正在为破坏我们的民主做出贡献。 双方都有同样的责任。

“然而,[政党]可能时不时地回应大众的目的,随着时间的推移,它们很可能成为强大的引擎,狡猾的、野心勃勃的、无原则的人将能够通过这些引擎颠覆人民的权力, 为自己篡夺政府的控制权,随后又摧毁了将他们提升到不公正统治地位的引擎。” - 乔治华盛顿

华盛顿在他的告别演说中警告全国政党政治的危险,解释道: 他相信当选者会开始投票对党有利的事情,而不是对国家有利或考虑人民意愿的事情。 现在是时候让我们当选的官员引起注意,并提醒他们,他们不代表他们的政党或总统,一旦当选,他们就代表美国人民,他们的忠诚应该是国家,而我们人民就是国家。

如果你是民选官员、政党领袖甚至总统, 如果你不是一个正直的人,一个没有荣誉的人,一个没有正直或勇气拥护你的政党的总统或党员或党员的人 反对党成员对攻击性或分裂性言论、谎言、半真半假或夸张的言论负责,如果你不能让其他民选官员,无论属于哪个政党,因政治分歧而对人格暗杀和妖魔化他人负责, 那么你就不是这个国家需要的代表。

如果你也不能在办公室里表现出文明和理性,努力促进一个分裂国家的团结,并公开反对那些使用攻击性语言和分裂言论分裂这个国家的人。 是时候结束政党团结并为真理发声并投票支持选民的意愿了。

“一个内部分裂的家庭是站不住脚的。 “  亚伯拉罕·林肯

作为我们民选的官员,你们是我们的代表,是我们在政府中的声音。 您不是我们的父母,告诉我们需要做什么,但您有义务向我们提供事实,让我们决定最好的行动方案。 我们需要我们当选的官员以开放的心态和良好的意愿参与所有讨论,为美国人民和国家做最好的事情,始终牢记大多数人民的愿望,并且如果您的选区属于 少数人尊重多数人的意愿,并以清晰、简洁和尊重的方式表达你的立场和不同意的理由。

“他为自己的政党服务得最好,谁为国家服务得最好。” 拉瑟福德·B·海斯 (Rutherford B. Hayes)

“虽然在我们国家,首席法官几乎必须由一个政党选出,并遵守其原则和措施,但在他的官方行动中,他不应该只是一个政党的总统,而应该是美国全体人民的总统。 。 虽然他公正地执行法律,逃避任何适当的责任,并在政府行政部门忠实地执行选择他的人的原则和政策,但他不应该忽视我们的同胞们与他有不同意见。 与他意见一致的人有权充分、自由地表达自己的意见和判断,并且所有人的权利或都有权受到尊重和尊重。”——詹姆斯·K·波尔克

国情咨文是政党政治弊端的一个很好的例子,它最初是对国家状况的诚实评估,1913 年威尔逊总统恢复了亲自发表国情咨文的做法,作为争取支持的平台 为了他的议程。 现在这是执政党的一次鼓舞士气集会。 这就像高中橄榄球赛的鼓舞士气集会,对方球队及其球迷都在场。 现在是时候将政党政治排除在外,重新以书面形式向国会提交诚实的评估,并停止电视版本,这只不过是一场鼓舞士气的集会。

国家的状况就像一艘正在下沉的船,总统和政党政治正在导致这艘船沉入海底,并夺走所有人的手。 像


宪法保障我们的某些权利,但这些权利要么被忽视,要么被脱离了我们开国元勋的意图。 我们需要的是一个愿意妥协并为了国家利益而共同努力的国会,这是扭转局面并使其继续航行的唯一途径。

“公务员是人民的代理人,而不是人民的主人。 他们的时间和劳动不仅是政府应得的,而且他们在政治行动和履行公务时也应谨慎避免表现出明显的党派偏见,冒犯与他们有公职关系的邻居。 ”。 ——格罗弗·克利夫兰

最后,现在是美国需要我们民选官员开始服务和努力治愈分裂的国家、学会妥协和团结国家的时候。 并要求领导人对任何分裂或攻击性言论负责,无论其党派如何。

如果你不是一个能够廉洁奉公、为人民意志服务的人,不能遵守第二款规定的标准,那么你是时候辞职或者不再寻求连任了 。

对于所有潜在的候选人,我们只想要致力于为人民服务的男人和女人,而不是政党或总统。 如果你不是一个有道德品格的人,一个正直和荣誉的人,没有勇气投票,你的选民的意愿,而不是政党或总统希望你如何投票。 如果你效忠的不是人民和国家的意志,而是党的意志,那就不要参选。



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Reader: It's time to put party politics aside for good of nation


James O. Burns  |  Opinion contributor

The cartoonist's homepage, indystar.com/opinion/varvel

"We the people tell the government what to do, it doesn't tell us." – Ronald Reagan

My fellow Americans, we are seeing Presidents George Washington’s words of warning culminating into prophesy. We are seeing the breakdown of our government and a weakening of that government. This has been happening decades before this congress and administration, but some of the current elected officials are contributing to the destruction of our democracy by their divisive and angry rhetoric and their refusal to try and unite the country. Both parties are equally to blame.

“However [political parties] may now and then answer popular ends, they are likely in the course of time and things, to become potent engines, by which cunning, ambitious, and unprincipled men will be enabled to subvert the power of the people and to usurp for themselves the reins of government, destroying afterwards the very engines which have lifted them to unjust dominion.” — George Washington

Washington In his farewell address warned the nation about the dangers of party politics, paraphrasing; he believed those elected would start voting what is good for the party and not what is good for the country or considering the will of the people. It is time to put our elected officials on notice and remind them they do not represent their party or the President, once elected they represent the American people and their loyalty should be to the country, and we the people are the country.

If you are an elected official, a party leader or even the President, If you are not a person of integrity, a person of honor,  a person who does not have the integrity or the courage to hold the president or members of your party or the members of the opposing party accountable for offensive or divisive rhetoric, lies, half-truths or exaggerations and if you can’t hold other elected officials, no matter the party, accountable for character assassinations and the demonization of others because of political differences, then you are not the man or women this country needs to be their representative.

If you also can’t bring civility and reason to the office and try to promote unity to a divided nation and speak out against those whose offensive language and divisive rhetoric is dividing this nation. It’s time to end party solidarity and speak up for truth and vote the will of your constituency.

“A house divided against itself, cannot stand. “  Abraham Lincoln 

As our elected officials you are our representative, our voice in our government. You are not our parents who tell us what needs to be done, but you are obligated to give us the facts and let us decide the best course of action. We need our elected officials to enter all discussions with an open mind and with the good intentions of doing what is best for the American People and the country, always keeping in mind what the majority of the people want, and if your constituencies are among the minority be respectful of the will of the majority and make your position and the reason that you are not in agreement in a clear and concise and a respectful manner.

“He serves his party best who serves the country best." Rutherford B. Hayes

“Although in our country the chief magistrate must almost of necessity be chosen by a party and stand to its principles and measures, yet in his official action he should  not be the president of a party only, but of the whole people of the United States. While he executes the laws with an impartial hand, shrinks from no proper responsibility, and faithfully carries out in the executive department of the government the principles and policies of those who have chosen him, he should not be unmindful that our fellow citizens who have differed with him in opinion are entitled to the full and free exercise of their opinions and judgments, and that the rights of all or entitled to respect and regard." – James K. Polk

The State of the Union Address is a good example of the ills of party politics, what was originally an honest evaluation of the state of the nation and after 1913 when President Wilson revived the practice of presenting the message in person as a platform to rally support for his agenda. It is now a pep rally for the party in power. It is like a high school football pep rally with the opposing team and their fans in attendance. It is time to leave party politics out of it and get back to an honest evaluation presented to Congress in writing and stop the televised version that is nothing more than a pep rally.

The state of the nation is that of a sinking ship and the President and party politics is causing that ship to sink to the bottom of the ocean floor, taking all hands with her.  Like the Roman Senate our politicians can say anything they want whether it’s the truth or an out-right lie, and corruption runs rampant in all areas of government, and their refusal to address the national debt, they are not a true representation of the American people.

We're guaranteed certain rights under the Constitution, which are either ignored or taken out of context of what our founding fathers intent was. What we need is a congress that is willing to compromise and work together for the good of the country, that is the only way to right the ship and to keep it afloat.

“Officeholders are the agents of the people, not their masters. Not only is their time and labor due to the government, but they should scrupulously avoid in their political action, as well as in the discharge of their official duty, offending by a display of obtrusive partisanship their neighbors who have relations with them as public officials.” – Grover Cleveland

In closing, it is a time when America needs our elected officials to start serving and working to heal a divided nation and to learn to compromise and to Unite the nation. And to hold leaders acc?ountable for any divisive or offensive rhetoric no matter their party.

And if you are not the person who can serve with integrity and honor and serve the will of the people and cannot abide by the standards set in the second paragraph, then it is time for you to resign from office and or not seek re-election.

And to all prospective Candidates we only want men and women who are committed to serve the people and not a party or a president. If you are not a person of moral character and a person of integrity and honor and don’t possess the courage to vote the will of your constituencies, and not how the party or the president wants you to vote. If your loyalty is not to the will of the people and the country, but to the party, then don’t run.

America it is time to hold our politicians accountable and vote them out of office if they are not representing and loyal to the will of the people and the constitution.

We cannot continue to treat each other as the enemy when we share the common goal of making the U.S. and better country for all of its citizens, regardless of party affiliation. 

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