
英国 让旅客避免乘坐可怕的737 MAX飞机

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创新预订工具让旅客避免乘坐“可怕”的737 MAX飞机:如果是波音,我就不会去

https://nypost.com/2024/03/14/lifestyle/innovative-booking-tool-allows-travelers-to-avoid-flying-on-terrifying-737-max-planes-if-its-boeing-im- 不去/

作者:本·考斯特 2024 年 3 月 14 日

预订工具可让您避免在阿拉斯加航空的影响中乘坐波音飞机, 这是一个旅行绕行道。

鉴于最近发生的事件,乘坐波音 737 MAX 飞行似乎就像在 30,000 英尺高空玩俄罗斯轮盘赌——但有进取心的技术人员已经设计了一种特殊的方法,让惊慌失措的乘客完全避开飞机模型。





波音公司官员此前表示,他们将在 9 至 12 个月内解决该问题。
陷入困境的公司透露,波音 737 Max 发动机问题最多需要一年时间才能解决
联合航空公司飞机和波音 737-800 上失踪的面板
最新飞机事故中,波音 737 在飞行途中失去外部面板,安全降落在俄勒冈州
对于外行来说,波音 737 MAX 9 客机目前正接受联邦调查,此前阿拉斯加航空 (Alaska Airlines) 的一架航班于 1 月在半空中因机舱面板被炸毁,被迫紧急迫降。

“在替代航空公司,当您购买航班时,我们可以轻松查看每个航班所使用的飞机类型,”网站上的描述写道。 “这意味着您可以轻松避开任何使用波音 737 MAX 运营的航班。”

要使用该网站,旅客只需使用搜索表单搜索航班,然后他们就会看到可用于相关行程的每家航空公司的航班。名为“Alternative Arlines”的预订平台允许旅客寻找航线和航空公司 不使用陷入困境的飞机。 一个名为“Alternative Airlines”的预订平台允许旅客寻找不使用问题飞机的航线和航空公司。Alternative Flights

照片中的是阿拉斯加航空的波音 737 MAX 9 飞机紧急着陆后机门缺失。 阿拉斯加航空波音 737 MAX 9 飞机紧急着陆后舱门缺失。法新社来自 Getty Images

单击“详细信息”按钮会调出航班信息,包括将使用什么类型的飞机。 这样,旅行者就可以“安心”地预订行程。

最重要的是,拥有波音 737 MAX 替代方案的航空公司概要是按国家和洲组织的。


波音 737 MAX 9 客机一月份在空中因机舱面板被炸毁,迫使阿拉斯加航空的一架航班紧急迫降,目前正在接受联邦调查。

波音 737 MAX 9 客机一月份在半空中被机舱面板炸毁,迫使其紧急迫降,目前正在接受联邦调查。 美联社

Innovative booking tool allows travelers to avoid flying on 'terrifying' 737 MAX planes: If its Boeing, I'm not going


By  Ben Cost    March 14, 2024

Booking tool lets you avoid flying on Boeing planes amid Alaska Airlines fallout

It's a travel by-pass.

Flying on a Boeing 737 MAX might seem like playing Russian Roulette at 30,000 feet in light of recent incidents — but enterprising tech-heads have devised a special way for freaked-out fliers to avoid the aircraft model altogether.

A booking platform named “Alternative Airlines” allows travelers to look for routes and carriers that do not use the troubled planes.

“Y’all, there’s a website called ‘Alternative Airlines’ where you can specifically search for flights with airlines that do NOT use [the] #Boeing aircraft,” one fan exclaimed in a tweet that garnered thousands of likes.

The news prompted excitement from other pundits, with one declaring: “If it’s Boeing, I’m not going.”

A second claimed that recent issues involving the planes now meant “Boeing was getting terrifying.”

For the uninitiated, the Boeing 737 MAX 9 is currently under federal investigation after a cabin panel blew off an Alaska Airlines flight mid-air in January, forcing an emergency landing.

“At Alternative Airlines, we make it easy to see which type of plane is being used for each flight when you’re buying your flight,” a description on the website reads. “This means that you can easily avoid any flight that is being operated with the Boeing 737 MAX.”

To use the site, travelers simply search for flights using their search form, whereupon they’ll get to see flights from every airline airline available for the trip in question.A booking platform named "Alternative Arlines" allows travelers to look for routes and carriers that do not use the troubled planes. A booking platform named “Alternative Airlines” allows travelers to look for routes and carriers that do not use the troubled planes.Alternative Flights

The Alaska Airlines  Boeing 737 MAX 9 with its missing door is pictured after an emergency landing. The Alaska Airlines Boeing 737 MAX 9 with its missing door is pictured after an emergency landing.AFP via Getty Images

Clicking on the “details” button pulls up the flight information, including what type of plane will be used. That way, travelers can book their trip with “peace of mind.”

Best of all, the compendium of airlines that have alternative options to the Boeing 737 MAX is organized by country and continent.

For instance, Allegiant Air, Delta, Frontier Airlines, Avelo Airlines, Hawaiian Airlines, JetBlue, Spirit Airlines and Sun Country Airlines all operate flights that don’t use the model.

The Boeing 737 MAX 9 is currently under federal investigation after a cabin panel blew off an Alaska Airlines flight mid-air in January, forcing an emergency landing.

The Boeing 737 MAX 9 is currently under federal investigation after a cabin panel blew off an Alaska Airlines flight mid-air in January, forcing an emergency landing.AP

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