
印度外长 牢固的俄中关系让西方紧张

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牢固的俄中关系让西方紧张? S Jaishankar给出了解决方案


外交部长苏杰生周五表示,由于西方许多国家对俄罗斯关闭了大门,莫斯科正在转向亚洲和世界其他地区,这些国家与俄罗斯接触非常重要,因为俄罗斯是“一个拥有强大影响力的大国”。 国家工艺的巨大传统”永远不会将自己置于“压倒性的单一关系”中。


俄乌战争 l 苏杰生再次向西方发出呼吁,质疑“欧洲不是在资助这场战争吗?”

  2022年6月4日 #getclosertothenews #jaishankar #europe
外交部长苏杰生 (S Jaishankar) 在 GLOBSEC 2022 布拉迪斯拉发论坛上的讲话引起了广泛关注。 这位部长早些时候也因其对印度在各种外交政策问题上的立场的清晰而自信的答复而受到赞扬。 在为印度在乌克兰战争问题上的立场辩护的过程中,苏杰生表示:“欧洲必须摆脱这样的心态:欧洲的问题就是世界的问题,但世界的问题不是欧洲的问题。”

当主持人问他,如果印度必须选边站的话,印度会站在哪一边——美国还是中国——时,这位部长补充道:“我不认为印度必须加入美国轴心或中国轴心。 我们是世界人口的五分之一,是世界第五或第六大经济体……我们有权权衡自己的立场。”

Strong Russia-China ties making the West nervous? S Jaishankar gives a solution


The Economic Times

External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar on Friday said that since a lot of doors have been shut to Russia in the West, Moscow is turning to Asia and other parts of the world and it is important for these countries to engage Russia, "a power with an enormous tradition of state craft" which would never put itself into a"single relationship of an overwhelming nature." 

"It makes sense to give Russia multiple options. If we railroad Russia into a single option and say, you know, that's really bad, because that's the outcome, then you are making it a kind of a self-fulfilling prophecy," Jaishankar said.

when I say think through your own
Solutions is don't give another country
which is clearly a competitive country
are we to over our policy choices on the
one hand uh you have people who sets of
policies bring the two together and then
you say you know beware of them coming
together Russia is turning more to Asia
or to to parts of the world which are
Northwest I think uh it makes sense to
give Russia multiple options what is the
settling point of the relationship
between China and India is there a
settling Point what if the China
relation China Russia relationship
strengthens what if it doesn't turn out
in the way that India hopes here here's
problem uh both of us are
rising uh obviously at a different pace
with different starting points uh I
think uh uh the Chinese started off
earlier much and much more uh uh you
know much more intensively and robustly
than we did uh but uh it's in the nature
of things that you know at some stage
everybody flattens out so there'll be a
period where they'll be flattening out
and will be growing uh uh I'm not in
denial of uh you know what the numbers
today uh suggest but uh if one looks for
example uh at the Goldman Sachs uh
prediction which is that we'll both
really by about 2075 end up as 50 uh
trillion dollar economy plus and will be
the uh two closest to each
other now the the international
relations uh version of that issue would
be if both of us are moving Visa each
other and wi with the world how do we
construct an equilibrium that there will
occasions when one or the other would
want uh to change you know to to do
something to press home a particular
Advantage uh and the other will resist
it you know uh here's the immediate
issue which is you know from the
1980s really late ' 80s uh we had an
understanding On the Border uh precisely
because it suited both of us uh now
there was a departure after uh almost
after 30 years a departure on their side
in terms of how they behaved uh on the
border and there's a push back from our
side so I I think management you know
arriving at equilibriums then
maintaining those refreshing those is
going to be the one of the biggest
challenges for for both countries it's
not going to be
easy the bit which you know the the Mind
Games which will be played would be you
know it's just between the two of us
there's nobody the other 190 odd
countries in the world don't exist in
our relationship that will be the mind
game which will be played I don't think
we should play it because if there are
other factors out there in the world
which can be harnessed by me to get
better terms on an equilibrium why
should I forego that right so part of uh
you know uh today uh uh when I say think
through your own Solutions is don't give
another country which is clearly a
competitive country a v over our policy
choices and unfortunately in the past
that has happened from time to time so
we should be confident enough to uh
leverage the International
System to to create the best possible
outcome your second issue Russia China
you know it's it's kind of funny uh uh
on the one hand uh you have people who
sets of policies bring the two together
and then you say you know beware of them
together so uh okay I mean I I can see
the reality out there but I think it's
very much in uh certainly in Indian
national interest but I would say just
actually in global interest that when
Russia you know what's happened today
with Russia is essentially uh a lot of
doors uh have been shut to Russia and
the West okay we know the reasons
why Russia is turning more to Asia or to
to parts of the world which are
Northwest uh now I think uh it makes
sense to give Russia multiple options if
we if if we railroad Russia into a
single option and say you know that's
really bad because that's the outcome uh
then you are making it a kind of a
self-fulfilling uh uh prophecy so uh
today I think uh it's important for
other countries especially in Asia to
engage Russia to to remind Russia and
look Russia Russia is a uh is a you know
is a power with an enormous uh tradition
of statecraft such Powers would never
put themselves uh you know into a single
relationship of uh of a overwhelming
nature it would go against the

Russia-Ukraine War l Jaishankar Calls Out West Again, Questions 'Isn't Europe Funding The War?'

External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar’s remarks at GLOBSEC 2022 Bratislava Forum have gone viral. The minister has been praised earlier too for his articulate and assertive replies regarding India’s position on various matters of foreign policy. In the course of defending India’s stance on Ukraine war, Jaishankar says: “Europe has to get out of the mindset that Europe’s problems are the world’s problems, but the world’s problems are not Europe’s problems."

When the moderator asks him who India will side with - US or China - in case it has to pick a side, the minister added: “I don’t accept that India has to join either the US axis or China axis. We are one-fifth of the world’s population, fifth or sixth largest economy in the world…we are entitled to weigh our own side."


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