

(2023-09-16 23:16:53) 下一个





The propaganda and practical interests of the United States often run counter to each other.


The United States has imported nearly $560 billion in goods from China. Guess what the retail price of these goods is in the United States?


$1.567 trillion or close to $1.6 trillion, which means that US importers spend $27.5 to purchase a pair of jeans from China, with a retail price of $69.99; A laptop imported from China has an import price of $700 and a retail price of $1199; A polished ebony table factory produces 6 chairs imported from China, priced at $121 and retail at $249.


Therefore, the $564 billion imported from China has brought approximately $1.6 trillion in revenue to US importers, accounting for approximately 6.5% of US GDP.


Now let's turn around and think: The United States exports $165 billion to China, guess what their retail value is?


Only $255 billion to $260 billion


Why is this happening?


From the perspective of market pricing, brand pricing, and technology pricing, China exports low-cost and continuously value-added products.


A $37 calf leather wallet with the Gucci brand printed on it, with a retail price of $360;


A T-shirt with Tommy Hilfiger brand printed on it for $3.10 is now selling for $43.99.

一件3.10美元的印有Tommy Hilfiger品牌的T恤,现在卖到43.99美元。

However, the products exported by the United States have little potential for value enhancement, such as soybeans, wheat, corn, semiconductors, and advanced machinery.


The value improvement brought by market pricing, brand pricing, or technology pricing is minimal. Even a Boeing aircraft, which earns up to several million dollars in commission to Chinese importers, has earned nearly 100 million dollars for the US economy.


Do you understand?


No country in the world can export goods worth $564 billion to the United States.


It is estimated that the manufacturing potential of India, Vietnam, and Mexico in the next decade is three times that of today, and by 2030, they can collectively export goods worth $338 billion.


Growing to $226 billion in exports in the 27th year, there are also approximately $700 billion in final retail goods.


If the United States completely decouples from China, even if industrial output in India, Vietnam, and Mexico doubles by 2030, American businesses and entities will significantly decline.


The US economy and its participants will be deprived of $700 billion in value, and by 2030, considering inflation, this number may reach around $1 trillion.


This means a lot of work and a lot of money is gone.


Meanwhile, what about China?


During the decoupling process, China may lose approximately $564 billion in exports


Therefore, even in the worst-case scenario where the United States completely decouples from China and India, Mexico and Vietnam's industrial output has tripled today, China will lose $580 billion, while the United States will lose $1 trillion


Based on the normal industrial output of these three countries, the United States will lose $2.4 trillion, almost 4.5 times the economic loss of China.


The same goes for the European Union.The same goes for ASEAN. The same goes for India


That's why Raymond visited China, and that's why 27 Chinese entities have been removed from the blacklist recently.


So far, Western media has been fabricating lies and promoting, while China does not care.


Now, if China decides to retaliate by significantly reducing key exports by $100 billion, and the United States cannot even obtain exports exceeding $30 billion from other countries.


China lost $100 billion, while the US economy lost about $210 billion.


The US economy is expected to grow by 1.8% this year, reaching $470 billion, of which this figure accounts for 44%.



US Commerce Secretary Raymond said:


Please maintain trade relations with China as usual and do not care about what we say in the media. The disputed industries between China and the United States are those worth billions of dollars in trade. Please take the overall situation into consideration and let us maintain a trade balance of the remaining 685 to 690 billion dollars.

请中国和往常一样保持贸易往来,不要在乎我们在媒体上说的话。中美彼此有争议的是那几百亿美元贸易额的产业,请中国顾全大局,让我们保持其余6850 - 6900亿美元的贸易平衡。

That's why American business people frequently visit China and have recently lifted some of the sanctions, decoupling from China and causing much greater losses for everyone.



Simply put, political influence in the First World is purchased with cash.


For example, the last US presidential election cost $15 billion, and this time it may exceed $20 billion to address the upcoming crisis.


Where does the money come from?


As another presidential election year approaches, politicians must begin to appease donors who are dissatisfied with destructive actions that harm their profits in China, whether in terms of direct trade or domestic business.


This is called lobbying, and petitions (some say demand) are aimed at preventing or reversing the deterioration of the business environment, which has been suppressed by the unprecedented interest rate hike by the Federal Reserve, triggering global optimism and a downturn in spending amidst the wave of inflation.


Let's clarify the situation this year. The government's current fiscal deficit exceeds 30% to support an economy expected to grow by 1% this year. The debt of US treasury bond+municipal bonds has exceeded 37% of GDP, or 150% of GDP. The inflation rate remains at 5%, while consumer spending is shrinking amidst record breaking credit card debt.


I would like to say that now too many economies are in recession, and the comprehensive outbreak of scientific and technological war, tariffs and sanctions are competing with China's influence, exacerbating the economic difficulties caused by the excessive monetary and fiscal stimulus of the COVID-19 epidemic.


The United States kindly requests China to take a break while playing the game of selecting global leaders across the Pacific.


China stated that, of course, we welcome a pause. Speaking is always better than doing, but remember that you don't have all the cards, because most of the time we are parrying without counterattacking.


At the same time, Chinese sources emphasize that signal reconnaissance flights along the coast of China have been suspended, and Taiwan's Democratic Progressive Party candidate Lai Ching de was unable to receive even a meeting with a well-known political figure during his recent "visit" to the United States. At critical moments, Americans, whether Republican or Republican, can act according to the unspoken script of China and the United States.


So, while summer is still here, enjoy it to the fullest. It is expected that there will be drastic fluctuations in speech next year, which will become unpredictable and terrifying fluctuations within the United States. But pay special attention to the Chinese people. I think 2024 will be the year when rabbits are pulled out of their magic hats. China will bring some surprises or even scares to the United States, such as news about chips or bombers.



No matter where you read 'China is collapsing', it's nonsense. I suggest you obtain news from more reputable channels, even Playboy is more accurate than this.


Recently, US officials have visited China several times in a row: first Secretary of State Antony Antony Blinken, then Secretary of the Treasury Janet Yellen.

最近,美国官员连续多次访问中国:首先是国务卿布林肯(Antony Blinken),然后是财政部长耶伦(Janet Yellen)。

In addition, US Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo has stated that she will use her four day visit to China this week to ensure the easing of tensions while maintaining a firm stance in the confrontation over technology restrictions and Chinese trade practices.

此外,美国商务部长吉娜•雷蒙多(Gina Raimondo)表示,她将利用本周对中国为期四天的访问,确保缓和紧张关系,同时在围绕技术限制和中国贸易做法的对抗中保持坚定立场。

However, this does not mean that "every leader" is visiting China.


Raymond, who arrived in Beijing on Sunday, stated that when discussing economic and commercial relations with her Chinese counterparts, she will seek to "protect what we must protect and promote what we can promote".


The list of discussions includes US export controls that China opposes to restrict the transfer of advanced semiconductors, as well as Chinese regulations and other methods that US officials have described as "unfair" use by Beijing against US companies in recent months.


Raymond will convey similar information to other government officials who have recently visited Beijing, as China describes technological restrictions as part of efforts to suppress China's rise.


Raymond stated that she will explain that these technological controls are aimed at targeting a small number of projects to protect the so-called national security of the United States.


She said that the United States never seeks to break away from the Chinese economy, but rather hopes to maintain strong economic relations.


Look, this is reality: the United States and China have a huge, dynamic, and constantly growing economic relationship, which is one of the largest trade relations in the world. Our two countries, in fact, the entire world, need us to manage this relationship responsibly, "Raymond told reporters before departing on Friday.


This is the first visit by the US Secretary of Commerce to China in 7 years. During this period, as the two countries compete for global dominance, their relations have deteriorated to historical lows.


After new tensions emerged this year due to suspected Chinese balloon incidents and the Ukrainian war, the two governments have been cautiously taking action to restore almost interrupted high-level communication.


The recent developments in the Chinese economy have brought new impetus to the Chinese side, hoping to repair the relationship between the two countries and prevent a decline in trade and foreign investment. In the current situation, both countries have a need for communication.


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