33歲的傑克森(Christopher Michael Jackson)27日(本周四)在河濱高等法院被判54項入室盜竊重罪成立,判處七個月監禁,但因服刑期滿,當天傍晚被釋放。
但是,犯下54項偷竊罪而判刑當天就釋放,跌破受害商家和當地居民的眼鏡。被偷盜的河濱縣Rustic Roots Salon 的合夥人表示,現在的司法系統已徹底癱瘓了。
傑克森近年來的偷盜活動層出不窮,他通過屋頂或隔壁潛入商店,並在地板上像蛇一樣爬行來躲過警報器。2021年11月,他在Rustic Roots美髮沙龍偷走了價值數百元商品、收銀機中的現金以及一個裝有 8000元的保險箱。
地區檢察官Mike Hestrin本周在一份書面聲明中表示,像傑克遜這樣的慣犯,可以從辛勤工作的人們那裡反複偷盜,但他在監獄中服刑的時間,比數百名受害者挽回損失所需的時間還要短,這是不合理的。
河濱市警察局長Larry Gonzalez同樣對加州現行的司法制度給予抨擊,嫌犯繼續利用該系統,在社區中造成混亂和破壞。目前的寬大處理使他們可以不受懲罰,讓警察白忙一場,將公民和商家置於危險中。他表示,傑克森曾因21起入室盜竊案被判處16個月監禁,其間盜竊的財物從20元至2萬元不等,但最後他只在監獄待了七天。
Christopher Michael Jackson通過屋頂或隔壁潛入商店,並在地板上像蛇一樣爬行來躲避警報器。
DA blasts lack of jail time for ‘Snake burglar’ who hit 54 businesses
A man dubbed “snake burglar” has pleaded guilty to breaking into and stealing from 54 businesses in Riverside and Moreno Valley, officials announced Thursday.
Christopher Michael Jackson, 32, a local transient, earned the nickname for his attempts to slither along the floor of the places he robbed to avoid detection.
His signature move typically involved removing a windowpane to break into a local business and, upon entering, he would crawl along the floor to avoid triggering alarm systems or motion sensors, Riverside police had previously said. He would then cut open the business’ safe and take any money inside before fleeing.

Jackson entered guilty pleas to 54 counts of felony burglary, according to the Riverside County District Attorney’s Office, but authorities believed he was responsible for many more.
He was immediately sentenced to seven months in jail and 12 years of mandatory supervision and was ordered to pay at least $158,235 in restitution. However, he was expected to be released Thursday based on “good time” credit for being in custody.
He was not eligible for prison time because his crimes did not involve violence, officials explained.

He had previously been arrested several times and was recently sentenced to “six sentences of 16 months in jail after pleading guilty to 23 felonies,” according to arrest documents. “However, laws or orders pertaining to overcrowding in the jail system allowed him to only serve less than 10 days in jail.”
The businesses Jackson targeted included restaurants, health clinics, medical offices and beauty salons.
He was ordered to stay at least 100 yards from those businesses, will also be required to complete a six-month residential substance abuse treatment program, and must wear a GPS monitoring bracelet for his mandatory supervision.
Jackson visibly smirked during the sentencing, something Brian Perrone was offended by.
His sandwich shop, D’Elia’s Grinders, is one of the businesses that were broken into. It’s why he was compelled to read a victim statement during Jackson’s appearance.
“What in this sentence being ordered today will stop this criminal and self-declared drug addict from doing this again?” Perrone, who lost $2,500, asked.
“Something has to change, somebody has to start paying attention, the people have to start paying attention to the fact that the laws are created by lawmakers in the state and we’re allowing it,” Perrone later told KTLA.
“Unfortunately, this case, although uniquely named, is not unique in California,” District Attorney Michael Hestrin said, commenting on the lack of prison time in the case. “It is unconscionable that a habitual offender like Christopher Jackson can steal hundreds of thousands of dollars from hard-working people, admit to it, and legally serve less time in jail than the time it will take his hundreds of victims to recoup their losses.”