
美国74%选民对现状不满 走错了路

(2023-06-26 05:13:11) 下一个


纽约邮报 - 


US voters bitter, 74% say 


NBC公司的调查发现,只有20%的受访者认为美国正朝着正确的方向发展。NBC的查克·托德(Chuck Todd)在公布结果时指出,上一次选民对国家的发展方向如此不满是在1992年和2008年,正值主宰白宫的政党易主。在这两次选举中,民主党人比尔·克林顿和巴拉克·奥巴马都从共和党人手中夺回了总统办公室。

同一民调显示,民主党总统拜登和前总统唐纳德·川普可能会再次对决。调查显示,虽然川普在共和党初选中对佛州州长罗恩·德桑蒂斯(Ron DeSantis)的领先优势越来越大,但后者在大选中比拜登的表现更好。拜登以49%对45%领先川普,但拜登和德桑蒂斯的支持率为47%对47%。




US voters bitter about nation's direction, 74% say it's on the wrong track


By   June 25, 2023 

Voters are souring on the state of the nation, with a stunning 74% saying the US is on the wrong track, according to a survey released Sunday.

The NBC poll found just 20% of respondents say America is moving in the right direction.

The last time voters were that bitter about the nation’s course — in 1992 and 2008 — the party in control of the White House changed hands, NBC’s Chuck Todd noted in unveiling the results.

In each of those elections, Democrats Bill Clinton and Barack Obama snatched the Oval Office back from Republicans.

The same poll sees a likely rematch between Democratic President Biden and former President Donald Trump.

While Trump has a growing lead over Gov. Ron DeSantis in the GOP primary, the Florida governor does better against President Biden in the general election, the survey showed. Biden leads Trump 49% to 45%, but Biden and DeSants are in a dead heat — 47% to 47%.

Many voters see a Biden-Trump rematch as gloom vs. doom, with 68% of voters concerned about 80-year-old Biden’s health, and 55% saying the same about Trump, 77. 

Though Trump leads in the primary race, about half of Republican voters said they prefer a new leader to Trump, the survey found.

There’s also a big red flag for the GOP: 61% of voters disapprove of the Supreme Court’s ruling last year overturning federal abortion rights, while only 36% approve.

Conservative judges appointed by Republican presidents crafted the ruling, suggesting the abortion issue could be a liability for GOP candidates.

The NBC News poll was conducted June 16-20 — a week after a federal grand jury indicted Trump on criminal charges for mishandling classified documents.

The survey queried 1,000 registered voters — 831 of whom were reached by cellphone — and has an overall margin of error of plus-minus 3.1 percentage points.

Among the poll’s 500 Republican primary voters, the margin of error is plus-minus 4.38 percentage points.

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