
Douglas MacGregor 霸权将失败

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道格拉斯·麦格雷戈(Douglas MacGregor):霸权将失败


道格拉斯·麦格雷戈(Douglas MacGregor)观看3,764次2023年6月25日

总结一下您认为乌克兰接下来会发生什么以及为什么它对普通美国人很重要。 是的,嗯,我认为了解真相对美国人来说非常重要,而真相在相当长的一段时间里一直很不受欢迎。
有一段时间不想涵盖太多历史,但这场战争已经酝酿了十多年,有些人会争论了至少 20 25 年,因为西方不愿意正视现实,即,地图是乌克兰绘制的,坦率地说,这是不准确的,那里确实有乌克兰人,但他们不住在克里米亚,从来不是乌克兰的一部分
他自己的国务卿和国防部长以及他的整个国家安全团队都想施压。随着北约的扩张和乌克兰的吞并,我认为特朗普总统已经做好了准备。站在那里没有人支持他,然后发现自己下台了,不久之后普京就放弃了,因为他说没有人可以和我交谈 没有人会与我谈判 我别无选择,因为我们,2014年之后,乌克兰建立了这个巨大的军事力量,它是旨在从乌克兰东部坦率地攻击俄罗斯 乌克兰人说他们想夺回克里米亚 我们说好吧。他们想惩罚居住在顿涅茨克卢甘斯克的俄罗斯人,因为他们是俄罗斯人
不会收敛为 100 个讲乌克兰语的乌克兰语等等

迫使除了机构之外的所有人都使用美元 全球机构使用美元是因为它
每个人都反对,人们真的不想服从 最终发生的事情毫无意义,因为结束了
地球上的主导地位 你知道我在这个节目中多次谈论过的事情是每种法定货币
已经失败了,所以有些持续了几个月一个世纪,但全部都失败了,我们在 20 世纪 70 年代脱离了黄金,我们
现在人们说哦,我们从来没有违约,那是很多废话,32 和 34 我们做到了,我们称之为重组我们的
看起来很专业,呃,所以我觉得我可以做出经济预测,因为我认为 culbreath 是
但我认为这是真的 我的意思是不是每个人都厌倦了银行系统操纵财富
值多少钱 1911. 这是不可理解的
军方内部消息人士称,他们仍然根据 2% 的消费者物价指数 (CPI) 制定预算,而没有考虑到
一定要在另一端产生能力 仅仅花钱并不等于
在大多数情况下,我们为所获得的能力付出了太多的代价 在某些情况下,我们花费了
坚持认为这是极其必要的,因为如果不花 10 美分或 100 亿美元
返回俄罗斯 俄罗斯不会对美国构成实质性威胁,除非
我们继续通过冷战的视角来看待俄罗斯 每个人都表现得好像它不是苏联
全国各地都在管理政府并试图控制 14 亿人,这真是该死的
不惜一切代价所以我没有看到太多共产主义的证据 我看到了资本主义的很多证据
去年 11 月,所有这些呃这是什么压力测试都是在银行进行的
债务重组方面的违约 我宁愿进行重组,而不是混合
把他视为当代中国的皇帝 中国本身就是一个帝国
征服世界的目标和目标,因为他们有 14 亿人,他们有足够多的人,你知道他们是一个国家
将马克龙视为潜在的贸易伙伴 请记住,中国的重点是
跨越地图的通讯 它们都穿过中亚 有些穿过我们过去的地方向南延伸
为什么这如此重要 这很重要,因为我们拥有最强大的潜艇
就像 100 100 200 年前他们所做的那样,今天一切都是
早在 1840 年代,甚至更早,一位中国人就得出了很好的结论:
未来几年通过马六甲海峡进入南中国海 食品能源通过那直接进入
穿越中亚 他们必须经过多个国家 多个人们说多种语言的国家
太平洋快速海上运输 大西洋快速海上运输和 Speedy 列车
语言 一种法律 一种民族 一种国家 更快 更便宜 更好 我们做了什么
愿望相同的目标 坦白说,世界各地的中国人都希望生活在一个
你知道你不会只是在新加坡占地 20 英亩并建造一些东西
被认为是入侵 他们的海滩很少 你可以登陆 而且它们很小 你说的是纯粹的
这太疯狂了,我们希望立即在亚洲实现一切,可能需要 10 年,也许 20 年
年G说他们正在考虑20 40。或2043或2046与统一
制造业 他们控制着大约 90% 的硅芯片生产,所以你
20 世纪 80 年代,我的意思是,在里根总统的领导下,这种向海外输送就业机会和产业的业务开始了,但从来没有人
指出它从 80 年代开始,到 90 年代才真正进入高速发展阶段
做德国人、日本人或其他人所做的事情,并说等一下,我们不会允许 X 数量的
制造商 X 工厂数量 X 数量或者我们生产基地的出海数量
所以最重要的是我们必须摆脱这种 19 世纪的思维模式
让我们来谈谈这一切的发展方向 千禧一代作为下一代正在掌权,他们正在寻找问题的答案
比特币 那么您对于美国应该如何应对年轻一代有什么建议
破产了,所以我们无论如何都不想这样做 其次,我们需要看看
我们在国防方面的投资,但我们需要更加谨慎和自信地投资,你知道我们有 44 名四星将军
今天在现役时,当我说将军或海军上将时 44。我们可能有 1.1
现在正值第二次世界大战最激烈的时期,当时我们有 1200 万军人
我们必须回到我们需要什么 你真的认为我们需要 10 000
核弹头 5 000 枚 核弹头 够了 两千够了 我曾经有过一个法国人
我们的领导人只考虑下一个选举周期,其中一些人无法考虑超过 10 个周期
因为他们已经 80 多岁了,而且像我这样的人,我们没有 10 年时间奖,我们正在寻找 40 50
这必须立即发生 法治也意味着很多这样的人
在任期间,他可以在 24 小时内结束乌克兰战争,你知道他会如何做到这一点吗?我的意思是,什么是
我们不需要乌克兰和北约 北约太大了,因为它是一个巨大的难以控制的国家
怪物,顺便说一句,北约 30 年前就应该欧洲化了,为什么我们呢
我们将来不会再回来做我们从 2014 年到 2023 年或 2022 年所做的事情,那就是
合法的安全利益 对于中国来说也是如此,每个人都忘记了台湾是不沉的

Douglas Macgregor : Hegemon will fail

Douglas Macgregor Watch 3,764 times on June 25, 2023


hi everyone welcome back to the show we have a very special treat today I am joined by Colonel Douglas McGregor he is
a decorated veteran the author of five groundbreaking books on Military transformation he holds a PhD in
international relations and he is a highly respected expert on defense and foreign policy he was also the senior
advisor to the Secretary of Defense in the Trump Administration so Colonel McGregor thank you so much for joining
me sure well you have been remarkably accurate with your analysis and predictions especially covering Ukraine
and you have said that the war will likely end with Russia controlling all of eastern Ukraine if not all of Ukraine
and we're starting to see a more accurate picture emerge in the media about what's really happening so can you
kind of summarize what you believe will happen next in Ukraine and why it's important to ordinary Americans yeah
well I think it is very important to Americans to know the truth and the truth has been very unpopular for quite
a while don't want to cover too much history but this war has been brewing for well over a decade some people would
argue for at least 20 25 years because of the unwillingness in the west to look at the reality that the way the
map is drawn of Ukraine it is inaccurate frankly there there are ukrainians true
ukrainians but they did not live in Crimea has never been part of Ukraine
and most of the area that we call the donbos the donets Basin is really Russian and the people that live there
are Russian and the easy way is to go back and look at the Electoral Maps showing how people voted over the last
uh you know previous elections you see that the East is overwhelmingly voting in favor of the pro-russian candidate in
the west which is on the other side of the NEPA river is usually voting overwhelmingly for the anti-russian
candidate whoever that happens to be so there was always a need to address this and
I had argued for a plebiscite other people argued for it I also always felt very strongly that it was in Ukraine's
interest to be a neutral state that it could be much like Austria and like Austria could profit enormously
from its neutrality and this this of course was sabotaged by first the Bush
Administration then subsequently uh Obama and I think that Trump was subverted by
his own Secretary of State and Secretary of Defense and his his entire National Security team who all wanted to press
ahead with this expansion of NATO and incorporate Ukraine so I think president Trump was left sort
of standing there without anybody supporting him and then found himself out of office and it wasn't long thereafter that Putin gave up because he
said there's no one I can talk to there's no one who will negotiate with me I've left no choice because what we
did after 2014 was build this enormous uh Ukrainian military power and it was
designed to attack Russia frankly from Eastern Ukraine ukrainians said they wanted to get back Crimea we said fine
and they wanted to punish the Russians living in the luhanskin Donetsk for being Russians and
not converging to become 100 Ukrainian speaking Ukrainian and so forth so on so
bottom line is you get this war and from the very beginning I think Putin made some miscalculations
he thought that if he demonstrated how serious he was in his country was about the growing threat to Russia and Eastern
Ukraine that we would pay attention to him well we did but we decided to double
down on the threat that we were creating and his great fear was that in addition to this Ukrainian Army that of course
theater ballistic missiles would show up that would put his entire nuclear deterrent as well as all his major
cities at risk so he he marched in and initially it was a a very cautious approach designed to
do as little damage as possible kill as few people as possible and it took really almost until the
summer to figure out there's nobody out there nobody's going to talk to us nobody's going to negotiate we're stuck
we're gonna have to change our entire approach and so we go into this uh Long
Haul uh approach which is uh basically a
30-month plan for a 30-month ward that's what he adopted in the summer you've had this massive Russian military
buildup to the point now where we have what Biden and his supporters said he didn't want which is this large and
Powerful Russian military power sitting on NATO's eastern border in other words he went in theoretically
to protect NATO and he got the opposite and NATO is rapidly falling apart and we
see from these leaked documents that have come out the tremendous disunity inside the NATO alliance and then and
for your purposes I'm sure your listeners know that one of the Fatal mistakes that we made was to assume that
Russia was this economically weak backward power I think someone put it was it McCain who said Russia's a gas
station with nuclear weapons that's right they discovered they could not be more wrong so Russia has an abundance of
resources and energy of course which makes it the perfect partner for China that needs all of that to continue to
sustain its economic expansion and we've ended up on the on the wrong side in the sense that we're suffering
economically our European allies are suffering very very acutely from from this war and from all these
self-defeating sanctions well I was actually going to go there next in Ukraine we seem to have made Financial
sanctions the centerpiece of our military strategy weaponizing the dollar and economic sanctions were a useful
weapon you know decades ago but the world has evolved to really neutralize them so what implications do Western
Financial sanctions failing so visibly have in the geopolitical sphere here well keep in mind that for many many
decades we've used our Command of the uh World Bank and other Financial Centers
because effectively the dollar dominates everything we not only pass on our debt to others
by compelling everybody else to use the dollar but the the institutions Global institutions use the dollar because it's
convenient and what we've done is we've effectively bullied so many people for so long
that many are now saying well Russia's got a point China's got a point why should we do business constantly in the
dollar now this doesn't mean that the the so-called Reserve currency is going to go to go away instantly
but I think it's in serious trouble so this de-dollarization is very serious
at this point we shouldn't underestimate it but I think we brought it on ourselves if you constantly beat people
over the head with as you say this weapon this financial weapon eventually they come back and say we've had it I
mean people are living in Honduras or Costa Rica or southeast Asia and Thailand have been told if you want our
assistance our support then grow these cops crops imagine that being told what
crops you will grow and and so forth it's gotten really out of hand the sanctions are just another manifestation
of this and frankly all the sanctions that we've imposed on Russia turned out to be undercut anyway so the oil and the
gas along with rare Earths and every other conceivable mineral and foodstuffs all those things are seeping out one way
or the other it's it's kind of you know if you pass a law in the United
States and it's a fundamentally flawed Law whatever it happens to be it's a law
that everyone opposes and people really don't want to obey It ultimately what happens it's meaningless because over
time the police decide not to enforce it because they can't well that's largely what's happened to us in our financial
dominance on the planet well you know something I've talked about many times on this show is that every fiat currency
has failed so some lasted months a century but all have failed and we de-pegged from gold in the 1970s we
continue to print these paper promises we spend more than we take in we're net consumers whereas all these countries
that we have tensions with are net producers so where does the Dollar go from here you said it it won't be the
reserve it won't lose that status very quickly but you know did these sanctions accelerate losing that status
[Music] you know I I really wish that I could
drag my son into this discussion he's a brilliant financial analyst and he's someone I pay attention to and I've
listened to him for years which is why I'm heavily invested in digital currency
because uh he's pointed out that we're we're really on a path to one of two
destinations right now one destination of course is well the FED will just print money and that's the
widespread assumption they'll continue to print and print and print what's to stop us well there are a lot of things
that can stop you from printing more money not the least of which is something called hyperinflation
we've been down that road before we could turn to Weimar to the Weimar Republic in the interwar period there
talk about Argentina we go any number of different places and find it so that's
one destination the other destination is that at some point no one's buying your treasuries
and when nobody's buying your treasuries and you can no longer buy them all up and even worse other countries begin to
dump your treasuries China Japan Saudi Arabia and so forth
you have to restructure your debt it's called defaulting
now people say oh we've never defaulted well that's a lot of nonsense and 32 and 34 we did we called it restructuring our
debt now restructuring the debt is very painful as you know and as my son points
out to me all the time credit's going to dry up and you're going to have to live without credit for some period of time
it's going to be hell on Earth for people that are accustomed to essentially Relentless Financial expansion but the
other problem we face that no one ever discusses is this financialization of our economy
that's right what do we build what do we produce well we produce a lot of military equipment and Technology but
there's a problem with that it's not much return on investment which is why anybody with any sense like President
Eisenhower was always trying to keep defense expenditures to what he
considered to be the acceptable minimum in other words you want to maintain the security of your country he wasn't
interested in being the policeman of the world obviously and he didn't like all of these alliances but he set them up in
a way that made them unambiguously defensive and when for instance Austria wanted to become neutral he welcomed it
in fact Eisenhower said we should try to neutralize more countries in Europe because we simply can't defend them all
well his wise words and wise counsel have been largely abandoned so now then
here's the last problem in addition to having sort of built the Empire that we can't afford much like
the British did and then run ourselves into bankruptcy where do you put your store of wealth how do you preserve it
and I think digital currency is one of those options and in fact it may be I I should make these kinds of
predictions but of course John Kenneth's gold race who once said that economic forecasting exists to make astrologers
look professional uh so I feel like I can make an economic forecast since I think culbreath was
right I have a feeling that digital currency over time May well replace most of the fiat currency
do you think that Bitcoin could serve as a global Reserve currency I don't know I mean you're I'm in over
my head and everyone out there will say well you didn't go to the Wharton School that's true now my grandfather went to
the warden school at the University of Pennsylvania both of my grandfathers went to Penn but it doesn't help me uh I
I I I didn't I'm not a business school graduate although I have lots of people telling
me not to worry about it but that's never you know that's another issue but the
bottom line is I I don't know but I think digital currency that cannot be controlled and
manipulated through a central banking system is something that's very very appealing
to people now beyond that I don't know I wish I had I wish I could make more profound predictions for you but I can't
but I think that's real I mean isn't everyone sick of the banking systems manipulation of wealth
and power how many to have for how many years have we gone through this and then somebody says well when the Fed was established
in the United States uh in the intervening years we're down to ten percent the dollars at 10 of what it was
worth in what 1911. it's incomprehensible so
I think there's a desire for something else there's no question about it and I think digital currency has a bright future
beyond that I can't say too much right I definitely agree that we need a parallel system I think a lot of the the policy
makers use Bitcoin as in invisibility cloak they make it look like the threat when actually they don't want to admit
that their own policies are what got us here um and if we lose the dollars Reserve status you know we won't be able to
sustain these trillion dollar deficits part of which go to fund the military right so things will need to change the
military budget will have to come down to something reasonable for the size of our economy I know that right now from
sources within the military they're still basing budgets on two percent CPI and not accounting for the increase in
inflation entitlements will be affected so how do you see this really playing out well there are three things that
your your viewers need to understand first of all money into defense does not
necessarily produce capability on the other end just spending money doesn't equal
capability we spend far too much for what we get in most cases in some cases we spend a
great deal and we do get a good return on investment I I think that's particularly true in surveillance intelligence reconnaissance platforms
and capabilities but many other areas we simply don't so that's the first problem second
problem is that you know your current military establishment remains tragically a brilliant tribute to the
Second World War we're still building surface fleets around the aircraft carrier battle
groups we're still Fielding large ponderous Army divisions that are too
heavy to move too heavy to lift but even worse the world doesn't fight that way anymore and that's one of the things that we
have to pay attention to what's been happening in Ukraine because it fundamentally changes the way you look at things
that's that's a huge problem and then you've got the the threat inflation industry
you you want to keep this monstrous military establishment running and you
keep insisting it's vitally necessary because if anything isn't spent for 10 cents less or 10 billion less
you're at risk of being conquered and overrun and destroyed by whom well we go
back to Russia Russia presents no substantial threat to US unless of
course we decide to attack Russia they have an enormous nuclear arsenal we have an enormous nuclear arsenal we can kill
each other and most of the people on the planet several times over we don't want to use nuclear weapons I
see no evidence that Mr Putin does that so that that's kind of a dumb way to look at it secondly
we continue to see Russia through the Cold War lens everyone keeps acting as though it's the Soviet Union it's not
Russia is a very different country today China you know people are Communist
Party of China is doing this and this is the Communist Party of China the Communist Party of China is a joke the
Communist Party of China is just an elite organization a a cabal of people
across the country that run the government and try to control 1.4 billion people which is pretty damn
difficult to do they're not Communists I haven't seen very many Communists in Northeast Asia whenever I've been over
there to visit the Chinese are money grubbing people let's face it they're they are absolutely committed to profit
at all costs so I don't see much evidence for cat for communism I see a lot of evidence for capitalism
but I don't see evidence for Chinese armies massing on anybody's border to
invade anybody and when they look at their Naval power remember a third of all the ships that they have floating
around in the South China Sea or Coast Guard vessels so all right what are we really dealing
with are we really genuinely facing existential threats from China
and Russia and I think the president last night said it very well he said no he said our problems are here at home
and they are so you have this group of people in Washington who seem to be ready to do
anything to sustain these massive outlays in spending not just defense but also in entitlements as you know and we
continue to pretend as though the Social Security System Medicare Medicaid pension plans all these things are are
solid they're not we know they're not we pretend that the banks are solvent and
not illiquid they're not I mean these River back I think it was December or
November last year all of these uh what was it stress tests were run on banks
there was like oh well we're in pretty good shape that wasn't true We are continuing to mislead ourselves
in order to sustain this tremendous spending well when does it stop well I think what
was it Ben Stein who said things go on until they can't when did the British leave India when
their debt to GDP ratio is 240 percent in other words I'm afraid that the the
so-called ruling Elites in Washington DC are just going to drive us into the ground
and I hope that before then if I have to choose between hyperinflation and
default in terms of restructuring the debt I'd rather go with the restructuring as opposed to hybrid
inflation but they're all going to be painful and no one wants to tell the American people the truth
just as these documents have come out and told us we're losing in Ukraine the ukrainians are not going to win Ukraine
is being destroyed we have the same problem at home our financial system is being destroyed by
us well let's talk a little bit more about China first of all what do you make of the meeting between President XI
xinping and president Emmanuel macron of France and what does that mean for geopolitics given everything you've just
covered well when you see President XI stop thinking about communism forget that and
think of him as the Contemporary emperor of China China is an Empire unto itself much as
we are on the North American continent frankly but China is an imperial State not with
goals and objectives to conquer the world because they've got 1.4 billion people they've got enough you know as a
Japanese Commander after a couple of years in China in the 1930s turned to the emperor and said you know the
problem in China is there's nothing in it but Chinese in other words what are we doing here this is crazy and the
Japanese were trying to get out the point is that ji looks at macron and
sees macron as a potential trading partner remember China's focus is to the the
restoration of this thing called The Silk Road and you had several sort of lines of
communication that run across the map they all run through Central Asia some run down south through what we used to
call Persia Iran or into turkey and in the Middle East but most of them really are from Northeast Asia from Shanghai to
Beijing all the way to Rochford in France on the Atlantic coast
now why is this so important it's important because we have the most powerful submarine
Fleet in the world we may have a shrinking surface Fleet but surface fleets don't fight battles and win Wars
the way they did 100 100 200 years ago today everything is a function of the
submarine at Sea its ability to essentially neutralize you put you out of business nothing comes in nothing
goes out of a port if we decide to put a submarine out there at Sea and you have the overhead surveillance which is
connected to everything on the ground and connected to all sorts of platforms so this is readily available as a tool
for us if we decided to shut down Chinese ports we could do it
China knows that and has known that for a very long time they went through this with the Royal Navy
back in the 1840s and and even earlier so one of the Chinese concluded well we
need to bypass the maritime we're out to the extent that we can and they're very dependent on it they will be for many
years to come through the Strait of Malacca up into the South China Sea Food energy through that straight up into
China but if you build this network across Central Asia that reaches to
Europe that's a game changer because Russia has all the energy in the world that you
could possibly need so if you're suddenly cut off you've got it Russia has most of the food that you're going
to need to eat as well along with Ukraine you look at that entire area it's it's a food production Center on a
scale that very few people in the west appreciate there's a reason you know we used to call it Ukraine the Bread Basket
of Europe so the bottom line is this is a very important development
this one build one road project and the Europeans of course want to trade with China well why wouldn't they I mean
China's the biggest Market in the world or one of the biggest this this is inevitable and we're sitting there
trying to stop it are we nuts the answer is yes of course
but we've also missed our opportunity because we have an advantage over the Chinese when the Chinese want to move
across Central Asia they've got to go through multiple countries multiple States where people speak multiple
languages have different laws and customs and as you move through each state everybody has their hand out and
says please uh it's money please because you're going to go through this we have missed the opportunity to build
something right across North America from the Atlantic coast to the Pacific
coast we could outpace China or anybody else in Asia anytime we wanted to if we had
fast sea lift in the Pacific fast sea lift in the Atlantic and Speedy trains
right across North America and what what else it's secure one
language one law one people one nation faster cheaper better what have we done
nothing it looks like instead we're just moving in that same direction of more intimidation raising tensions you've
said in interviews before that China doesn't want war with us and that our leaders in Washington do not understand
the priorities of leaders like she their cultures their people so what do you
think should happen next versus what do you think will happen and what's really at stake here with China well what we
should let's talk about what we should understand about both Taiwan and China because they both have the same
aspirations the same goals frankly Chinese everywhere want to live in a
society in a state in a world that looks like Singapore
now what's interesting about Singapore well most Americans would go to Singapore and look around and live there
for a couple of days and be horrified everything in Singapore is really controlled by the government
you know you're not going to just show up in Singapore by 20 acres and build something
effectively the government leases everything to you and they have very strict laws and regulations governing
everything but what do they not do well they don't tax you to desk per se in other words if
you're wealthy enough to get there to begin with they're not going to steal it from you but they provide you with a Marketplace
whereas from the Chinese vantage point which is ideal no one interferes with you no one
bothers you you have the freedom to enrich yourself and that's very important to most
Chinese remember China is a part of the world where people have died by the millions from all sorts of famines and problems
over many many centuries they just want to live unencumbered by
the government and do business now they also have a huge problem with corruption much greater than we in the United
States understand someone told me the other day they estimated on Taiwan alone there are probably a hundred gangsters
with connections to Japan Korea and China so the corruption is a huge
problem and ji May control many things but he can't even control the corruption inside China he can't stop everything
from moving on any given day I mean his he's limited just by the size and scope
of the country so the point is no they don't they don't want war with us they don't want war
with anybody they just want to do business but the Singapore model is really what both Taiwanese and Chinese
want now we can't conceive of that so we project our views our values our
mentality onto them and the outcome is this utterly misleading view that China
is armed to the teeth and can't wait to invade Taiwan for your listeners out there look Taiwan
is held to invade they have very few beaches where you can land and they're very small you're talking about sheer
rock face around most of the Island's edges it's very difficult to reach difficult to get on board and by the way
the Chinese don't want to destroy what's on Taiwan they want to do business with it they have Investments there and there
the Taiwanese are heavily invested in China so all of this war business just needs to stop
and I think if we shut up and get out of the way this will sort itself out over the next several years but in Asia of
course things take time we we're the insta instant pudding World
which is insane we want everything immediately in Asia it may be 10 years maybe 20
years G said that they were looking at 20 40. or 2043 or 2046 has reunification with
the people on Taiwan probably haven't you know I've been reading more and more about Taiwan
because it is increasingly in the news and there are some out there speculating that after generations of fighting Wars
over oil the next Wars are going to be fought over chips in this digital world and TSM that's the Taiwan semiconductor
manufacturing they control about 90 of production of silicon chips and so you
know we're seeing the tone of media reports changing about China and Taiwan it's becoming more dramatic so is it
possible Colonel McGregor knowing the influence of our intelligence agencies over the media and over politicians that
the US is maybe trying to scare Taiwan and we are raising the tension and the temperature to incentivize them to move
their chip technology to the us because we don't want to tolerate China eventually having a monopoly over that
industry well a couple of points first of all remember Japan and South Korea
are equally dependent upon that micro circuitry being produced in Taiwan
and if you look look at Taiwan from a purely economic standpoint
Taiwan and South Korea are both largely extensions in economic terms of Japan
now the hatchet has been buried between Japan and China we keep assuming that
somewhere another Japanese will jump on board with us and help us fight the Chinese nothing could be further from
the truth the Chinese have opened their markets to Japan and one of the principal reasons for
conflict over the last several hundred years between Japan and China was the unwillingness of the Chinese to open
their markets unless the Japanese paid tribute to the Chinese emperor
well the Japanese said no we don't pay tribute to anybody and you've got lots of Wars everybody else in Asia
essentially paid a fee to get into the Chinese market well gee very wisely has
said that's over because that's been the source of war and conflict in Asia for
hundreds of years so now you've got the Japanese that are keenly interested in their
access to Taiwan along with the South Koreans and here we come along and how long have we stood around since the
1980s I mean this business of shipping jobs and industries overseas began under President Reagan nobody ever
points that out it took it got started in the 80s and it really went in high gear during the 90s
under Clinton remember Clinton saying well the jobs aren't coming back well it's just not coming back what we didn't
do what the Germans did or the Japanese or others and say wait a minute we're not going to allow X number of
Manufacturers X number of factories X number or whatever in our production base to go overseas
president Trump tried very hard and came to an agreement with the firm on Taiwan
that produces these microchips and he wanted to build a facility in Arizona
and that you know he said we'll we'll give you whatever you know breaks are required tax wise we want to have a
manufacturing facility here in the United States we want to employ U.S labor well as soon as he was out of
office where did that go away and all of a sudden now people are saying we have to go to war to gain
access to microchips well that's insane everybody in Taiwan is going to be happy
to sell you your micro circuitry you don't have to go to war to get it it's a friend of mine once said Doug why
do Americans think they have to park a tank on top of the Oil Well to get at the oil
the Arabs will sell it to you Saddam Hussein whether you like him or not would have sold you all the oil you
wanted so the bottom line is we got to get out of this 19th century mindset
we we're not in the game the game is not military it's not I have more of X than
you do and I can destroy you and so forth that is it's not part of the discussion it's not in the Strategic
calculus as far as Northeast Asia and the West are concerned those are the two
major polls of scientific industrial power and understanding in the world
should be no war between us it's unnecessary now that doesn't mean we won't have
problems elsewhere but the point is there's no need to go to war for micro circuitry I think I heard this
representative McCall in Texas make some sort of stupid remark like that again there's this underlying supposition that
if you do something we don't like you must be the enemy lots of people do things they don't we
don't like we do lots of things other people don't like doesn't make us enemies right that's well said uh so
let's talk a little bit about where it's all going Millennials are coming into power as sort of this next Generation that's searching for answers to the
problems that are impacting us especially economically it's why people like me have turned to things like
Bitcoin so what advice do you have for younger Generations on how the US should
position itself what is the ideal role for the US and the U.S military going forward and can we accept a multi-polar
world well as far as Millennials are concerned I I hope the right Millennials end up in
charge because the Millennials coming out of the Ivy Leagues and the service academies are all brainwashed into this
globalist World Order nonsense we've got to get out of that business you have to
understand that we we are not imposing order on the world the world is always somewhat disorderly
and will remain somewhat disorderland that's not all bad we are a participant in the world but we don't control it nor
do we want to it's a bankrupting exercise everybody who's tried hegemony has failed and ultimately ended up
ruined in bankruptcy so we don't want to do that anyway secondly understand that we need to look
at defense from the standpoint of Defense we need to get out of this business of intervening in other people's countries
because of a particular Lobby in the United States and there are many many lobbies foreign lobbies in the United
States that are also connected to defense industries that have an interest in conflict because they want to sell
their products we've got to get control of this thing and we need to scale back
our investments in defense but we need to invest more prudently and confidently you know we have 44 four-star generals
on active duty today when I say generals or admirals 44. and we have perhaps 1.1
million people in uniform now at the height of the second world war when we had 12 million men in
uniform we had seven four stores wow what's wrong with this picture now
your Millennials out there must have learned something in business school about uh overhead and the tax that you
pay for a monstrous and unnecessary overhead the overhead in American National Defense is atrocious it's
outrageous we have been busily hollowing out the military from year to year to year the
people who actually deploy and fight and keeping all of the generals and adding to them again every time there's an
opportunity for an intervention the the defense department comes across said well you need more Admirals more generals to run the intervention
it's crazy so that we got to get control of that thing and then we have to really focus on what do we need as opposed to
what do we really what do we want in other words there's always a wish list then there's a need list
we got to get back to what do we need did you really think we need 10 000
nuclear warheads are 5 000 nuclear warheads enough are two thousand enough I once had a French
General tell me Douglas one Warhead is enough in other words anybody who thinks
you're going to use one Warhead against them scares the living hell out of them and and by the way that's appropriate
because nuclear weapons are terrible ruin life on Earth nobody wants to go there because Washington DC is a money
machine and anyone who steps forward and says these things and by the way president Trump has said some of these things too
it threatens the money flow we've got to stop it
we can't afford it right we've enjoyed the privilege of that deficit without tears right we've
been able to print print our leaders only think as far as the next election cycle some of them can't think past 10
years because they're in their 80s and people like me we don't have a 10-year time prize and we're looking out 40 50
years so I mean what do you think this country looks like several decades from now
depends the the top priority for the United States in terms of National
Defense first and foremost close the border
stop the influx of millions of people for whom frankly we it's not a question of Room everybody will say well we've
got lots of space we can't employ them we can't absorb them and reap and put them to good
purpose and use so that's the first thing second thing is we've got to restore the rule of law
inside the United States anyone who comes from overseas tells you they love to do business in the United States
because they don't have to pay the bribes to everyone in sight that is usually required around the world
but the rule of law has broken down in too much of our country you know so those are the two things
that have to happen right away the rule of law also means a lot of these people
who come here illegally are going to have to leave that doesn't mean they can't come back legally but where do we
put them where do we house them and if we're headed into a period of scarcity as opposed to the enormous abundance
that we've enjoyed it's very dangerous to bring in millions of people that you look at and regard as foreigners
because then the Foreigner is seen as somebody taking your job absorbing your
benefits do you understand what I'm saying it's a very dangerous situation we haven't been thinking about any of
these things because we don't see the Pain Train that we're about to ride all
we've seen is the Fun Train the party train get on party away there's plenty of coal left the end the locomotive will
keep running well the locomotive is grinding slowly to a halt
it may not make it much longer what do you do then you have to start throwing people off the train
right we've taken advantage of our our position as Global Reserve currency we've exported much of our inflation I
know we're starting to run out of time but I did want to ask you president Trump has said publicly that if he were
in office he could end the Ukraine war in 24 hours do you have any insight on how he would do that I mean what's the
best case scenario for extracting us from this situation at this point well the first thing that I think president
Trump would do is that he would send a message to President Putin and tell him
that we are prepared to hold talks with him or his Representatives without preconditions
what have we always heard from Biden and from zelenski well all Russians have to
leave Ukraine before we'll talk to anybody all Russians must evacuate Crimea I mean it's like saying telling
the Israelis you must all commit ritual suicide to make you know millions of Muslim Arabs happy that's a lot of
nonsense right so that's not going to work so it has to be talks with without preconditions
that's number one number two neutrality is on the table will will accept neutrality for Ukraine
we don't need Ukraine and NATO NATO is too big as it is it's a huge unwielding
monster and by the way NATO should have been europeanized 30 years ago why are we
still there paying the freight and paying for everything it's unnecessary so those are two things right away that
I think president Trump would say no preconditions neutrality absolutely then
the tough questions are where do you draw the lines and what kinds of assurances do you give the Russians that
we will not come back in the future and do what we did from 2014 until 2023 or 2022 and that is
build up the Ukrainian military establishment now all of this assumes of course
that if president Trump got in there that Putin would take him seriously I I think he probably would but remember
President Putin has also looked at us and said well you know president Trump meant well the last time president Trump
was never an enemy of the Russian people he's not an enemy of the Chinese people he's not an enemy of any people
but it didn't matter did it because the people that held appointments in his administration were committed to
hostility toward Russia China and elsewhere so that's a huge problem who's
he put in he's got to have a completely new team and then you're still dealing with this sort of greedy Congress greedy Senate
and House that wants money money money money money they they've become addicted to the financialization of the economy
they want the transaction fees just like the boys in the banks on Wall Street they want to get their transaction fees
well that's the same thing true now in Washington D.C I often say the ideal
president would probably be Oliver Cromwell the Lord protector of England because he put an end to a lot of that
corruption and that was the biggest problem he faced in England it's the corruption of the ruling Elites so
there's no easy answer but I think that's what's on President Trump's mind and I know he's very serious about it
well you've said it before we have the best government money can buy and you know I think Putin is definitely
prepared to keep this war going if we don't move in the direction of talks but where I want to end it is I know that
you're a father you have so much experience and you've seen this country change over the last
several decades and I was just wondering you know do you have hope that it will get better
and and how can we take from this conversation something that is a call to
action and do something how can the viewers and the listeners um do something today that will move us
in the right direction I think in the short run the most important thing you can do is demand accountability from the
people who are currently sitting in Washington I remember vividly when uh President
Obama surrounded by large numbers of globalist neocons had been persuaded to
put together strike packages for use in Syria which would have expanded the the
ongoing disaster in Iraq to Syria and when people heard about this
hundreds of thousands millions of phone calls and messages started pouring in so
by the time he got to the podium he said I'm not going to do it turned around and walked off the stage
so you can have an impact on these people but the only way you have an impact is to threaten them with the loss
of their office and that unfortunately is is not always easy to do but you can make it
abundantly clear that war should not be on the table right now for China or
Russia and that our principal Focus as a as a great power today should be to end
the war in Ukraine exactly as president Trump has said and stop pretending that
the Russians are evil they're not they're normal people just as we do with
legitimate security interests same thing's true for China everyone forgets that Taiwan was the unsinkable
aircraft carrier for the Imperial Japanese armed forces that invaded China and killed millions of Chinese we may
brush that aside and treat that with contempt we should not we need to
understand other people have legitimate interests you've got to demand that of the people that you're voting for but
remember you're competing because you're not paying them their salary is modest they're busy
stuffing their pockets full of cash from all the lobbyists and the other voices in the background urging them to do
stupid things somebody said it's not voters who win elections it's donors
that's the tragedy well it's something we want to change that's why I'm very passionate about the idea of separating
money from the state if it's possible Colonel McGregor thank you so so much
you're a voice of reason during times where uh more common sense and reason is
really needed so thank you so much for all your time well thank you for having me [Music]
thank you


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