
Many African take a stand against the Western World

(2023-05-23 23:24:03) 下一个


so many people within the African
continent are starting to take a stand
against the Western World with their
promotion of alternative Lifestyles and
we know that in the United States they
are trying to push that into the African
continent and those brothers and sisters
are taking the stand against that
because it's not conducive for their
cultures not conducive for their
particular religions well you have a
brother out of South Africa Jay maponga
that brother and I want you to hear you
know his take on some of this because
what he's saying is just downright just
makes you shake your head
millions of The Americans the bulliness
of The Americans
right on the west side
America right now comes to Tanzania
comes to Ghana comes to Zambia
with 16 million
and guess what 60 million only for
Zambia the 16 million ask me what is it
for what is it for for human rights
across the river
and Russia coming to South Africa
ask me for what
for the military training
and skills sharing
of security
so the Americans are more interested in
a transgender
homosexual agenda around the world they
will invest their money and give you
money to protect human rights Russia and
China are coming with weapons and
militarization strategies so that we can
protect ourselves someone to say this
very loud and clear to the Americans
continue on your transgender agenda
stay there leave us to do Politics on
the other side because what we need
right now is not a minority
human rights activation
what we need is a societal
and for you as Americans to think that
we really Envy that when you have an
anti lesbian anti-gay LGBT principal
then tourists will drop let me correct
that once and for us
and the cut and click this and it must
be loud and clear
are you saying to me that all the
tourists are gay
and when you hear that this is a
non-gazed Zone tourism will suffer
question number one question number two
are you saying that we don't have the
right to expressing ourselves as
Africans question number three if
democracy means majority rules
and majority votes against a principle
then why won't you allow that to become
are you saying the minority must manage
the majority or the majority must manage
the minority then if that whole ideology
is wrong then take democracy in a nice
black just to be back
and throw it outside
because what you are telling us is there
is by the people for the people with the
people and all the other slogans you
hear what democracy represents if we
attending the room and nine people say
no and one people one person says yes
democracy you go with the majority
so if we say we want to make Africa
democratic and the demographics of our
democracy says no Then why do you
philosophically want to manipulate the
will of the majority to favor the will
of the minority but this is where it
really gets confusing to me because
you're selling me one thing one I
understand it is democracy because it is
based on the principle one two three
four five when it comes to practice no
you can't practice it like that okay
discipline what do you want
do you want democracy you want Anarchy
you want indigenous governing systems
you want meritocracy maybe let's find
another way of governing ourselves but
the ideology of democracy being founded
on majority rule does not count because
the rule that runs the South African
Constitution right now is not majority
so as you heard what our brother had to
say is that Kamala is going to Zambia
offering them 60 million U.S dollars
that none of the black people in the
black community can get from the
government whatsoever but you're gonna
go to Zambia and offer them money
because they need to accept
alternative Lifestyles that's what they
need to accept
60 million to them that kind of reminds
me of a scripture that says what prophet
a man to gain the whole world but
forfeit his soul
Kamala is going to African countries and
want them to Forfeit the soul of their
for Aid money
and any brothers and sisters that take a
stand to that God himself will be
pleased with you and he will bless you
your family and your country for taking
a stand because you have to follow thus
saith the Lord is what you need to
listen what the brother said he said
while they're running around the African
continent talking about alternative
China and Russia is talking about
military and defense
across the river
and Russia coming to South Africa ask me
for what
for the military training
and skills sharing
of security
so the Americans are more interested in
a transgender
homosexual agenda
around the world they will invest their
money and give you money to protect
human rights Russia and China are coming
with weapons and militarization
strategies so that we can protect
ourselves someone to say this very loud
and clear to the Americans continue on
your transgender agenda
stay there leave us to do Politics on
the other side
do you see why more African nations are
starting to talk to China and Russia do
you see why
they're not coming around there talking
what somebody's doing in their bedroom
they're talking about actually defending
in African militaries need to be better
because if you can defend your nation
then you won't be taken over if you
could defend your nation then no one can
come bully you and tell you what to do
and once again kamla didn't go to Saudi
Arabia telling them that she didn't go
to Qatar she didn't go to the United
Arab Emirates
she didn't go to Jordan she didn't go to
no Arab Nations telling them that when
the penalty for people that's practicing
alternative Lifestyles is the death
penalty she didn't go tell them anything
neither should go over there offering
them money
because she know better
the United States know better than going
into the Arab world with that
it's going to be a problem
but they think they can go to Ghana to
Tanzania to Zambia and say you need to
accept alternative lifestyles
it is a human rights violation it's also
a human rights violation which you did
to Tyree Nichols
is also a human rights violation which
you did to our Tatiana Jefferson it's
also a human rights violation which you
did to George Floyd
or Michael Brown
or rakia Boyd or charlena Lyles or Corin
you name them it's so many people that
have lost their lives Sam Dubose Alton
there's so many people that have lost
their lives has been great human rights
violations and and no one wants to call
you on the the human rights violators
that you are what you do to black people
is human rights violations
it is completely
and and until you get right the human
rights violations in your own Homeland
how are you gonna go to somebody else's
country and talk about what somebody
else need to be doing with some
alternative lifestyles
why don't you become the beacon of Human
why don't you fix the greatest human
rights atrocity in the world which is
the slavery of my ancestors
the the Jim Crow that has been done all
the millions and acres of land has been
stolen the inventions has been stolen
from Black American people why don't you
make that right
and then you can go around and tell
people throughout the world that they
should be following what you say
because what you are telling us is there
is by the people for the people with the
people and all the other slogans you
hear what democracy represents if we
attending the room and nine people say
no and one people one person says yes
democracy you go with the majority
so if we say we want to make Africa
democratic and the demographics of our
democracy says no Then why do you
philosophically want to manipulate the
will of the majority to favor the will
of the minority but this is where it
really gets confusing to me because
you're selling me one thing one I
understand it is democracy because it is
based on the principle one two three
four five when it comes to practice no
you can't practice it like that
what do you want
do you want democracy you want Anarchy
you want indigenous governance systems
you want meritocracy maybe let's find
another way of governing ourselves
charity begins at home for one two how
you gonna go to your brother and say and
take try to take the plank out of his
eye but you got a plank in you your eye
you hypocrite first take the plank out
of your eye then you can see clearly to
take the plank out of your brother's eye
and this is what African nations are
telling you now
the Caribbean Nations they are telling
you the exact same thing you can't go
walking around wagging your finger no
more at nobody when you treat black
people like crap
you can't do it
because watch me need right now is not a
human rights activation
what we need is a societal
and for you as Americans to think that
we really Envy that when you have an
anti lesbian anti-gay LGBT principle
then tourists will drop let me correct
that once and for us
and cut and clipped this and it must be
loud and clear
are you saying to me that all the
tourists are gay
and when you hear that this is a
non-gazed Zone tourism will suffer
question number one question number two
are you saying that we don't have the
right to expressing ourselves as
Africans question number three if
democracy means majority rules
and majority votes against a principle
then why won't you allow that to become
so your brothers and sisters in the
African Council and whatever always
bring us up when they try to come
wagging their thing at you bring up
Black America and watch them start
double talking and stumbling that's all
you got to do
that's all you got to do well I was
watching TV and you had police officers
in your country just beat this man Tyree
Nichols uh to death that's a great human
rights violation what did you do to that
oh they went to jail no no no no no no
this happens all the time in your nation
they were charged they didn't go to jail
yet they haven't had a trial
no but let it happen in Uganda or
something oh my God the 70 is such a bad
president look what happens in his
you know I'm saying I'm saying see the
time has come where the truth is being
and because the truth is being spoken
you can't the lies will not standing
white supremacy have been built on lies
and falsehoods
and when you when that's put into the
light it won't take stay in the test of
but let me know what y'all think about
what our brother is saying here shout
out to our Brothers Shout out to the the
people in South Africa
um definitely always loved us to go
visit those brothers and sisters but
yeah yeah the truth is definitely coming

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