
Modi G20 2023 One Earth, One Family, One Future, unity of purpos

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'One Earth, One Family, One Future' signals the need for unity of purpose as well as the unity of action: PM Modi


Published By : Admin | March 2, 2023 | 09:38 IST
"One Earth, One Family, One Future' signals the need for unity of purpose as well as the unity of action”
"Post World War global governance failed in both its mandates of preventing future wars and fostering international cooperation on issues of common interests”
"No group can claim global leadership without listening to those most affected by its decisions”
"India's G20 Presidency has tried to give a voice to the Global South”
"We should not allow issues that we cannot resolve together to come in the way of those we can”
"The G20 has a critical role to play in finding the right balance between growth and efficiency on one hand and resilience on the other”



“印度担任 G20 轮值主席国,试图为全球南方发声”


“G20 可以发挥关键作用,一方面在增长和效率之间找到适当的平衡,另一方面在韧性之间找到适当的平衡”


Foreign ministers, Heads of international organizations, Excellencies,

I welcome you to India for the G20 Foreign Ministers Meeting. India has selected the theme of 'One Earth, One Family, One Future' for its G20 Presidency. It signals the need for unity of purpose and unity of action. I hope that your meeting today will reflect this spirit of coming together for achieving common and concrete objectives.



We must all acknowledge that multilateralism is in crisis today. The architecture of global governance created after the Second World War was to serve two functions. First, to prevent future wars by balancing competing interests. Second, to foster international cooperation on issues of common interests. The experience of the last few years- financial crisis, climate change, pandemic, terrorism, and wars clearly shows that global governance has failed in both its mandates. We must also admit that the tragic consequences of this failure are being faced most of all by the developing countries. After years of progress, we are at risk today of moving back on the Sustainable Development Goals. Many developing countries are struggling with unsustainable debt while trying to ensure food and energy security for their people. They are also the ones most affected by global warming caused by richer countries. This is why India's G20 Presidency has tried to give a voice to the Global South. No group can claim global leadership without listening to those most affected by its decisions.

我们都必须承认,多边主义今天正处于危机之中。第二次世界大战后建立的全球治理架构具有两个功能。首先,通过平衡相互竞争的利益来防止未来的战争。第二,在共同关心的问题上加强国际合作。过去几年的经验—金融危机、气候变化、流行病、恐怖主义和战争清楚地表明,全球治理在其两项任务中都失败了。我们还必须承认,这种失败的悲惨后果主要由发展中国家承担。经过多年的进步,我们今天面临着在可持续发展目标上倒退的风险。许多发展中国家在努力确保其人民的粮食和能源安全的同时,也在与不可持续的债务作斗争。他们也是受富裕国家造成的全球变暖影响最大的群体。这就是为什么印度担任 G20主席国试图让全球南方国家发表意见。如果不听取受其决策影响最大的那些人的意见,任何团体都无法声称其具有全球领导地位。


You are meeting at a time of deep global divisions. As Foreign Ministers, it is but natural that your discussions are affected by the geo-political tensions of the day. We all have our positions and our perspectives on how these tensions should be resolved. However, as the leading economies of the world, we also have a responsibility towards those who are not in this room. The world looks upon the G20 to ease the challenges of growth, development, economic resilience, disaster resilience, financial stability, transnational crime, corruption, terrorism, and food and energy security. In all these areas, the G20 has capacity to build consensus and deliver concrete results. We should not allow issues that we cannot resolve together to come in the way of those we can. As you meet in the land of Gandhi and the Buddha, I pray that you will draw inspiration from India's civilizational ethos - to focus not on what divides us, but on what unites us all.

你们是在全球分歧严重的时候开会的。 作为外交部长,你们的讨论受到当今地缘政治紧张局势的影响是很自然的。对于如何解决这些紧张局势,我们都有自己的立场和观点。然而,作为世界领先的经济体,我们也对不在这个房间里的人负有责任。世界期待 G20 缓解增长、发展、经济复原力、灾害复原力、金融稳定、跨国犯罪、腐败、恐怖主义以及粮食和能源安全方面的挑战。 在所有这些领域,G20 都有能力达成共识并取得具体成果。我们不应让我们无法共同解决的问题阻碍我们解决的问题。 当你们在甘地和佛陀的土地上相遇时,我祈祷你们能从印度的文明精神中汲取灵感——不要关注分裂我们的因素,而是关注将我们所有人团结在一起的因素。


In recent times, we have seen the most disastrous pandemic of a century. We have witnessed thousands of lives lost in natural disasters. We have seen global supply chains break down during times of stress. We have seen stable economies suddenly overwhelmed by debt and financial crisis. These experiences clearly show the need for resilience in our societies, in our economies, in our healthcare systems, and in our infrastructure. The G20 has a critical role to play in finding the right balance between growth and efficiency on one hand and resilience on the other. We can reach this balance more easily by working together. That is why your meeting is important. I have full trust in your collective wisdom and ability. I am sure that today's meeting will be ambitious, inclusive, action-oriented, and will rise above differences.

I thank you and wish you all the best for a productive meeting.

最近,我们目睹了一个世纪以来最具灾难性的大流行病。我们目睹了数以千计的人在自然灾害中丧生。我们已经看到全球供应链在压力时期崩溃。我们看到稳定的经济突然被债务和金融危机所淹没。这些经验清楚地表明,我们的社会、经济、医疗保健系统和基础设施都需要恢复力。G20 可以发挥关键作用,一方面在增长和效率之间找到适当的平衡,另一方面在韧性之间找到适当的平衡。通过共同努力,我们可以更容易地达到这种平衡。这就是为什么你的会议很重要。我完全相信你们的集体智慧和能力。 我相信,今天的会议将雄心勃勃、包容各方、以行动为导向,并将超越分歧。


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