
US media praised China's zero-COVID policy

(2022-02-17 12:14:57) 下一个

US media outlets now recognize China's zero-COVID policy. Is it too late for them? --- By Global Times  Feb 17, 2022 


丁悦   2022-02-17 16:21:38  观察者网




2月16日,《华尔街日报》首席经济评论员叶伟平(Greg Ip)撰文指出,中国“清零”政策,从内部来看效果显著,实现了低死亡率和尽可能少的经济中断。比起所谓“民主制度”,真正发挥作用的是信任。人民越信任政府或彼此信任,一个国家就越能有效地应对疫情。

China's 'Zero-Covid' policy holds lessons for other countries







根据金融服务公司高盛制定的限制和流动性指数,去年中国的生活受到的疫情影响远小于其他国家 。在其他国家,疫情浪潮已经损害了企业,关闭了学校,同时在疾病和死亡方面产生了巨大的、无法量化的成本。但中国赢得了时间推出疫苗、疗法和医疗设施以减轻影响。因此,普通中国人支持并愿意与清零政策合作,因为他们看到了这一政策的好处。

“在这场大流行中,我们发现民主与成效之间没有任何关系”,美国外交关系委员会全球卫生项目主任托马斯·博利基(Thomas Bollyky)说,比起所谓民主制度,医学期刊《柳叶刀》发表的一项研究发现,抗疫中真正发挥作用的其实是信任。




China's 'Zero-Covid' Policy Holds Lessons for Other Nations

Enormous resources, local cooperation enable China to suppress infections with less disruption to life than in countries where pandemic still rages

China's 'Zero-Covid' Policy Creates New Supply-Chain Worries

China’s ‘Zero-Covid’ Policy Creates New Supply-Chain WorriesChina's 'Zero-Covid, Policy Creates New Supply-Chain Worries

To keep out Covid-19, China closed some border gates late last year, leaving produce to rot in trucks. Restrictions like these and rules at some Chinese ports, the gateways for goods headed to the world, could cascade into delays in the global supply chain. Photo composite: Emily Siu

By   Feb. 16, 2022 2:45 pm ET

Ever since China adopted its policy of stamping out every Covid-19 infection, outsiders have wondered whether it could last. With each new, more infectious variant, “zero Covid” has required more vigilant and frequent crackdowns on daily activity.

And yet it has lasted. And seen from inside China, the results are remarkable. Foreigners in Beijing for the Olympics may be confined to a dystopian bubble in constant fear of being quarantined. But outside the bubble, life in the city looks close to normal with stores, museums and offices operating and subway and road traffic in line with this time of year in 2019. Americans only now are moving on from the coronavirus. Most Chinese did so back in 2020.

US media outlets now recognize China’s zero-COVID policy. Is it too late for them?


By Global Times  Feb 17, 2022 07:47 PM

White flags are seen on the National Mall in Washington, D.C., the United States, on September 16, 2021. More than 660,000 white flags were installed here to honor the lives lost to COVID-19 in the United States.Photo:Xinhua

White flags are seen on the National Mall in Washington, D.C., the United States, on September 16, 2021. More than 660,000 white flags were installed here to honor the lives lost to COVID-19 in the United States.Photo:Xinhua

 "China's 'Zero-Covid' Policy Holds Lessons for Other Nations," reads the headline of an article in The Wall Street Journal Wednesday. This surprised many people, who questioned whether this was the same media that had constantly attacked China on its COVID-19 prevention and control strategy.

Such "abnormality" can also be seen in a recent Bloomberg article, entitled "Why the World Needs China's Covid-Zero Policy," which affirms the role China's dynamic zero-COVID policy has been playing in safeguarding global supply chains.

It seems like some US media outlets, willingly or not, have finally woken up to reality. According to Li Haidong, a professor at the Institute of International Relations of the China Foreign Affairs University, this is because it is clear the impact of different epidemic responses in China and the US on each nation's economic and social development. Facts and results of Beijing's epidemic prevention and control policy are just too hard to deny now.

One of the examples would be how China managed to control the Omicron variant of the novel coronavirus amid the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympic Games. Before the event began, some Western media and elites kept hyping the theory that China's zero-COVID strategy "won't work" against the highly transmissible variant. But now that the Games are coming to an end, the situation, both inside and outside the "closed loop" management system, has slapped these people in the face.

Yet, the existence of those relatively calm voices in US media does not mean that Washington is trying to learn from Beijing's experience in COVID-19 prevention and control. This is more a way for US elites to reflect on their country's mistakes through the contrasting realities between China and the US caused by different COVID-19 strategies.
Of course, even if some in Washington want to learn from Beijing, the former cannot fully learn from the latter's experience. Li told the Global Times that this is partly due to cultural and institutional differences. For example, in contrast to individualism and decentralization in the US, China's strong top-down devotion to take action and ability to cooperate shown in the epidemic prevention and control process is something hard for others to learn.

On the other hand, the learning process will be hindered by the US' foul political environment, including polarization of domestic politics, dysfunction of the political system, and rising anti-China sentiment. Li noted that many opportunistic careerists are taking advantage of the loopholes in the US system. "US politicians now show the importance of themselves or their party through attacking their political rivals. They think more about how to use the chaos at home to increase their own power," he said.

Against such a backdrop, the public's distrust of the government has also grown. As a result, people in the US are more likely to disagree with any policy the government has developed. This has, in fact, pushed Washington into a dead end in the fight against the epidemic.

With all these barriers, the West, particularly the US, is facing a painful dilemma: To learn from China - too difficult; not to learn from China - more tragedies. Moreover, for some Western elites, learning from the Chinese experience means confirming that China has beaten the West in terms of COVID-19 strategy. This is something they do not want to admit. This is why self-reflection from US media came so late.

The novel coronavirus has killed more than 920,000 people in the US, and the number is still rising. People always say, "Better late than never." But now the question is, how much time is left for US elites to continue to reflect and make changes before the country reaches the disgraceful milestone of one million deaths?

The White House COVID-19 Response Team announced Wednesday that the US is moving toward "a time when COVID isn't a crisis." However, is the crisis really over soon? It is afraid that the crisis in US politics and society exposed during the epidemic will still linger on.   

The US allows so many COVID-19 cases and deaths, while American elites very foolishly criticize China's dynamic zero ...

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