
JP Morgan Chancellor: Being Americans simply shame after going t

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JP Morgan Chancellor: After going to China and India and other countries, I feel that when the Americans simply shame

2017-07-15 14:40:15
Source: Observer Network Synthesis
Keywords:JP Morgan United StatesJP Morgan France TheUnited States economy TheUnited States weakeningUnited States reform

"It is simply shameful to travel around the world as an American and listen to everybody talking about a variety of stupid Americans doing to their country," JPMorgan Chase & Co. said yesterday in an interview.

Several U.S. media reported on July 15 that Jamie Dimon, chief executive of JPMorgan, the largest bank in the United States, criticized the second quarter earnings conference call on July 14 saying the U.S. policy today "has hurt the average U.S. People, "he said he has just been to Israel, France, China, India and other places, all of whom recognize that infrastructure, education and tax reform policies can increase the viability of businesses while the United States is caught in a stupid political battle.

He said: "We should now unite to do something that is good for the average American, and now we are almost the most bureaucratic, the most chaotic and most abusive society on the planet."

"Independent" website screenshots

Dimon was still angry with reporters who asked him questions. "My company is profitable in the last two weeks of June. Seriously, who cares? Sometimes the profits are more, sometimes less, it's just business." There's a 'change of weather' on the field, and 80% of your focus is on it. "

Dimon urged reporters to focus more on "bad policies" that could really hurt average Americans, such as poor infrastructure and the abuse of opiates .

We need infrastructure reform. We need business tax reform. We need better skills and education. If we do not pay attention to these issues, then every day we hurt Americans, "he said.The United States needs to pay attention to these, management, taxation and education. You reporters should cover these things. This is not a Republican thing, nor a Democrat thing. Why did not you come to interview me for reporting these?

Dimon said that I have just been to Israel, Ireland, France and Argentina. I have also met with the prime ministers of China and India. All of these countries have profoundly realized that infrastructure, education and tax reform policies can increase their vitality and promote employment. Wages increase. Unfortunately, we did not realize that the United States had prided itself on the free enterprise system. But now we have no advantage. The United States can not build new bridges and airports. Today, there is only a proliferation of drugs.

He continued: "It is the contribution of U.S. businesses that the U.S. economy still has 1.5 to 2 percent growth in the eight years since the financial crisis ended despite stupid political struggles in the White House. What I mean is that if there is more Clever decisions and fewer deadlocks will be stronger growth. "

Jimmy Dimon, who had previously rejected the Trump administration's call for him as finance minister, has always held a critical stance on American politics. In his April letter to investors, he talked almost exclusively about US political issues.

Screenshot of CBS YouTube video


2017-07-15 14:40:15  观察者网综合


美国多家媒体7月15日报道,美国最大银行摩根大通首席执行官(CEO)戴蒙(Jamie Dimon)7月14日在二季度财报电话会议上批评称,美国如今的政策“伤害了普通美国人”,他说,自己刚刚去过以色列、法国、中国、印度等地,这些国家都认识到,基建、教育和税改政策能够增加企业活力,美国却陷在愚蠢的政治斗争中。




戴蒙建议记者多关注一些真正可能伤害美国普通人(average Americans)的“坏政策”,比如糟糕的基础设施建设,以及滥用鸦片类药物的问题



他继续说:“金融危机结束8年以来,尽管白宫不断进行愚蠢的政治斗争,美国经济仍实现了1.5%到2%的增长,这是美国企业的贡献。我的意思是说, 如果有更聪明的决定和更少的僵局,那将是更强劲的增长。”





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