今天知道了一位爱尔兰女作家Elizabeth Bowen。
本来是在网上搜索Graham Greene 的一本小册子《Why Do I Write ?》 ,这书是格林与两位名家 Elizabeth Bowen 和 V. S. Pritchett 谈写作的对话录,1948年初版。我想应该会很有趣,想运气好可能在网上搜得到,后来发现作者署名为Elizabeth Bowen,全名叫《Why Do I Write?: An Exchange of Views between Elizabeth Bowen, Graham Greene and V.S. Pritchett 》(1948)
Bowen was greatly interested in "life with the lid on and what happens when the lid comes off", in the innocence of orderly life, and in the eventual, irrepressible forces that transform experience. Bowen also examined the betrayal and secrets that lie beneath the veneer of respectability. The style of her works is highly wrought and owes much to literary modernism. She was an admirer of film and influenced by the filmmaking techniques of her day. The locations in which Bowen's works are set often bear heavily on the psychology of the characters and on the plots.
She was also a notable writer of ghost stories, with a number of them to her credit.