
我们的身体需要美食,灵魂也如此. 想要成为治愈系的文青厨娘:)

前进不息只为时刻与你并肩同行——焦糖布丁(Caramel Custard)

(2019-02-02 17:59:38) 下一个


Fruit-Gathering-By Rabindranath Tagore



To move is to meet you every moment, Fellow-traveller!


It is to sing to the falling of your feet.


He whom your breath touches does not glide by the shelter of the bank.


He spreads a reckless sail to the wind and rides the turbulent water.


He who throws his doors open and steps onward receives your greeting.


He does not stay to count his gain or to mourn his loss; 


his heart beats the drum for his march, 他心里一刻不停的擂着前进的战鼓,

for that is to march with you every step,Fellow-traveller!



MY portion of the best in this world will come from your hands: such was your promise.


Therefore your light glistens in my tears.


I fear to be led by others lest I miss you waiting in some road corner to be my guide.


I walk my own wilful way till my very folly tempts you to my door.


For I have your promise that my portion of the best in this world will come from your hands.



细砂糖40克/40g granulated sugar

3个全蛋/3 eggs

1个蛋黄/1 egg yolk

牛奶400克/400g milk

椰子粉一小包17g(或香草精5g)/coconut powder 1 bag/17g (or vanilla extracts 5g)

焦糖/Caramelized Sugar

细砂糖100克/100g granulated sugar

食用水(冷)30克/30g cold water

食用水(热)25克/25g hot water

1. Heat oven to 325ºF. 烤箱提前预热到325F/160C.

2 Dissolve100g sugar in 30g water in heavy 1-quart saucepan over low heat. Stay very close to keep an eye on the progress. Once the mixture has come to a boil, avoid stir until sugar is melted and turned golden brown. Microwave another 25g water to hot, quickly pour into the sugar syrup, watch out for the splashing sugar/water.  Bring the mixture to the boil, then remove from heat. 100g糖用30g水融化,放入一个厚底的不锈钢锅,小火慢慢加热,沸腾后就尽量避免搅动,以免翻砂,糖水颜色会慢慢变深。这时要看紧一些,避免颜色太深糖浆变苦。差不多琥珀色的就可以了,我这次弄得有一点点过了。25g水我用微波炉转了30秒,趁热迅速倒入煮好的糖浆,小心糖水飞溅, 煮沸后离火。

Allow the diluted sugar syrup to sit and cool down for 30sec-1min until all the bubbles go away, then divide sugar syrup among four ramekin bowls; tilt bowls to coat bottoms. Allow syrup to harden in bowls for about 5 minutes. 煮好的焦糖浆稍事冷却泡沫消失后,分到四个陶瓷碗里。小心旋转陶瓷碗使糖浆均匀覆盖碗底,然后放平,不一会糖浆就在碗底凝固了,焦糖的部分就准备好了。

3. Mix 40g sugar, coconut powder and 400g milk over low heat, to melt the sugar(<140F/60C). Mix 3 whole eggs and 1 egg yolk, slightly beat. Gradually stir in milk, sift the mixture through a sieve at least twice, then pour over syrup in bowls. These steps need a little tender loving care to avoid bubbles in the syrup. Cover bowls with aluminum foil. 将牛奶,40g砂糖混合,稍稍加热使糖融化。三个鸡蛋和一个蛋黄打散后,边搅拌边把牛奶倒入蛋液中,尽量谨小慎微的操作避免产生过多泡泡。混好的布丁液过筛至少两次移去蛋筋。然后分入四个陶瓷碗中,用锡纸包好。

4 Place bowls in rectangular pan, 13x9x2 inches, on oven rack. Pour boiling water into pan to within 1/2 inch of tops of bowls. Slow cooking, gentle heat in a water-bath is critical for a silky custard pie! 把陶瓷碗放入一个长方形的深底烤盘,倒入开水。低温水浴是做出细腻布丁的关键!

5 Bake about 45  to 60 minutes or until custard is jiggle (but not slosh) when gently shaken.  Remove bowls from water. Cool 30 minutes. Cover and refrigerate for at least 2 hours (best over night) before serving. 水浴45到60分钟,直至布丁大部分凝固只有中间部分有一点晃动。将陶瓷碗从水浴中取出,冷却后冷藏过夜或至少两小时再食用。

6 To unmold, carefully loosen side of custard with knife or small spatula. Place dessert dish or plate on top of cup and, holding tightly, turn dish and cup upside down. Shake bowls gently to loosen custard. Caramel syrup will run down sides of custard, forming a sauce. 脱模的时候,用一个薄薄的刀伸到碗底然后沿着碗沿划一圈,陶瓷碗盖一个碟子,迅速倒扣翻转碟子,轻轻甩几下使得布丁脱底。掀开陶瓷碗后,焦糖液就覆盖布丁然后从顶部无比性感的流下来,感觉心里美美哒!


English recipe modified from: https://www.bettycrocker.com/recipes/caramel-custard/4bf5b398-426b-455a-abd5-bf8641518edf
中文食谱改自:Tinrry下午茶 https://www.xiachufang.com/recipe/100497693/

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