
我们的身体需要美食,灵魂也如此. 想要成为治愈系的文青厨娘:)


(2017-02-27 20:24:56) 下一个

        在facebook看到一个牛肉汤底的做法,决定来试试嘿嘿。在这个食谱中,萝卜似乎是为一碗清甜可口的牛肉汤而生的,而你呢?你有没有 (像我一样吃饱了撑的)想过自己是为何而生的?最近本姐因为找工作,这个问题可没少想。尤其是想去的地方去不了,不想去的地方偏偏逃不掉,也是人生一大困惑。索性就把之前一直似懂非懂的安大大的命运三部曲拿出来又看了一遍,还翻了一些出来,以飨和我一样有相同困惑的盆友们!

How to find God's will? (Andrew Wommack)



Do you feel dissatisfied or unsettled with your life? Are you tired of just going to work, coming home, watching television, going to bed, then getting up and doing it all over again? If so, it may be God who has placed a holy dissatisfaction within you in hopes of provoking you to start seeking out His perfect will. Don’t wait another day to begin the search for God’s will in your life.你有没有觉得自己目前的生活让你觉得索然无味或是颠沛流离?你是否厌倦了日复一日朝九晚五一层不变的生活?如果你的回答是是,那么那也许是神在你心里放下了那对你眼前的生活的不满足,以敦促你去寻求他的完美计划。现在就来开始寻求神对你生命的计划吧。

The place to start is to realize that the Lord has a specific and unique plan for you. He’s had this plan in mind before you were even born. Psalm 139:15-16 says, “My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place. When I was woven together in the depths of the earth, your eyes saw my unformed body. All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be” (New International Version). 我们要开始意识到神对我们每个人都有一个具体和独一无二的计划。这个计划在你出生以前就已经成形在他脑海里。诗篇139: 15-16 我 在 暗 中 受 造 , 在 地 的 深 处 被 联 络 ; 那 时 , 我 的 形 体 并 不 向 你 隐 藏 。我 未 成 形 的 体 质 , 你 的 眼 早 已 看 见 了 ; 你所 定 的 日 子 , 我 尚 未 度 一 日 , 都写在了你的册上。

However, you can’t assume that God’s will is automatically going to come to pass in your life. It won’t. God’s will doesn’t always come to pass. Take salvation, for instance. Second Peter 3:9 tell us,“The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.” 但是呢,你不能理所当然的认为神的计划会自动的在你生命当中实现。实际上,神的计划并不总是能够顺利的实施在我们的生命当中。譬如说,救恩。彼得后书 3:9 告诉我们,主 所 应 许 的 尚 未 成 就 , 有 人 以 为 他 是 耽 延 , 其 实 不 是 耽 延 , 乃 是 宽 容 你 们 , 不 愿 有 一 人 沉 沦 , 乃 愿 人 人 都 悔 改 。


It’s clear from this scripture that God wants everyone to come to repentance and be saved, yet we know not everyone does. God also wants everyone healed, yet people still live with sickness in their bodies. Likewise, God wants everyone to find and walk in the purpose He has ordained for them, yet not everyone will. But that’s not God’s fault. 这段经文很明确的告诉我们,神愿所有人都得救,但我们也知道不是所有人都会得救。神也希望所有人都得医治,但还是有很多人带着病体生活。相似的,神也希望我们每个人都寻找到并行走在他的旨意当中,但不是所有人都会这么做。这显然不是神的错。

Once you realize that you are the one responsible for discovering God’s will, the next step is to start seeking God for it. He’s not hiding His will from you. But you’re going to have to do some seeking to find it. Jeremiah 29:12-13 tells us how we need to seek God: “Then shall ye call upon me, and ye shall go and pray unto me, and I will hearken unto you. And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart.” Notice the emphasis on seeking with all your heart. As long as you can live without knowing God’s will for your life, you will. But when you seek with all your heart, you will find it (Matt. 7:7).一旦你意识到你才是那个要负责找到神的旨意的人,你就可以开始向神来寻求他的旨意。神不会向你隐藏他的计划,但你确实需要付出行动去找到它。耶利米书29:12-13 告诉我们我们是如何需要寻求神。你 们 要 呼 求 我 , 祷 告 我 , 我 就 应 允 你 们 。 你 们 寻 求 我 , 若 专 心 寻 求 我 , 就 必 寻 见 。请注意这里强调我们要全心全意寻求神。如果你可以不需要知道神的旨意而活得好好的,你必定会这么做。但若是你专心寻求,你就会找到神的旨意。(马太福音 7:7  们 祈 求 , 就 给 你 们 ; 寻 找 , 就 寻 见 ; 叩 门 , 就 给 你 们 开 门 。)

I asked people in my church how to find God’s will. Nobody could tell me what to do. So I decided to start reading the Bible. I figured God’s Word could give me the knowledge I needed, so I stayed up until two and three every night, reading. Even though I ended up reading the Bible through two or three times during my senior year, I still didn’t have any specific direction from the Lord. But then, all of a sudden, one passage of Scripture, Romans 12:1-2, came alive to me: “Present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service. And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.” 我问我们教会的弟兄姐妹怎样找到神的旨意。没人可以告诉我要怎么做。于是我决定自己到圣经当中去寻找答案。我觉得神的话会给我所需要的指引,所以我每天读圣经至凌晨两三点。尽管读了两三遍圣经,我还是没有从神那里得到什么具体的指示。但突然有一天,一句特别的经文在我心里活了起来。那是罗马书12:1-2,所 以 弟 兄 们 , 我 以 神 的 慈 悲 劝 你 们 , 将 身 体 献 上 , 当 作 活 祭 , 是 圣 洁 的 , 是 神 所 喜 悦 的 ; 你 们 如 此 事 奉 乃 是 理 所 当 然 的 。不 要 效 法 这 个 世 界 , 只 要 心 意 更 新 而 变 化 , 叫 你 们 察 验 何 为 神 的 善 良 、 纯 全 、 可 喜 悦 的 旨 意 。

~~~啰嗦西:手中紧紧拽着我的梦想,心中印着玉树临风的白马王子形象。独不知,何为“将 身 体 献 上 , 当 作 活 祭”。天父,我愿更深顺服!~~~
One mistake people often make in seeking God’s purpose is that they assume whatever they’re good at in the natural must be what God wants them to do. So if they’re naturally good at public speaking, they figure God must have called them to a speaking ministry of some sort. I don’t believe this is always true. It certainly wasn’t true in my case. I was scared stiff of speaking in front of people.人们在寻求神的计划的过程当中常犯的一个错误是,他们误认为自己所擅长的,就应当是神想要他们去做的。所以如果他们长于公共演说,他们就会认为神会呼召他们进入需要用到演说能力的事奉。我不认为这是绝对的。至少在我的情况不是这样的。

God called me to do what is beyond my natural ability so that I would have to rely on Him to get it done. That’s why God’s will may have nothing to do with your natural gifts. If you can do something yourself—naturally—you wouldn’t need God’s empowerment. Sometimes people’s talents may be an indication of what God’s will is, but many have gifts and talents they don’t even know exist. 神呼召我去做的事情是超出我天然的能力的以至于我必须要依靠他才能完成。这也就是为什么神对你的计划也许跟你天然的特长没有任何关系。如果你靠自己天然的能力就能胜任,你就不会需要神大能的助力。有些时候人们的技能确实某种程度上指向神的计划,但很多人所拥有的能力甚至他们自己也不知道。

I believe that most people are not accomplishing what God has called them to do. They may be doing good works, but that doesn’t necessarily mean they’re walking in God’s purpose for their lives. Not everything that is good is God.Believe me, God’s perfect will is worth finding. Supernatural peace and joy come when you’re in the center of His will. And God’s blessing and anointing will always be on your work when you’re doing what He’s called you to do. 我相信绝大部分的人并没有听从神对他们的呼召去过他们的人生。他们也许投身在美善的事情上,但那并不意味着他们就走在神对他们生命的计划当中。因为并不是所有看起来好的事情都是神的旨意。请相信我,神对我们全备无暇的计划是绝对值得我们去寻求的。当你走在神的旨意当中的时候,神超自然的平安和喜乐就会来充满你。当你在做神所呼召你去做的事情的时候,神的祝福与恩膏也会与你手中的工作同在。

材料:(方子改自蘿潔塔的廚房牛肉500g(有牛骨更佳),鸡腿4支,白萝卜一根 (约400g),胡萝卜两根 (300g),大蒜若干瓣,姜一小截,洋葱一个,西红柿一个

调料:牛肉卤包一袋 ,花椒若干,干山楂几片,八角两三个,白酒 (或威士忌)约10ml

做法: 1. 牛肉,鸡腿加入冷水烧开,飞水的时候可以加人少许料酒,葱和姜片去腥

           2. 萝卜去皮,滚倒切块,洋葱切小块,葱切段,姜切片,掰好蒜

           3. 高压锅放入所有1,2中的材料,倒入约1.5升水,加入卤包,花椒,山楂,八角,压35分钟

          4. 倒入一些压好的汤底到另个锅中,煮开后放入一个切成小块的西红柿

          5. 另外一个锅加水烧开,下面煮至八成熟捞出,放进汤底再烹煮两三分钟即可

          6. 放几块切好的牛肉和撒点葱,一碗香喷喷的面就做好啦^_^

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