

傅正明著:詩從雪域來 西藏詩人漂流記

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The Odysseys of the Tibetan Poets


                                                      傅正明 著





About this Book

This book under the title The Odyssey of the Tibetan Poets, written by Fu Zhengming and prefaced by the Dalai Lama, is an introduction to and review of Tibetan poets in exile and their poems or songs.

In a sense, nearly all of true Tibetan poets have suffered the fate of being exiled or self-exiled either in body or in soul since 1959, the year His Holiness the Dalai Lama was forced to leave the snowland and seek refuge in India. The author brings together the Tibetan poets, both outside and inside Tibet, who write in Tibetan, Chinese or English.  Many poems quoted in this book are translated from Tibetan or Chinese into English for the first time. In their works, these Tibetan poets emphasize their individuality, specific situations, and true feelings in unique artistic style and mystic colors of the Tibetan Buddhism, which are woven into a comprehensive picture for the first time. On the background of Sino-Tibet conflict,  the mixing of the two cultures and the meeting of Tibetan poetry and World literature, this book depicts the Tibetan poets’ hardship and freedom in exile, as well as their nostalgia and tragic spirit in their peaceful struggle against China’s autocratic rule. A mixture of their lives with lyrical emotions is a long story as national allegory.



About the author


Fu Zhengming, Chinese poet, scholar and translator living in Sweden, was born in Shaoyang city in Hunan province in 1948 and graduated from the Chinese Department of Beijing University with a Degree of Master of Arts.     Fu has written and published a number of books such as On the Ruins in Poland - Szymborska 's Art of Poetry and the Cultural Traditions (Beijing, 1998), Dark Poet Huang Xiang and His Colorful World ( New York, 2003), Comment on a Century of the Nobel Prize In Literature (Taipei, 2004), The Odyssey of the Tibetan Poets (Taipei, 2006),The Structure of World Literature (Taipei, 2013). In the area of translation, Fu’s numerous works include The Art of Greek Comedy (Catherine Lever, E-C, Beijing, 1988),A New Translation of English Lyrics(Taipei, Commercial Press, 2012) , Five Hundred Poems from the Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam(Taipei, 2015) and A New Translation of Shakespeare’s Sonnets (Douban Read, eBook, 2016).


傅正明,湖南邵阳人,現居瑞典,1988年畢業於北京大學中文系文藝學專業,獲文學碩士學位,主要著作有論著《在波蘭的廢墟上—辛波絲卡的詩歌藝術與文化傳統》(文化藝術出版社,1998年),《黑暗詩人—黃翔和他的多彩世界》(柯捷出版社,2003年),《百年桂冠 —— 諾貝爾文學獎世紀評說》(允晨文化,2004年),《地球文學結構》(聯經出版,2013年),《夢境跳傘――特朗斯特羅默的詩歌境界》(臺灣商務印書館,2013年),譯著《古希臘喜劇藝術》(北京大學出版社,1988年),《英美抒情詩新譯》(臺灣商務印書館,2012年),《魯拜詩詞新譯五百首》(唐山出版社,2015年),《莎士比亞的詩歌紀念碑》(唐山出版社,2016年)。


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