
暖冬cool夏 (热门博主)
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沙漠中的玫瑰果--仙人掌梨果 (w English)

(2017-09-16 19:00:57) 下一个
秋天了,这里的山是荒凉的。山路因为好几个月没有雨水,厚厚的层土,没走多久,就沾上了我们行人的裤脚和鞋子。秋天的山谷真是没什么好看的,没有东部的秋色,有的只是枯黄一片。我和LD走着走着就觉着boring, 觉得脚下的路好漫长。
当我们从一条新路折回时,在山顶一个平坦的休息处遇到了一支华人爬山队伍,就前去搭讪。自己的队伍散了, 常常三三两两的,好像也很难重振旗鼓, 潜意识里总是想寻找新队伍。这支十来个人的队伍也来自附近一带的,领队的是个面目和善的中年男。LD和他各自加了微信后(加入他们的爬山群后), 就开始聊起来了,后来一问,那人跟LD还可以算是个老乡。聊了一会,他又把队里的一位校友介绍给我们,我们就和校友一路走一路聊,聊孩子,聊工作,话很投机,脚下的路再也不觉漫长,不久就到了终点。独乐乐永远不如众乐乐!  准备分手时,随意和校友聊起住处,居然还住同一个社区,靠得很近,可以算邻居了。
话说这仙人掌,浑身上下都是宝。仙人掌本身可以做药。家中院子就种有一棵,身上偶尔发个脓疱之类的,剪下一点点,捣烂,效果极佳。仙人掌还可以吃。同事曾经告诉我,店里有处理好的仙人掌卖。仙人掌花是墨西哥国花,花的美丽娇艳让它登上宝座,网上说花朵还可以作色拉吃。仙人掌果子可以生吃,可以榨汁,也可以当药。其果子高纤维,富含维生素C, 维生素D,抗氧成分,可降血糖,消炎,辅助治疗关节炎、痛风,有抗癌等功效。
其实自己也是最近才发现这个果子。说起这个仙人掌果子,也是起源于八月底的一个周六,在爬山途中,见到半颗被什么动物吃过的梨果遗落在路边。那玫瑰色般紫红紫红的果肉让我想起火龙果(红肉品种的),  也就在那时,我的好奇心被激发了起来。
没过几天,就在常去的超市里看到有卖,发现有红皮和绿皮两种(见照片。绿色的更甜,水分更多),而且处理过的,不需要担心那些细小的刺。尝过后才知道,这其貌不扬的果子还真是味美价廉 (这里的商店的价格是5个99美分)。第一次吃这果子给我带来的惊喜不亚于第一次见到盛开的美丽娇嫩的仙人掌花。惊讶的是,这生长在极其干旱地带的植物,它结出来的果子居然如此香甜多汁。虽然我知道店里卖的是农场种植的,但是植物品种是一样的。(下图中大的果子是店里买的,小的是野生采的)
When we talk about flowers, cacti normally don’t immediately spring to our mind, even though the flowers turn out to be stunningly beautiful. So are the cactus fruits. It is hard to associate juicy and sweet fruits with the prickly and uninviting plants grown in the drought area. That may be the reason that I never try the cactus fruits in my life till lately,even though the prickly pears can be sold as cheaply as 5 pieces for $0.99, even though I know that they have a wealth of nutrients,  very high vitamin C, calcium, fiber, antioxidant, etc.
A couple of weeks ago, while hiking on a dirt road on the  barren hill, I saw a cactus pear bitten by an animal and left unfinished under the cactus bushes. The sight of the red meat, which looks much like the color of red dragon fruit,  stirred up my interest.  
Then a few days later,I found myself tasting the store -purchased  prickly pear for the first time. I was thrilled at discovering two different types of fruits, one with red meat and the other green, within two weeks. The juicy and tender meat is a striking contrast to the prickly and spiky outlook. They taste just as delicious as any other fruits, likening much to the pear.
My curiosity towards the newly discovered fruit culminated when one Saturday I took a tong with me and snapped a few prickly pears off the cactus pads in the wilderness. Compared with farmed fruits sold in the store, the fruits off the wilderness tastes stronger, more indigenous but a bit sour. They are full of gravel -like seeds that I need to spit out constantly. Would not recommend at all. Let's leave the nature's produce for the animals to enjoy.
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暖冬cool夏 回复 悄悄话 回复 '7grizzly' 的评论 : Ha-ha, you are humorous:)). Ok, here comes my humor: It is a test of how carefully you read. Didn't I say "后果自负”?You failed the test. LOL. Luckily your son did not touch it,right? Otherwise, I will be banned from eating for seven days as someone suggested in my post:)).Throw away the lone fruit or 后果自负:)). Honestly the one from the store tastes better. Have a nice new week!
7grizzly 回复 悄悄话 回复 '暖冬cool夏' 的评论 :
Yes. It's all your fault--I finally realized that ;-) Just kidding.
That lone fruit is sitting on the counter waiting to be properly eaten ;-)
暖冬cool夏 回复 悄悄话 回复 '7grizzly' 的评论 : 要用tong,对不起对不起,这个刺太小了,回来切的时候也是用tong夹着切,手不能碰到的,网上有人用 scotch tape 裹在果子外皮将刺弄下,我是用夹子夹着,切开,用勺子挖的。你如果现在手上有小刺(很小的,有时都看不到的),要用小镊子给夹出来,很irritating的。即便店里卖的,有时也没有完全弄干净。对不起,我没有讲清楚。另外,这种野生的籽很多很多,我是吞下去的,否则没法吃。希望没有你大碍。
7grizzly 回复 悄悄话 > 外表的刺太多太小,很容易扎到手,而且也麻烦
I have to learn it the hard way, today. :-))
暖冬cool夏 回复 悄悄话 回复 'erdong' 的评论 : 迩东好!我们这儿有时也是一块钱三个,有时五个,绿色的看上去很生的样子,吃起来好吃的。我籽大多吞下去的,要不然太麻烦了。我老板吃葡萄都不吐籽的,你可以试试。
erdong 回复 悄悄话 我特别喜欢吃仙人掌果,经常在店里买来吃。我们这一般是一块3个。但我都是买红的吃,下次试试绿色的。
暖冬cool夏 回复 悄悄话 回复 'yy56' 的评论 : 还没去过三亚呢,听说很美的地方,你说的野鸡让我想起夏威夷。这果子三亚也有啊,谢谢你的信息。祝周末愉快!
yy56 回复 悄悄话 我第一次吃仙人果是在海南三亚,那时三亚刚刚开发,野鸡到处跑,仙人果到处都是。
暖冬cool夏 回复 悄悄话 回复 '彩烟游士' 的评论 : 游士的比喻真形象,里面的籽真是硬的像石头,但是我觉得果子的味道并不像水蜜桃喔。谢谢你的留言。
暖冬cool夏 回复 悄悄话 回复 '觉晓' 的评论 : 是的,大自然真是博大宽厚的,给予我们物质上和精神上的无数享受。觉晓周末愉快!
觉晓 回复 悄悄话 这篇很科普,生活里的学问真多,我们所了解的只是一小部分,未知的世界是广大的。谢谢你。
彩烟游士 回复 悄悄话 这个我吃过,感觉就像在成熟的水蜜桃里放了很多沙子一样:)
暖冬cool夏 回复 悄悄话 回复 '边走边看66' 的评论 : 边边好!你试试,我自己挺喜欢吃的,有时候籽也吞下去算了,哈哈。籽应该有营养的,只是不知胃能不能消化。祝好!
边走边看66 回复 悄悄话 以前在店里看见过,还从来没尝过呢,下次买两个尝尝。
暖冬cool夏 回复 悄悄话 回复 'Once-always' 的评论 : Oncemm回来了,真高兴。You were badly missed!没有你,诗也写不出来了,哈哈。不知道你那儿有没有这种水果,叫prickly pear,你留心一下,可能不常见的,我们这儿也只有中东店和墨西哥店有卖。问候mm, 期望mm更多新作!
Once-always 回复 悄悄话 暖mm你这是傍山依水,日子过得真滋润,想山有山想水有水呢,仙人掌花果好可爱,以后有机会去超市我也要去找找,其实我最爱吃热带水果。你这几篇随感写得真好,我可记住了-- 路边的野果不要采。:)最多野花摘两朵。:))
暖冬cool夏 回复 悄悄话 回复 '时隐时现' 的评论 : 时隐MM早!这东东你不知道很正常,我也最近才吃,不知你那儿有没有卖,产地应该是这儿吧,不过味道真不错,甜,水分多,籽也多(有些籽吞下去:)。谢谢MM来看我,问候MM!
时隐时现 回复 悄悄话 谢谢冬夏MM分享这么好的东东。
暖冬cool夏 回复 悄悄话 回复 '菲儿天地' 的评论 :是嘛,估计产地是我们这儿,那我更应该多买多吃了。祝菲儿新的一周一切安好!
菲儿天地 回复 悄悄话 我吃过的,但当时不知道是仙人掌的果,我们这里蛮贵的,谢谢暖冬科普!
暖冬cool夏 回复 悄悄话 回复 '7grizzly' 的评论 : It's good that I tried, and I now love the prickly pears. I have been returning to the same store for more lately. You might be able to find them in a Mexican store or in my case at a Persian store (but not in Ranch 99). I have not tried the cactus meat though, and according to my coworker, it tastes like okra. Thanks for your information, and I believe in its anti-inflammatory nature. Hope you can find both the cactus and the fruits (or tuna) in your area too.

The scene where a hyena falls into prickly bushes must be from an animation movie (?), which you might watch together with your son, and make both of you laugh:))

Thank you for stopping by, my friend. Have a nice new week!
7grizzly 回复 悄悄话 That's a great discovery. My neighbor told me the cactus meat was great, too. I haven't tried either.

I used to think of the scene where a hyena falls into prickly bushes every time I saw a bunch of cactus plants ;-)

My parents used to relieve the pain with cactus juice when I got stung by a bee.
暖冬cool夏 回复 悄悄话 回复 'ziqiao123' 的评论 : 子乔好!可以吃的,也挺好吃的,就是里面的籽多了点,有点影响口感。留心一下店里卖的,两种都好吃,野生的不建议,因为外表的刺太多太小,很容易扎到手,而且也麻烦。谢谢子乔留言,子乔周日愉快!
ziqiao123 回复 悄悄话 真的可以吃啊?我怎么从来没有在我们这边看见过呢?下次一定要找来试试。