
暖冬cool夏 (热门博主)
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The Stormy Rain

(2017-02-17 15:56:32) 下一个
Every morning since January whenever I opened the front door, I saw a slim stack of Wall Street Journal lying on the ground, wrapped in a thin but colored plastic bag.  This is the newspaper we got for free from the mileage redemption. I picked it up on my way to work, thinking I could find time to read during the break. But chances are, nine out of ten, I brought it back home untouched, just like those old days when I borrowed the books from the library but returned them unread. Now the table in the kitchen and the corner of the living room were piled up with the newspaper, some still in the bag, some scattered out haphazardly. The other day, my husband used the newspaper in the garage for his car, and I suggested that he should use other advertisement newspaper instead. He retorted, “When do you think you have the time to read?”
Right.  Where did all my time go?
Seated in the quiet corner cubicle, I almost dozed off a bit. It is Friday afternoon. They went to a meeting, and I, on an excuse of an urgent report, did not go. I was reading today’s Wall Street Journal during their absence.  I know the report wouldn’t take long, but I just didn't want to waste my time over the meaningless meeting. 
It was gray dark outside, like the hours in a late afternoon before the dusk. The torrential rains were pounding the roof, the window, the ground and evertrying under the sky. The parking lot was flooded, with streams flowing and rain drops rippling on the surface.  The trees, soaked in the rain, were bending and being whipped by the howling wind.
Tomorrow is Saturday, a day that I’ve always been looking forward to. However the hiking plan was washed away with the rain, as all the trails will be closed for sure.  Yesterday I happened to see a blog here in the City, in which 美洲狼(thanks btw) posted beautiful pictures of fully bloomed golden poppies in Chino Hills. How I wish I could go this weekend, to immerse (fling??) myself in the green rolling mountains and to embrace the transient beauty of spring in southern CA.
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暖冬cool夏 回复 悄悄话 子乔、思韵好!谢谢两位老友的喜欢和鼓励。这两天阴阴的,闷在家里,一步都没出门。北加的雨更大吧。思韵可别这么说,我的根本不算什么,如果你想提高英文,关键在阅读,大量的阅读。我有时不读,就会觉得空空的,写不出东西。我们互相鼓励。你们俩的英文都相当不错的。顺祝好!
思韵如蓝 回复 悄悄话 以后我就跟读暖冬的博文学英语,我的已经退化得不行了。暖冬的文字,无论中英,都那么朴实真挚,没有丝毫矫揉造作之气。喜欢!
ziqiao123 回复 悄悄话 暖冬的英文小文越写越好了,清新暖人,我们这儿周末也都下雨。\n
暖冬cool夏 回复 悄悄话 回复“狮子”:谢谢狮子。Thank you for your compliment. You wrote more beautifully than I did in this journal. Hope you have a sunny weekend there!
狮子羔羊 回复 悄悄话 beautifully written. Calm and with sun shining in heart. That's why you can imagine blossoming spring in stormy rain
暖冬cool夏 回复 悄悄话 回复“7grizzly":
"Reading always gives me a sense of improvement by learning new
words/phrases/concepts or refreshing old ones."
+1, same with me.
Overall, I am a 比较坚持的人, and with you setting an example there, I know I will follow. Hopefully reading will be a habit, a joy in the end. Thank you, my friend!
7grizzly 回复 悄悄话 By itself, being able to enjoy reading is a blessing, isn't it?
Reading always gives me a sense of improvement by learning new
words/phrases/concepts or refreshing old ones. "坚持" sometimes
indicates overcoming difficulties, maybe in the beginning. But these days,
I won't feel happy without reading.

Have a great weekend.
暖冬cool夏 回复 悄悄话 回复“迩东”:迩东好!是啊,看到新闻了,北加好像比我们这儿还要厉害,面临水库排放问题。Poppies最盛开的地方是Antelope Valley,离我们也挺远的,这么多年也就去过一次。祝春好!
暖冬cool夏 回复 悄悄话 回复“nitayy": Thank you for liking it. The pictures also touched me deeply that day, and a poem flowed out of my heart. A brief visit of your blog tells me that you are a very artistic crafts-woman. Nice to meet you!
erdong 回复 悄悄话 我们这也是狂风暴雨,今年野花将盛开!
Chino Hills 那里花开得真好,可惜离我们家太远了。
nitayy 回复 悄悄话 I have never seen red color as in curtains and it was so strikingly beautiful... Very impressive!
暖冬cool夏 回复 悄悄话 回复“nitayy": 欢迎新朋友!It is really good for you if you can read WSJ online every day. Digital的看起来又清楚又不用翻页。谢谢你的光临和两个留言,谢谢你的input。周末愉快!
nitayy 回复 悄悄话 回复 '暖冬cool夏' 的评论 : 我每天在iPad 上阅读若干新闻网,包括WSJ。最近因为美国大总统先生说纽时failing,还特地订了纽时以示支持。
暖冬cool夏 回复 悄悄话 回复“oncemm”:mm早!一觉醒来,就看到mm温暖的鼓励,多谢mm的喜欢。你说的对的,家里还有一大堆免费杂志,根本没看,WSJ确实不错,但现在老花加近视,读起来累(他们不肯换digital的)。还是希望自己能坚持读。祝mm周末愉快!那么怎么那么好的,又长周末。我星期一上班的,:(
Once-always 回复 悄悄话 特别喜欢暖mm的英文小作,beautiful and subtle. 感觉听到了雨声,又感觉听到了暖mm的心声。
暖冬cool夏 回复 悄悄话 回复“游士”:谢谢游士指正。这个周末爬不了,今天的雨下的创纪录的。也祝你周末愉快!
彩烟游士 回复 悄悄话 你说的是美洲狼吧?哪来的美洲豹?哈哈。
