内容简介:This book contains 31 poems. It is about the author's feeling when she climbs the mountain of science and about how the author overcame difficulties in life.
A Kite
A long time ago, I was like a kite in the wind;
I liked clouds,
So I forgot my Lord who drew the line on the ground.
I didn’t like to be drawn,
So I broke away from the line;
I fled to be by myself.
Being free, I felt the sky was wider;
Only such a sky could bear the weight of my dream;
By flying alone, I felt the scenes were more beautiful;
Only such scenes could set off my wings.
I left the kite group;
I wanted to pursue what is called purely independent and absolute;
I was satisfied with my courage;
I didn’t want to talk to the ignorant majority one more time.
However, suddenly the wind blew;
I could not withstand it all on my own;
My freedom turned out to be gone,
Because I did not have help from the ground.
Then I fell down;
My beautiful wings broke off;
I weakly lay on the ground;
I began to regret my arrogance and recklessness.
I thought I could not fly any more,
But I did not know my Lord was looking for me all that time;
He picked me up from the ground,
And repaired my broken parts.
So now I can fly again into the blue,
And I understand the importance of being in a group;
I now know to be grateful,
To be grateful for the guidance of my Mighty Lord.
Maggie Zhao graduated from Tsinghua University with a bachelor and a master degree, and from North Carolina State university with a PhD degree in environmental engineering. She is currently an associate professor in Beijing Normal University. The poems in this book describe her relationship with Jesus. Maggie thanks Marsha Root for helping her edit the book.
Maggie Zhao毕业于清华大学,获得学士和硕士学位,并于美国北卡罗来纳州立大学获得环境工程博士学位。现任北京师范大学副教授。
Maggie Zhao感谢 Marsha Root帮她编辑这本书。
《In You, I Have My Hope》在巴诺书店上发行
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