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本书以中英文对照的形式、通过汉字结构的差异制造幽默,在世界出版史上尚属首次。 全书有卡通插图20幅。 





说干就干。我开始琢磨眼前的常用字,试图利用它们的偏旁部首、组织结构和读音的异同,寻找和制造一些笑料。 写了几十段以后,脑袋空了,实在写不动了。这时我在网上搜索到一些汉字搞笑对话之类的段子,感到同道不少,于是又硬着头皮写了下去。后来我还邀请了李国斌、赵金基两位英语高手和漫画家刘宏加入到这个阵营中来,想让全世界更多的人——即使他们一个汉字也不认识——了解到汉字不仅是神圣伟大实用之创造,而且是幽默、欢乐、诙谐之源泉。就这样我们互相鼓励,反复切磋,终于创作出了这本世界出版史上第一部以汉字为幽默对象的笑话集——而且还是中英双语版。

但是在联系本书的出版时却很不顺利。整整五年时间,我在中国大陆找了无数家出版社,都没有找到合适的出版单位。好在出版是无国界的。感谢美国南方出版社让此书得以面世。 希望本书为全球的读者,特别是喜欢汉语的读者带来欢乐!

2023.4.15. 于中国北京


Ma Changshan 

Approximately eight or nine years ago, on one afternoon, I had a sudden inspiration: Could Chinese characters in everyday use be utilized as objects of humor to create a comprehensive joke book?

Immediately I delved into the exploration, utilizing the radical components, organizational structures, and distinctions in pronunciation of commonplace characters to conjure amusing contents. After crafting several dozen short anecdotes, my well of inspiration temporarily depleted, impeding further progress. Nonetheless, my curiosity persisted, and I discovered some "funny Chinese character dialogues" online, a serene reminder that others shared my interests. Encouraged, I persevered and even invited two proficient English experts, Li Guobin and Zhao Jinji, as well as the skilled cartoonist Liu Hong, to join me in a collaborative effort. I aspired to create a work that would allow more people from all over the world, including those who did not perceive a single Chinese character, to recognize that Chinese characters are not only exceptional and practical creations, but also a source of wit, glee, and satire. We spurred one another on, continuously revising and refining the contents until we ultimately created the world's first collections of jokes with Chinese characters as objects of humor - presented in both Chinese and English.

Nonetheless, publishing the book was a trying endeavor. For an arduous five years, I searched across mainland China for myriad potential publishers with no success. Fortunately, publishing knows no boundaries, and I am grateful to the Dixie W Publishing Corporation in the United States for affording me the opportunity to materialize my vision. Ultimately, it is my sincere aspiration that this literary work shall impart a sense of delight to readers across the globe, particularly those who have developed an affinity towards the Chinese language.

Beijing, China.

April 15, 2023.


出场角色:午 (wǔ); 干(gān)。




Almost Mistaken for a Cow

Characters: "horse"; "dry".

runs into at a mall.

"Hi, sis," says to . "The veil looks good on me, doesn't it?"

"Excuse my poor eyesight," replies the other, curling her lips. "But I almost mistake you for a cow."

Note: has a left-falling stroke on the top right resembling a veil; is graphically similar to "cow".


出场角色:妻 (qī); 衮(gǔn)。







Putting Foot in Mouth

Characters: "wife"; "ancient robe".

runs across at a mall. "Hubby, when did you get the coat?" she asks in surprise.

"Sorry, madam, but you've got the wrong person," smiles the other. "I'm not your husband."

"Who are you, then?" asks the woman.

"," comes the reply.

"I've been courteous, but why are you being so rude to me?" says the lady crossly.

Note: is structured like "husband" in the middle of "coat";

"" is mistaken for its homophone "" meaning "Get out".

作者简介 :

马长山,中国北京人。编辑、作家。中国作家协会会员,国际谚语学会世界理事会理事。Ma Changshan, born in Beijing, China, editor and writer, member of China Writers Association, Member of the International Council of the International Association of Paremiology 

李国斌,中国辽宁省大连人,大连工业大学外国语学院副教授。Li Guobin, born in Dalian, Liaoning Province, China, associate professor at school of Foreign Languages, Dalian Polytechnic University.

赵金基,中国辽宁省庄河人,大连工业大学外语学院讲师。Zhao Jinji, born in Zhuanghe, Liaoning Province, China, lecturer at school of Foreign Languages, Dalian Polytechnic University. 

刘宏,中国陕西省富平人,漫画家,发表各类漫画5000余幅,出版漫画作品集多部,数度获得国际漫画大赛大奖和金奖,并数次出任国际漫画大赛评委。Liu Hong, born in Fuping, Shannxi Province, China, cartoonist, published author of over 5000 cartoons and a number of cartoon collections, gold medal winner of the international cartoon contest, judge of the international cartoon contest.









“圆作者一个梦想,助作者美国出书”是美国南方出版社Dixie W Publishing Corporation,http://www.dwpcbooks.com/)的出版宗旨。美国南方出版社2006年在美国Alabama州注册成立,多年来为诸多作者出版图书,销售不断攀升,是美国出版界的后起之秀,现正逐渐为各界熟悉。

美国南方出版社所出版的图书通过自己的网站,美国最大连锁书店巴诺书店(Barnes& Noble),以及亚马逊(Amazon)等网上和实体书店在全球范围内发行。美国国会及各大地方图书馆均有收藏,美国南方出版社成功地把很多作者推向了更大更纷繁的世界舞台。




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