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2022 (219)
A trace in eternity
As usual I'm staring out into the sea, this breathing secret
this net that pulls me into dark depths
all through song into far away places
Even if I wanted to, or were allowed, I could not grasp
all the beauty of life, nor the tears of this world
I would give everything for you to be here
only for this moment to last infinitly
for me to follow your trace into eternity
I would give everything for you to be here
Just like once, I stare at the sky, looking for cities in the night
where we, under the stars, stole the blush of dawn
my morning, where are you now
I would give everything for you to be here
only for this moment to last infinitly
for me to follow your trace into eternity
I would give everything for you to be here
Oh song, when does it end, earth open up
be my home again
for it's a full moon shining on the sea...
【希腊之行】 - 旅游的声音
在去年底的博客里曾写过,在希腊旅游时寻找到了古希腊诗人荷马的声音 – 通过Croatia 音乐人Oliver Dragojevic的歌声。
现在他的逝去,真正让他的歌声成为绝唱;如同千年前的荷马,唱着Iliad 和Odyssey,随风而去,成为灿烂天空的一颗璀璨的星。
Rest in Peace, Oliver Dragojevic,你永远活在爱你的人心中;我们还可以通过你的音乐与你对话。