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【希腊之行】- 希腊的酒量及Delphi 的Maxims

(2017-03-19 17:41:04) 下一个


在读Philip Matyszak的《 Ancient Athens on 5 Drachmas A Day》时,读到古希腊Wine Krater Refills (In Dionysian Measures)时,忍俊不禁;贴出来与大家分享。

Wine Krater Refills (In Dionysian Measures)
    * One Krater: (by itself miserly) brings health
    *Two Kraters: (the acceptable minimum) love and pleasure
    *Three Kraters: (standard) sleep
    *Four Kraters: (steady now!) hubris – overweening pride
    *Five Kraters: (losing it) general uproar
    *Six Kraters: (lose it) drunken debauchery
    *Seven krates: (well our of hand) fighting and black eyes
    *Eight krates: (chaos) the neigbours call the authorities
    *Nine Kraters: (alcohol poisoning sets in) vomiting
    *Ten kraters: (it will take months to live this down) madness and throwing of furniture.

笑完后正经点。当你爬到Delphi山上去问Oracle时,她非但语言晦涩,听不清楚;而且还让你一上山时就要读门楣上的大字:Know Thyself! 到这一步,你还怎么说?!

不光如此,还有原150条现147条的 Delphic Maxims;你自己去猜你自己的命运吧。Delphic山上的香薰缭绕,盖过一切凡俗。也许,在仙气环绕中,你已懵了,已误以为自己得道了。哈。

Delphi 正版(也许此话源于埃及,反正她正谴责希腊抢了她西方文明摇篮的称号;也许是更早的闪米特人,因为究其经,埃及除了堆石头,天文数学哲学医学等成就还是来自于闪米特,也许,应该把摇篮称号归还给两河流域的伊拉克或叙利亚等,读读早《圣经》上千年的《The Epic of Gilgamesh》就知道原委了。)


Rome 版本

147 Delphic maxims
147 Delphic maxims
No. Greek English
1 ?που θε? Follow God
2 Ν?μ? πε?θου Obey the law
3 Θεο?ς σ?βου Worship the Gods
4 Γονε?ς α?δο? Respect your parents
5 ?ττ? ?π? δικα?ου Be overcome by justice
6 Γν?θι μαθ?ν Know what you have learned
7 ?κο?σας ν?ει Perceive what you have heard
8 Σαυτ?ν ?σθι Be/Know yourself
9 Γαμε?ν μ?λλε Intend to get married
10 Καιρ?ν γν?θι Know your opportunity
11 Φρ?νει θνητ? Think as a mortal
12 Ξ?νος ?ν ?σθι If you are a stranger act like one
13 ?στ?αν τ?μα Honor the hearth (or Hestia)
14 ?ρχε σεαυτο? Control yourself
15 Φ?λοις βο?θει Help your friends
16 Θυμο? κρ?τει Control anger
17 Φρ?νησιν ?σκει Exercise prudence
18 Πρ?νοιαν τ?μα Honor providence
19 ?ρκ? μ? χρ? Do not use an oath
20 Φιλ?αν ?γ?πα Love friendship
21 Παιδε?ας ?ντ?χου Cling to discipline
22 Δ?ξαν δ?ωκε Pursue honor
23 Σοφ?αν ζ?λου Long for wisdom
24 Καλ?ν ε? λ?γε Praise the good
25 Ψ?γε μηδ?να Find fault with no one
26 ?πα?νει ?ρετ?ν Praise virtue
27 Πρ?ττε δ?καια Practice what is just
28 Φ?λοις ε?ν?ει Be kind to friends
29 ?χθρο?ς ?μ?νου Watch out for your enemies
30 Ε?γ?νειαν ?σκει Exercise nobility of character
31 Κακ?ας ?π?χου Shun evil
32 Κοιν?ς γ?νου Be impartial
33 ?δια φ?λαττε Guard what is yours
34 Αλλοτρ?ων ?π?χου Shun what belongs to others
35 ?κουε π?ντα Listen to everyone
36 Ε?φημος ?οθι Be (religiously) silent
37 Φ?λ? χαρ?ζου Do a favor for a friend
38 Μηδ?ν ?γαν Nothing to excess
39 Χρ?νου φε?δου Use time sparingly
40 ?ρα τ? μ?λλον Foresee the future
41 ?βριν μ?σει Despise insolence
42 ?κ?τας α?δο? Have respect for suppliants
43 Π?σιν ?ρμ?ζου Be accommodating in everything
44 Υ?ο?ς πα?δευε Educate your sons
45 ?χων χαρ?ζου Give what you have
46 Δ?λον φοβο? Fear deceit
47 Ε?λ?γει π?ντας Speak well of everyone
48 Φιλ?σοφος γ?νου Be a seeker of wisdom
49 ?σια κρ?νε Choose what is divine
50 Γνο?ς πρ?ττε Act when you know
51 Φ?νου ?π?χου Shun murder
52 Ε?χου δυνατ? Pray for things possible
53 Σοφο?ς χρ? Consult the wise
54 ?θος δοκ?μαζε Test the character
55 Λαβ?ν ?π?δος Give back what you have received
56 ?φορ? μηδ?να Down-look no one
57 Τ?χν? χρ? Use your skill
58 ? μ?λλεις, δ?ς Do what you mean to do
59 Ε?εργεσ?ας τ?μα Honor a benefaction
60 Φθ?νει μηδεν? Be jealous of no one
61 Φυλακ? πρ?σεχε Be on your guard
62 ?λπ?δα α?νει Praise hope
63 Διαβολ?ν μ?σει Despise a slanderer
64 Δικα?ως κτ? Gain possessions justly
65 ?γαθο?ς τ?μα Honor good men
66 Κριτ?ν γν?θι Know the judge
67 Γ?μους κρ?τει Master wedding-feasts
68 Τ?χην ν?μιζε Recognize fortune
69 ?γγ?ην φε?γε Flee a pledge
70 ?πλ?ς διαλ?γου Speak plainly
71 ?μο?οις χρ? Associate with your peers
72 Δαπαν?ν ?ρχου Govern your expenses
73 Κτ?μενος ?δου Be happy with what you have
74 Α?σχ?νην σ?βου Revere a sense of shame
75 Χ?ριν ?κτ?λει Fulfill a favor
76 Ε?τυχ?αν ε?χου Pray for happiness
77 Τ?χην στ?ργε Be fond of fortune
78 ?κο?ων ?ρα Observe what you have heard
79 ?ργ?ζου κτητ? Work for what you can own
80 ?ριν μ?σει Despise strife
81 ?νειδος ?χθαιρε Detest disgrace
82 Γλ?τταν ?σχε Restrain the tongue
83 ?βριν ?μ?νου Keep yourself from insolence
84 Κρ?νε δ?καια Make just judgements
85 Χρ? χρ?μασιν Use what you have
86 ?δωροδ?κητος δ?καζε Judge incorruptibly
87 Α?τι? παρ?ντα Accuse one who is present
88 Λ?γε ε?δ?ς Tell when you know
89 Β?ας μ? ?χου Do not depend on strength
90 ?λ?πως β?ου Live without sorrow
91 ?μ?λει πρ?ως Live together meekly
92 Π?ρας ?πιτ?λει μ? ?ποδειλι?ν Finish the race without shrinking back
93 Φιλοφρ?νει π?σιν Deal kindly with everyone
94 Υ?ο?ς μ? καταρ? Do not curse your sons
95 Γυναικ?ς ?ρχε Rule your wife
96 Σεαυτ?ν ε? πο?ει Benefit yourself
97 Ε?προσ?γορος γ?νου Be courteous
98 ?ποκρ?νου ?ν καιρ? Give a timely response
99 Π?νει μετ’ ε?κλε?ας Struggle with glory
100 Πρ?ττε ?μετανο?τως Act without repenting
101 ?μαρτ?νων μεταν?ει Repent of sins
102 ?φθαλμο? κρ?τει Control the eye
103 Βουλε?ου χρ?ν? Give a timely counsel
104 Πρ?ττε συντ?μως Act quickly
105 Φιλ?αν φ?λαττε Guard friendship
106 Ε?γν?μων γ?νου Be grateful
107 ?μ?νοιαν δ?ωκε Pursue harmony
108 ?ρρητον κρ?πτε Keep deeply the top secret
109 Τ? κρατο?ν φοβο? Fear ruling
110 Τ? συμφ?ρον θηρ? Pursue what is profitable
111 Καιρ?ν προσδ?χου Accept due measure
112 ?χθρας δι?λυε Do away with enmities
113 Γ?ρας προσδ?χου Accept old age
114 ?π? ??μ? μ? καυχ? Do not boast in might
115 Ε?φημ?αν ?σκει Exercise (religious) silence
116 ?π?χθειαν φε?γε Flee enmity
117 Πλο?τει δικα?ως Acquire wealth justly
118 Δ?ξαν μ? λε?πε Do not abandon honor
119 Κακ?αν μ?σει Despise evil
120 Κινδ?νευε φρον?μως Venture into danger prudently
121 Μανθ?νων μ? κ?μνε Do not tire of learning
122 Φειδ?μενος μ? λε?πε Do not stop to be thrifty
123 Χρησμο?ς θα?μαζε Admire oracles
124 Ο?ς τρ?φεις, ?γ?πα Love whom you rear
125 ?π?ντι μ? μ?χου Do not oppose someone absent
126 Πρεσβ?τερον α?δο? Respect the elder
127 Νε?τερον δ?δασκε Teach a youngster
128 Πλο?τ? ?π?στει Do not trust wealth
129 Σεαυτ?ν α?δο? Respect yourself
130 Μ? ?ρχε ?βρ?ζειν Do not begin to be insolent
131 Προγ?νους στεφ?νου Crown your ancestors
132 Θν?σκε ?π?ρ πατρ?δος Die for your country
133 Τ? β?? μ? ?χθου Do not be discontented by life
134 ?π? νεκρ? μ? γ?λα Do not make fun of the dead
135 ?τυχο?ντι συν?χθου Share the load of the unfortunate
136 Χαρ?ζου ?βλαβ?ς Gratify without harming
137 Μ? ?π? παντ? λυπο? Grieve for no one
138 ?ξ ε?γεν?ν γ?ννα Beget from noble routes
139 ?παγγ?λλου μηδεν? Make promises to no one
140 Φθιμ?νους μ? ?δ?κει Do not wrong the dead
141 Ε? π?σχε ?ς θνητ?ς Be well off as a mortal
142 Τ?χ? μ? π?στευε Do not trust fortune
143 Πα?ς ?ν κ?σμιος ?σθι As a child be well-behaved
144 ?β?ν ?γκρατ?ς As a youth be self-disciplined
145 Μ?σος δ?καιος As of middle-age be just
146 Πρεσβ?της ε?λογος As an old man be sensible
147 Τελευτ?ν ?λυπος On reaching the end be without sorrow


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