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《冬天的故事》(The winters tale)第四幕的第四场,牧羊女珀迪塔(Perdita)对卡米洛(Camillo  ,波西米亚国王身边的臣子)说:




You’re welcome, sir.

Give me those flowers there, Dorcas. Reverend sirs,

For you there’s rosemary and rue; these keep

Seeming and savour all the winter long:

Grace and remembrance be to you both,

And welcome to our shearing!)

珀迪塔用芸香和迷迭香来衬托两位年纪较大的来宾。芸香是恩典草药,迷迭香象征着“纪念”(remembrance, 她同时祝福来宾们承蒙恩典并永被铭记。


《哈姆雷特》(Hamlet)第四幕第五场,处于癫狂状态下的女主人公奥菲利亚(Ophelia)说:“这是迷迭香,代表纪念。请记住,爱。这是三色堇,代表思想……这是给你的茴香和鸽子花。 这是给你的芸香,还有一些给我,我们可以把它称为星期日的‘恩典草药’。哦,你必须用与众不同的方式戴着芸香。-这是一朵雏菊。我会给你一些紫香堇,但是当我父亲去世时,它们全部枯萎了。他们说他有个好结局(唱)甜蜜的罗宾是我所有的快乐……”

(There’s rosemary, that’s for remembrance. Pray you, love, remember. And there is pansies, that’s for thoughts……There’s fennel for you, and columbines.—There’s rue for you, and here’s some for me. We may call it “herb of grace” o' Sundays.—Oh, you must wear your rue with a difference.—There’s a daisy. I would give you some violets, but they withered all when my father died. They say he made a good end (sings) For bonny sweet Robin is all my joy— )

奥菲利亚分了一些芸香给王后,暗讽她的不忠,提醒王后要戴着它忏悔。她失去了父亲和亲人,也必须戴着它以示双重痛苦。在中世纪,芸香有时被用来催产,或者在极端情况下被用来堕胎。因此某些读者猜测送给自己一些芸香的奥菲利亚已珠胎暗结 – 这是她不想面对的局面,因而导致了她后来以溺水的方式终结自己的生命。


有人做了统计,莎士比亚的戏剧作品中总共出现了29个花园场景,历史剧《理查二世》( Richard II)的第三幕第四场的花园情景是最让人印象深刻的。在约克公爵的花园里,尽管宫女努力劝说理查二世的王后振作起来,她依旧很伤心。此时一位园丁和他的两名仆人进入花园,王后和宫女躲在树下偷听。现将部分情节翻译如下:




And I could sing, would weeping do me good,

And never borrow any tear of thee.


Enter a Gardener, and two Servants


But stay, here come the gardeners:

Let’s step into the shadow of these trees.

My wretchedness unto a row of pins,

They’ll talk of state; for every one doth so

Against a change; woe is forerun with woe.   


QUEEN and Ladies retire




Go, bind thou up yon dangling apricocks,

Which, like unruly children, make their sire

Stoop with oppression of their prodigal weight:

Give some supportance to the bending twigs.

Go thou, and like an executioner,

Cut off the heads of too fast growing sprays,

That look too lofty in our commonwealth:

All must be even in our government.

You thus employ’d, I will go root away

The noisome weeds, which without profit suck

The soil’s fertility from wholesome flowers.




Why should we in the compass of a pale

Keep law and form and due proportion,

Showing, as in a model, our firm estate,

When our sea-walled garden, the whole land,

Is full of weeds, her fairest flowers choked up,

Her fruit-trees all upturned, her hedges ruin’d,

Her knots disorder’d and her wholesome herbs

Swarming with caterpillars?




Hold thy peace:

He that hath suffer’d this disorder’d spring

Hath now himself met with the fall of leaf:

The weeds which his broad-spreading leaves did shelter,

That seem’d in eating him to hold him up,

Are pluck’d up root and all by Bolingbroke,

I mean the Earl of Wiltshire, Bushy, Green.




What, are they dead?




They are; and Bolingbroke

Hath seized the wasteful king. O, what pity is it

That he had not so trimm’d and dress’d his land

As we this garden! We at time of year

Do wound the bark, the skin of our fruit-trees,

Lest, being over-proud in sap and blood,

With too much riches it confound itself:

Had he done so to great and growing men,

They might have lived to bear and he to taste

Their fruits of duty: superfluous branches

We lop away, that bearing boughs may live:

Had he done so, himself had borne the crown,

Which waste of idle hours hath quite thrown down.






O, I am press’d to death through want of speaking!

Coming forward

Thou, old Adam’s likeness, set to dress this garden,

How dares thy harsh rude tongue sound this unpleasing news?

What Eve, what serpent, hath suggested thee

To make a second fall of cursed man?

Why dost thou say King Richard is deposed?

Darest thou, thou little better thing than earth,

Divine his downfall? Say, where, when, and how,

Camest thou by this ill tidings? speak, thou wretch.



Nimble mischance, that art so light of foot,

Doth not thy embassage belong to me,

And am I last that knows it? O, thou think’st

To serve me last, that I may longest keep

Thy sorrow in my breast. Come, ladies, go,

To meet at London London’s king in woe.

What, was I born to this, that my sad look

Should grace the triumph of great Bolingbroke?

Gardener, for telling me these news of woe,

Pray God the plants thou graft’st may never grow.



Poor queen! so that thy state might be no worse,

I would my skill were subject to thy curse.

Here did she fall a tear; here in this place

I’ll set a bank of rue, sour herb of grace:

Rue, even for ruth, here shortly shall be seen,

In the remembrance of a weeping queen.


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