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3 focusing on the sounds of the car—the engine roaring, the wind

(2024-10-18 10:38:11) 下一个
1. Say no to these three conditions: First, don’t drive when you're upset. Second, don’t drive when you're tired. Third, don’t drive when you're in a rush.
2) driving habit, sudden move rushing up jerking move

A sudden, jerking movement while driving, often referred to as a "rushing" or "jerking" move, can occur due to various factors. It may be caused by:

  1. Accelerating too quickly: Rapidly pressing the gas pedal can cause the vehicle to lurch forward, especially if not controlled smoothly.
  2. Braking abruptly: Sudden and hard braking can result in the car jerking forward, especially at higher speeds.
  3. Transmission issues: A problem with the vehicle’s transmission can cause it to shift gears abruptly, leading to jerky motions.
  4. Uneven roads or bumps: Hitting a bump or pothole can also cause a sudden jerking motion.
  5. Driver habits: Quick lane changes or steering maneuvers, especially at high speeds, can create a jerking effect.

It's best to maintain smooth, gradual control over the pedals and steering to avoid these sudden moves, as they can be unsettling for passengers and even dangerous in certain driving conditions.


3) Not listening to music while driving and instead focusing on the sounds of the car—the engine roaring, the wind blowing, and the tires meeting the road—can be beneficial for several reasons:

  1. Increased awareness: By tuning into the sounds of your vehicle and surroundings, you stay more attuned to changes in engine performance, road conditions, or approaching hazards, which can improve safety.

  2. Quick response to issues: The sounds of the engine or tires can give early warning signs of mechanical problems or poor road conditions (e.g., unusual noises indicating a flat tire, engine trouble, or shifting pavement).

  3. Enhances focus: Without external distractions like music, your mind may be more focused on driving, which can lead to better concentration and faster reaction times.

  4. Connection to driving conditions: Listening to the natural sounds of the car and environment helps drivers adjust to speed, road type, and weather changes, fostering a smoother and more controlled driving experience.

These sounds provide important feedback that can lead to a safer, more attentive driving style.

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