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Anger Management 2003 Jack Nicholson

(2024-08-08 23:23:15) 下一个

"Anger Management" is a 2003 American buddy comedy film directed by Peter Segal and starring Adam Sandler and Jack Nicholson. In the film, Jack Nicholson plays Dr. Buddy Rydell, a controversial anger management therapist who tries to help the protagonist, Dave Buznik (played by Sandler), confront his anger issues in unconventional and often chaotic ways.

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What is the original anger management movie?
Anger Management is a 2003 American buddy comedy film directed by Peter Segal and written by David S. Dorfman.

What does Jack Nicholson say in anger management?
There are two kinds of angry people in this world: explosive and implosive. Explosive is the kind of individual you see screaming at the cashier for not taking their coupons. Implosive is the cashier who remains quiet day after day and finally shoots everyone in the store.

Dr. Buddy Rydell - Anger Management (2003) - IMDb


The film you're referring to is "Anger Management" (2003). Jack Nicholson plays Dr. Buddy Rydell, a therapist specializing in anger management, and Marisa Tomei plays Linda, the girlfriend of the main character, Dave Buznik, portrayed by Adam Sandler.

What are some memorable quotes from "Anger Management"?
Sider Fusion

"Anger Management" features several memorable quotes that capture its humor and themes. Here are a few notable ones:

Dr. Buddy Rydell (Jack Nicholson): "You’re going to be in my anger management class. You will learn to control your anger, but first, you need to get in touch with it."

Dave Buznik (Adam Sandler): "I’m not angry! I’m just... confused."

Dr. Buddy Rydell: "I don’t want to take a little tiny man, put him in a box, and keep him for my own."

Dave Buznik: "I’m not dangerous! I’m just misunderstood!"

Dr. Buddy Rydell: "You know what you need to do? You need to find a way to be more angry."

These quotes reflect the film's comedic approach to serious themes surrounding anger and conflict resolution. The dynamic between Nicholson's eccentric therapist and Sandler's more restrained character adds to the film's charm.

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