
宁静纯我心 感得事物人 写朴实清新. 闲书闲话养闲心,闲笔闲写记闲人;人生无虞懂珍惜,以沫相濡字字真。
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If only in 2004 England,

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時間、生命、愛。都是人生裡最珍貴,最無價,最痛恨。期望讓這一切可以與你共鳴。Time, life, and love are all the most precious, priceless, and hated things in life. I hope this resonates with you.
你看看,大家又哭了。。。。 哈哈哈 我对剧情特别共情。我跟老公刚开始就有这个问题:他不理解我到底要什么,我能感受到他非常爱我,但是他爱我不是以我的方式而是他的方式,比如:他喜欢我跟他一起玩游戏,可我并不喜欢游戏。 后面他慢慢开始关注我想要什么,我也开始慢慢去适应他想要什么。老公说英国和泰国混血,所以真的跟这电影里的男主角思维差不多。我会像电影里一样更珍惜当下,多花时间陪他。谢谢你,阿月
Look, everyone is crying again. . . . Hahaha I particularly empathize with the plot. My husband and I had this problem at the beginning: he didn’t understand what I wanted. I could feel that he loved me very much, but he loved me not in my way but in his way. For example: he liked me to be with him. Play games, but I don’t like games. Later, he slowly began to pay attention to what I wanted, and I began to slowly adapt to what he wanted. My husband said that he is of mixed British and Thai descent, so his thinking is really similar to that of the male protagonist in this movie. I will cherish the present moment more and spend more time with him like in the movie. Thank you, Ayue
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愛就是包容,體諒,愛要及時,彼此珍惜每個當下。Love means tolerance and consideration. Love should be timely, and cherish every moment with each other.

愛人真的太難,其實不懂很正常,如同對於好奇的事物般你不可能一直處在那狀態,有人會以神秘感讓愛人持續關注自己,但那已經失去真正的自己,所以我想做我想做的然而失去了一段又一段的感情,很多人認爲為何妳沒能在錯誤中成長覺得妳笨,但生命的體驗才能使你成為有故事的人,趨吉避凶下是種聰明的笨蛋。現下沒能體驗情感的我或許也是笨蛋 我是這麽想

Loving someone is really difficult. In fact, it’s normal not to understand. Just like being curious about things, you can’t always be in that state. Some people will use mystery to make their lover continue to pay attention to themselves, but they have lost their true self, so I want to do it. What I want to do, but I have lost one relationship after another. Many people think why you fail to grow up from your mistakes and think you are stupid, but life experience can make you a person with a story. It is smart to seek good fortune and avoid misfortune. Fool. Maybe I’m also a fool for not being able to experience emotions right now. That’s what I think.
 I just want to ask, is this really the best outcome for the heroine? The hero sacrifices his own life in exchange for the heroine's survival. The heroine falls from heaven to the abyss of hell in one day. Especially the person who already knows the ending and chooses to let the other party live to bear the pain of losing her beloved. This is really true. Is it right? If it were me... I would choose to let the heroine die in the end ~ but not let her know that the car accident happened ~ since the sad fact of losing her loved one has already happened ~ then let the heroine always only remember that beautiful day ~ and the memories will remain Give it to myself~
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