
宁静纯我心 感得事物人 写朴实清新. 闲书闲话养闲心,闲笔闲写记闲人;人生无虞懂珍惜,以沫相濡字字真。
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Ekaterina: Catherine the Great 1995

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政治是抽象的 生命是具体的,荣耀是虚幻的,战争却是真实的。

Catherine the Great 1995
俄罗斯剧版的叶卡捷琳娜二世 真的非常推荐大家去看 首先很还原历史 取景在圣彼得堡的冬宫 女帝演员选的真的非常好 即美艳又有野心 对自己对别人都狠 HBO的版本相较起来感觉就是缺了本土味
爱情祭天,权力无边。 想想,你事业成功了,是满足你自己的欲望,你找喜爱的人,也是满足自己的欲望。两者只是欲望的对象不同,求仁得仁,习惯了就好了。女人在两性关系里,求爱情可能下场更惨,求事业或许还容易一点。 毕竟对人不对事,别人会厌恶你的感性和狭隘的心胸(孔子给女人打上标签);对事不对人,别人觉得你很理智,英明,毕竟男人事业成功就可能会变成妻妾成群。
不想如此就要將權力交回給民眾让民眾自己選擇 並且為自己的選擇負責任政府只是執行者
就如台灣嘅李登輝,當時擁有絕對嘅權力,佢卻推行民主,表面上就如背叛了國民黨 ,實質上他是台灣的民主之父( 當然如果你將一個政治人物放在人性、道德天秤上去,請不要忘記在絕對的權力下,佢絕對可以只謀劃求取自己家族的利益) 亦都認證了一句說話做大事者須循序漸進否則只會造成亂世

8,338 views Nov 8, 2012
Catherine II, also known as Catherine the Great (Russian: Екатерина II Великая, Yekaterina II Velikaya; German: Katharina die Große), Empress of Russia (2 May [O.S. 21 April] 1729 -- 17 November [O.S. 6 November] 1796), was the most renowned and the longest-ruling female leader of Russia, reigning from 9 July [O.S. 28 June] 1762 until her death at the age of 67. She was born in Stettin, Pomerania, Prussia as Sophie Friederike Auguste von Anhalt-Zerbst-Dornburg, and came to power following a coup d'état and the assassination of her husband, Peter III, at the end of the Seven Years' War. Russia was revitalised under her reign, growing larger and stronger than ever and becoming recognised as one of the great powers of Europe. The period of Catherine the Great's rule, the Catherinian Era, is often considered the Golden Age of the Russian Empire and the Russian nobility. "O Fortuna velut Luna" ["O Fortune like the Moon"] Turn around and smell what you don't see Close your eyes ... it is so clear Here's the mirror, behind there is a screen On both ways you can get in. Don't think twice before you listen to your heart, Follow the trace for a new start. What you need and everything you'll feel Is just a question of the deal. In the eye of storm you'll see a lonely dove The experience of survival is the key To the gravity of love. "O Fortuna velut Luna" [Whispers:] [Woman :] The path of excess leads to the tower of Wisdom [Man :] The path of excess leads to the tower of Wisdom Try to think about it... That's the chance to live your life and discover What it is, what's the gravity of love "O Fortuna velut Luna" Look around just people, can you hear their voice Find the one who'll guide you to the limits of your choice. But if you're in the eye of storm Just think of the lonely dove The experience of survival is the key To the gravity of love. "O Fortuna velut Luna" "O Fortuna velut Luna"


"young catherine" 1991 version - Vanessa Redgrave is a wonderful actress. :)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nuhh43VUjfY (in Russian) Catherine the Great - Official English Trailer (Russia TV Drama Series) The great Russian Empress of German descent.

And that these words, with a manner familiar to the eyes and a meaning similar to a curious ear, befitting in no way a florid pretext, nor a mind immature in youth, nor mature in wise years, the accursed screenwriter did not deign to use the language of His Imperial Majesty and his loyal subjects of the eighteenth century, in where did Augusta Frederica live?
It would be good to say that the language of the Russian people in the film with the alien colors of modernity has also become similar to the noticeable signs of loyal subjects of the Prussian throne, especially since it has become orphaned, only the language as an instrument of people’s arrogance such as self-praise is not taught if the people themselves are sitting in an illiterate dungeon, then and his tongue will be ill, and there will be no doctor for him either in
Muscovy or in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth.
It would be hard for the viewer to slurp, but the Russian speaker was spinning around the plot with a rude, alien dialect.
And because you don’t consider us, as if foreigners of the Russian land, to be at all, and for us, who have a good command of it, contrary to your academic opinion, in the mansions of the cadres, it has become completely unsympathetic. It’s not in vain that my darling yearns for exquisite beauty and wisdom, but you, my dears, by nature smack of Prussianism and wickedness in your manners.
The German language of the patrimony seems rude to some, but the meaning and manner of conversation in your ears cuts like a saw of the Principality of Lithuania. IMHO
Translate to English
这个电影的导演是犹太人,非得同情一下马克思和社会主义。 实际上欧洲历史上就没有多少次农民起义,人家农民和地主在1000多年的绝大部分时间都相处得不错。但他就一定要加一段农民造反正义,女皇不允许平等,冷酷又暴力。 历史上,女皇和欧洲,和帝国内的穆斯林相处得都不错。反而是犹太共产主义政权,压迫穆斯林最残忍,给欧洲人也带去最深的伤痕。

48,540 views Nov 19, 2011
This lavishly filmed biography tells the story of Catherine's glorious reign and how she strove to modernise Russia with new ideas on health and education and waged wars in her ruthless quest for expansion. Her lover Prince Potemkin became co-ruler during their obsessive and tempestuous affair. Drawing on Catherine's intimate memoirs and personal letters actress Emily Bruni brings to life one of history's most powerful and passionate women. Quite Interesting
Emily Bruni reminds me of Hilary Swank but less flashy.
They mis-casted the actress that plays Elizabeth. The real Elizabeth was quite heavy set, tall, and blonde.
An important detail not stated in the beginning of the documentary is what exactly Sophia's relations to royalty and nobility are: Catherine's mother was the sister of the King of Sweden, and their lineage stems from the House of Holstein-Gottorp, the very same as that of Peter III - who was her 2nd cousin.
She is a Princess not only of a German State from which her Father ruled, Anhalt-Zerbst, but also from her Holstein-Gottorp lineage, called the Princes and Princesses of Eutin. Her Father's grandmother was also a Holstein-Gottorp and had maternal family connections to the Electorate of Saxony.
She was NOT the complete nobody among nobility or royalty that she often portrayed herself as, and as she is portrayed in works based largely on her memoirs.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Up1td2HGYJg Pt 1

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hvQma4LIfaI Pt 2


Ekaterina, Rise of Catherine The Great | TRAILER [HD] | MagellanTV



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Ekaterina, Rise of Catherine The Great | TRAILER [HD] | MagellanTV



120,328 views Mar 2, 2018
This major international production traces the sensational rise of Catherine the Great, renowned Empress of Eighteenth Century Russia. Ekaterina begins her journey as a young German princess selected to marry Peter the Third, heir to the Russian throne and grandson of Peter the Great. Her story shows that even in an age of imperial dynasties and arranged marriages, power is not given. It is taken. WATCH 'EKATERINA, RISE OF CATHERINE THE GREAT" NOW on MagellanTV https://www.magellantv.com/series/eka... Here at MagellanTV it is our mission to bring you the finest documentaries from around the world. With over 2000 streaming titles ranging in subject from science and space to nature and history, we hope to broaden your mind by introducing you to a world of educational and entertaining content. We believe in the power of telling real stories that have defined the human experience and point the way to the future. We call it: Documentaries worth watching. SUBSCRIBE TO MagellanTV Check out all 2000+ premium documentaries today with MagellanTV. Start your free trial, then continue watching for as little as $4.99 / mo. LEARN MORE AT: https://magellan.tv/info FOLLOW US ON SOCIAL Facebook:   / magellantv   Twitter:   / magellantvdocs   EXPLORE DIFFERENT GENRES Science: http://magellan.tv/science Natural World: http://magellan.tv/naturalworld History: http://magellan.tv/history Human Spirit: http://magellan.tv/humanspirit The Dark Side: http://magellan.tv/thedarkside  
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