Yann LeCun, a pioneer in AI deep learning, acknowledges the limitations of current AI technology. Despite the vast amounts of data and training involved, AI still falls short of human capabilities.
LeCun points out that a 17-year-old can learn to drive in just 20 hours, while a 10-year-old can learn to set the table with a single demonstration. Even a cat can plan complex actions. In contrast, AI requires millions of miles of training for autonomous driving, yet it still lags behind human drivers with far less experience.
Similarly, to acquire knowledge that a person can gain from reading a few books, AI would need to process tens of thousands of books. With billions of parameters, AI systems consume immense amounts of electricity and cooling water, equivalent to that of a small city. In comparison, even the most brilliant human minds, like Einstein, require only basic sustenance.
LeCun's assessment of current AI is clear: "Something big is still missing." This underscores the notion that while AI may appear advanced, it still has a long way to go before reaching human-level intelligence and efficiency.
TJKCB 发表评论于
硅谷工匠 发表评论于 2024-02-06 19:34:42 有读者认为生物很神秘。我同意。有人认为现在人工智能很原始,我也同意。但是有一点,就是仿生并不需要完全了解科学的一切细节。比如飞机是仿鸟,但是比鸟飞的好。我们从ML训练机器上看出一点-人的大脑可能是很高级的计算机,可是我们给大脑配的软件太差。差到什么?差到清华大学毕业谷歌工作的老两口子能一句话都不能认同。传统这叫教育,其实就是对人脑的训练。训练很不够。" ///In reality, while artificial intelligence (AI) may seem advanced, it's important to consider the energy efficiency of biological systems compared to machines. Birds, for example, are more energy-efficient than airplanes. AI requires vast amounts of energy compared to animals and humans. Bird is better an autologous survival than airplanes, which need a huge service resource to operate. Can AI survive itself without human interface?
Would you please provide an example that AI generated any new ideas?
龙湾故事会 发表评论于
Read Doctor Nick Lane! There is nothing special about human knowledge, reason or wisdom. Anything possible if given enough time. Information can be carbon based or silicon based. Neither is superior than the other. A piece of information is just a piece of information.
龙湾故事会 发表评论于
Of course AI is capable of generating new ideas. Period!
Remember the moment Tesla decided to let go of radar sensors and rely purely on visual signals?
LLM opened the door to human knowledge for AI. There will be no return from this symbiotic relationship.