
宁静纯我心 感得事物人 写朴实清新. 闲书闲话养闲心,闲笔闲写记闲人;人生无虞懂珍惜,以沫相濡字字真。
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品茶小軒, 品的是心動瞬間/小说的本质是时间

(2024-02-16 11:10:41) 下一个

struck a chord with ?the AHA moment. 品茶小軒: 品的是 心動瞬間與地點。 心時的小確幸 (我心思故我在)。 高山流新水煮鮮茶,眾品冰非爍眾難知音,獨品舉杯邀明月,對影不見人。 心的瞬間,物化與空間一起構成了文字的基礎,融進茶水碼的蒸氣中。






  1. 时间的流逝:小说通过叙述事件和情节,展现了时间的流逝和变化。随着故事的发展,人物经历了各种经历和转折,时间的推移成为推动情节发展和角色成长的重要因素。例如,《百年孤独》通过多代人物的故事,描绘了加勒比地区马孔多家族百年来的兴衰,展现了时间对家族和个人命运的影响。

  2. 叙述时序:小说通常以线性或非线性的方式叙述故事,时间的安排和顺序对于叙事的效果至关重要。一些小说可能会以闪回或者交错的方式展现故事,这样做不仅能够增加悬念和深度,还能够呈现出人物内心的复杂情感。比如,《追风筝的人》通过主人公阿米尔的回忆和过去的片段,逐步揭示了阿富汗社会的变迁和人物之间的情感纠葛。

  3. 时间的主题:许多小说探讨了时间的概念和主题,例如人生的短暂、记忆的消逝、历史的轮回等。这些主题常常引发读者对生命的思考和感悟,使他们对自身和周围世界有更深层次的理解。例如,《时间的皱折》通过一位少女梅格和她的家人在不同时间点的冒险,探索了时间旅行和家庭纽带的主题,引发了读者对于家庭、友情和成长的反思。


How did Einstein define time?
After one such discussion, Einstein came to a sudden realization: Time is not absolute. In other words, despite our common perception that a second is always a second everywhere in the universe, the rate at which time flows depends upon where you are and how fast you are traveling.

Einstein's Theory and Time | American Museum of Natural History

Is time just a human construct?
Many scientists and philosophers argue that time is not a fixed and objective reality, but rather a subjective and human-made illusion. As Albert Einstein once famously said, “People like us who believe in physics know that the distinction between past, present, and future is only a stubbornly persistent illusion.Feb 1, 2023

Is time an illusion or a dimension?
The currently accepted view of physics is that time is as real as space. Time is sometimes thought of as 'just' the fourth dimension, but it seems as though it is somehow different from the three dimensions of space. For a start, it appears to flow in only one direction.
What is the theory of time?
The first is the Static Theory of Time, according to which time is like space, and there is no such thing as the passage of time; and the second is the Dynamic Theory of Time, according to which time is very different from space, and the passage of time is a real phenomenon.Nov 24, 2020

How did time come into existence?
According to the standard big bang model of cosmology, time began together with the universe in a singularity approximately 14 billion years ago.

According to the standard Big Bang model of cosmology, the universe, along with time, began in a singularity approximately 13.8 billion years ago. The Big Bang theory suggests that prior to this event, all matter, energy, space, and time were concentrated into an infinitely dense and hot point, or singularity. At this singularity, the laws of physics as we know them break down, and our current understanding of the universe's properties cannot fully describe what occurred.

As the universe expanded and cooled following the Big Bang, space and time began to unfold, and the fundamental forces of nature, such as gravity, electromagnetism, and the strong and weak nuclear forces, emerged and started to shape the cosmos. In the initial moments after the Big Bang, the universe was incredibly hot and dense, consisting primarily of a hot plasma of elementary particles such as protons, neutrons, electrons, and photons.

During the first few minutes after the Big Bang, nuclear reactions occurred that synthesized light elements such as hydrogen, helium, and lithium. As the universe continued to expand and cool over billions of years, matter began to clump together under the influence of gravity, eventually forming stars, galaxies, and larger cosmic structures.

Throughout this cosmic evolution, time has played a crucial role in shaping the universe's history. It serves as a dimension through which events occur and change unfolds. The arrow of time points from the past, where the universe was highly dense and hot, to the present, where it has expanded and cooled to its current state. Time is intimately connected with the expansion of the universe, the evolution of galaxies and stars, and the formation of structures on cosmic scales.

While the Big Bang theory provides a robust framework for understanding the origins and evolution of the universe, it also raises profound questions about the nature of time itself, including what might have preceded the Big Bang, if anything, and whether time has a finite beginning or extends infinitely into the past. These questions remain active areas of research and speculation in cosmology and theoretical physics.

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