
宁静纯我心 感得事物人 写朴实清新. 闲书闲话养闲心,闲笔闲写记闲人;人生无虞懂珍惜,以沫相濡字字真。
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事急从权Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer

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The phrase "Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer" is often attributed to Sun Tzu, the ancient Chinese military strategist and philosopher. However, it gained significant popularity in Western culture after being used in the movie "The Godfather: Part II." In the film, the character Michael Corleone attributes the saying to his father. The exact origin of the quote is a bit uncertain, but it has become a widely recognized expression about strategic thinking and relationships.

• APAD:a friend in need is a friend indeed 移花接木 -  给 移花接木 发送悄悄话 移花接木 的博客首页 (1456 bytes) (2469 reads) 01/08/2024  05:23:20 (7)

• 患难见真友。赞一个!没有见过第二种解释。觉得这句话里 in need的人和 friend 应该是两个人。 最西边的岛上 -  给 最西边的岛上 发送悄悄话 最西边的岛上 的博客首页 (0 bytes) (8 reads) 01/08/2024  06:39:43

• Ambiguity is of linguistic fantasy; should b strictly banned 移花接木 -  给 移花接木 发送悄悄话 移花接木 的博客首页 (0 bytes) (2 reads) 01/08/2024  06:47:26

• 4 air traffic ctrl. 移花接木 -  给 移花接木 发送悄悄话 移花接木 的博客首页 (0 bytes) (3 reads) 01/08/2024  06:50:00

• Agreed. 最西边的岛上 -  给 最西边的岛上 发送悄悄话 最西边的岛上 的博客首页 (0 bytes) (3 reads) 01/08/2024  06:58:46

• Same here. Haven't seen the 2nd till today. 7grizzly - 给 7grizzly 发送悄悄话 7grizzly 的博客首页 (0 bytes) (1 reads) 01/08/2024  08:52:51

• and until today, there was no ambiguity for me :-) 7grizzly - 给 7grizzly 发送悄悄话 7grizzly 的博客首页 (0 bytes) (1 reads) 01/08/2024  08:57:11

• Actually there r 4 options, I dropped 2 seemed more obvious 移花接木 -  给 移花接木 发送悄悄话 移花接木 的博客首页 (0 bytes) (1 reads) 01/08/2024  09:07:08

• Please keep those two done :-) 7grizzly - 给 7grizzly 发送悄悄话 7grizzly 的博客首页 (0 bytes) (3 reads) 01/08/2024  09:08:37

• The others try 2 distort "indeed" which made less sense 2 me 移花接木 -  给 移花接木 发送悄悄话 移花接木 的博客首页 (0 bytes) (1 reads) 01/08/2024  09:34:03

• I meant "down" :-)) And thank you! 7grizzly - 给 7grizzly 发送悄悄话 7grizzly 的博客首页 (0 bytes) (1 reads) 01/08/2024  10:07:14

• 这句好像是我上学时学到的第一句英语谚语。亲切。有时候患难中因为种种不得已原因没有出手相助的,也不一定就不是真正朋友。 盈盈一笑间 -  给 盈盈一笑间 发送悄悄话 盈盈一笑间 的博客首页 (0 bytes) (6 reads) 01/08/2024  07:34:56

• 是两个朋友遇到熊的故事~~~ 遍野 -  给 遍野 发送悄悄话 遍野 的博客首页 (0 bytes) (4 reads) 01/08/2024  07:50:01

• The one I heard was about a race :-) 7grizzly - 给 7grizzly 发送悄悄话 7grizzly 的博客首页 (0 bytes) (1 reads) 01/08/2024  08:58:51

• +1 grizzly is fast as deer, agile as cat. Never run from him 移花接木 -  给 移花接木 发送悄悄话 移花接木 的博客首页 (0 bytes) (3 reads) 01/08/2024  09:02:31

• as long as I am faster than the friend 移花接木 -  给 移花接木 发送悄悄话 移花接木 的博客首页 (0 bytes) (2 reads) 01/08/2024  09:03:49

• 噗,楼上3位。。haha 盈盈一笑间 -  给 盈盈一笑间 发送悄悄话 盈盈一笑间 的博客首页 (0 bytes) (1 reads) 01/08/2024  13:07:48

• 完全同意。出手帮助的应该是真盆友,一时没出手的盆友各有苦衷(比如比需要银子的人更穷),但会在别的需要时出手相助的。 最西边的岛上 -  给 最西边的岛上 发送悄悄话 最西边的岛上 的博客首页 (0 bytes) (4 reads) 01/08/2024  08:08:18

• 拉手!:) 盈盈一笑间 -  给 盈盈一笑间 发送悄悄话 盈盈一笑间 的博客首页 (0 bytes) (0 reads) 01/08/2024  13:08:19

• 说的是,对朋友的期望越低越会appreciate他们任何援助之手。 暖冬cool夏 -  给 暖冬cool夏 发送悄悄话 暖冬cool夏 的博客首页 (0 bytes) (1 reads) 01/08/2024  10:15:29

• 不能同意更多啦!白天居然漏看了这个回帖。我这都什么眼神呀。勿怪呀。:) 盈盈一笑间 -  给 盈盈一笑间 发送悄悄话 盈盈一笑间 的博客首页 (0 bytes) (0 reads) 01/08/2024  18:53:18

• Keep your friends close; keep your enemies closer. 7grizzly - 给 7grizzly 发送悄悄话 7grizzly 的博客首页 (0 bytes) (4 reads) 01/08/2024  08:55:03 (1)

• but keep them (enemies) in a different "container" ;-) 最西边的岛上 -  给 最西边的岛上 发送悄悄话 最西边的岛上 的博客首页 (0 bytes) (2 reads) 01/08/2024  10:49:50 (1)

• So they can't diss our dinner :-) 7grizzly - 给 7grizzly 发送悄悄话 7grizzly 的博客首页 (0 bytes) (1 reads) 01/08/2024  11:13:30

• Sun Tzu created it but gained in the movie "The Godfather 2" TJKCB -  给 TJKCB 发送悄悄话 TJKCB 的博客首页 (520 bytes) (0 reads) 01/08/2024  20:31:53

• 第二种太功利了。需不需要都是朋友的才是真朋友的最高境界~ 妖妖灵 -  给 妖妖灵 发送悄悄话 妖妖灵 的博客首页 (0 bytes) (0 reads) 01/08/2024  14:22:20

• 我接着說-,,現在(其實一直都有)-似乎有種"精緻的利己主義者-"", 青松站 - 给 青松站 发送悄悄话 青松站 的博客首页 (122 bytes) (8 reads) 01/08/2024  14:35:02

• 第一次见到第二种解释,interesting. 另:事急从权古已有之,舍身取义毕竟是极少数现象,所以人们特别珍贵而赞扬 方外居士 -  给 方外居士 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) (0 reads) 01/08/2024  20:26:28

APAD:a friend in need is a friend indeed

来源:  于 2024-01-08 05:23:20 [] [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 2471 次 (1456 bytes)
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a friend in need is a friend indeed


The idea that false friends will abandon a person in times of adversity while true friends will reveal themselves and provide help is ancient: the Greek playwright Euripides (c. 480 – c. 406 BC) wrote in Hecuba (424 BC); and English translation as“it is in trouble's hour that the good most clearly show their friendship; though prosperity by itself in every case finds friends”

But beside the above etymological cognition, the literal wording of "a friend in need is a friend indeed" can lead to ambiguities.

Is it 'a friend (when you are) in need' or 'a friend (who is) in need'? If the former, then the phrase means: 'someone who helps you when you are in need is a true friend'. If the latter, it is 'someone who needs your help becomes especially friendly in order to obtain it'.

So, that gives us the follow options:

1. A friend, (when you are) in need, is indeed a true friend. ('indeed')
2. A friend, (who is) in need, is ('indeed') inclined to stress their frienship in order to obtain your help.

For us? Using No. 1 with a straight-face,  and using both with LOL.


tidy up for clarity: "a friend in need is a friend indeed Etymology: The idea that false friends will abandon a person in times of adversity while true friends will reveal themselves and provide help is ancient: the Greek playwright Euripides (c. 480 – c. 406 BC) wrote in Hecuba (424 BC); and English translation as“it is in trouble's hour that the good most clearly show their friendship; though prosperity by itself in every case finds friends” But beside the above etymological cognition, the literal wording of "a friend in need is a friend indeed" can lead to ambiguities. Is it 'a friend (when you are) in need' or 'a friend (who is) in need'? If the former, then the phrase means: 'someone who helps you when you are in need is a true friend'. If the latter, it is 'someone who needs your help becomes especially friendly in order to obtain it'. So, that gives us the follow options: 1. A friend, (when you are) in need, is indeed a true friend. ('indeed') 2. A friend, (who is) in need, is ('indeed') inclined to stress their frienship in order to obtain your help. For us? Using No. 1 with a straight-face, and using both with LOL.

The proverb "a friend in need is a friend indeed" has ancient roots, with Euripides expressing a similar sentiment in Hecuba (424 BC). The literal wording, however, can lead to ambiguity.

The phrase may be interpreted in two ways: 'a friend (when you are) in need' or 'a friend (who is) in need'. The former implies that someone who helps you in times of need is a true friend, while the latter suggests that someone who needs your help becomes especially friendly to obtain it.

To address this, consider the following interpretations:

  1. A friend, when you are in need, is indeed a true friend ('indeed').
  2. A friend, who is in need, is indeed inclined to stress their friendship in order to obtain your help.

Option 1 is presented with a straight face, while both options are offered with a touch of humor (LOL).

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