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Ensign George Gay was a naval aviator in the United States Navy during World War II, best known for his participation in the Battle of Midway. He was born on March 8, 1917, in Waco, Texas, and joined the Navy in 1938.
During the Battle of Midway, which took place from June 4 to June 7, 1942, Ensign George Gay flew a Douglas TBD Devastator torpedo bomber as part of Torpedo Squadron 8 (VT-8) aboard the aircraft carrier USS Hornet (CV-8). VT-8, along with other torpedo squadrons, played a crucial role in the battle, attacking the Japanese aircraft carriers and drawing their fighter cover away from the American dive bombers.
On June 4, 1942, during the initial phase of the battle, VT-8 faced overwhelming Japanese air opposition. Ensign George Gay's plane was the sole survivor of his squadron's attack, and he pressed on alone to release his torpedo against the Japanese carrier Hiryu. Despite being shot down, Gay survived the crash and spent several days adrift in the Pacific before being rescued by a PBY Catalina flying boat.
His eyewitness account of the battle provided valuable insights into the events of the Battle of Midway. Ensign George Gay received the Navy Cross for his actions during the battle. After the war, he served in the Navy Reserve and eventually retired as a lieutenant commander. George Gay passed away on October 21, 1994.
中途島,二戰,恩斯。 喬治蓋伊:告訴我關於他的事 聊天GPT 喬治·蓋伊少尉是二戰期間美國海軍的海軍飛行員,因參加中途島海戰而聞名。
他於 1917 年 3 月 8 日出生於德克薩斯州韋科,並於 1938 年加入海軍。 在1942 年6 月4 日至7 日發生的中途島海戰中,喬治·蓋伊少尉駕駛一架道格拉斯TBD 毀滅者魚雷轟炸機作為第8 魚雷中隊(VT-8) 的一部分,登上了美國海軍大黃蜂號(CV-8) 航空母艦。 VT-8 與其他魚雷中隊一起在戰鬥中發揮了至關重要的作用,攻擊了日本航空母艦,並將其戰鬥機掩護從美國俯衝轟炸機中拉開。 1942 年 6 月 4 日,在戰鬥的初始階段,VT-8 遭遇了日本空軍的壓倒性抵抗。 喬治·蓋伊少尉的飛機是他所在中隊攻擊中唯一的倖存者,他獨自奮力向日本航空母艦飛龍號發射魚雷。 儘管被擊落,蓋伊還是在墜機事件中倖存下來,並在太平洋上漂流了幾天,然後被一艘 PBY Catalina 飛船救起。 他對這場戰鬥的目擊者描述為了解中途島海戰事件提供了寶貴的見解。 喬治·蓋伊少尉因其在戰鬥中的表現而獲得海軍十字勳章。 戰後,他在海軍預備役服役,最終以中尉退役。
喬治蓋伊於 1994 年 10 月 21 日去世。