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(5/77 reads)2023-12-05 16:28:32
The recently made movie did not do well at the box office even by Sir Ridley Scott
Director Ridley Scott, ['Gladiator' director]
Joaquin Phoenix, who is usually an excellent actor, brings absolutely no vibrancy to Napoleon. Phoenix was stiff and exhibited nothing that would make you want to relate to Napoleon. He was miscast because Phoenix in real life is only two years younger than Napoleon was when he died. However, it's a bit weird to see the 48 year old Joaquin Phoenix play Napoleon from ages 23 to 46.
Joaquin Phoenix's performance in Joker was the biggest of many reasons that Ridley Scott wanted him to star in his upcoming movie Napoleon.
Napoleon's $137 Million Box Office Bomb Explained
Screen Rant
https://screenrant.com › napoleon-movie-box-office-p...
2 days ago — Ridley Scott's new film Napoleon fell short at the box office due to inappropriate marketing, mixed reviews, and other factors.
Though visually and technically impressive, the historical drama lacks substance both in content and performances.
英雄是民族的脊梁. 英雄是深厚而强大的精神力量. 英雄气,民族魂
美国对待英雄的方式: founding fathers 已被解构. Their statuses have been pulled down and destroyed.
sophiaDNA 现在左派说罗德是种族主义者(原来只给白人),是歧视妇女者(原来只给男的),要把罗德奖学金改成其它名字。那现在有只给亚裔的奖学金,还有更多只给非裔的奖学金,还有那些只给女性的奖学金算不算种族主义,算不算... » 2023-12-07 18:17:08 ( 873 reads)
In English: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZSaGPIpb830
In Francaise - Vive La France.
Is Napoleon Italian or French?
[Napoleon - Wikipedia]
Napoleon's family was of Italian origin. His paternal ancestors, the Buonapartes, descended from a minor Tuscan noble family that emigrated to Corsica in the 16th century and his maternal ancestors, the Ramolinos, descended from a minor Genoese noble family.
Napoléon Bonaparte, le Plus Grand Empereur Français - Partie 1 | Documentaire Complet | Histoire
Enfin je viens de finir de voir ce légendaire film ! Je suis littéralement époustouflé par les acteurs (mention spéciale pour Rod Steiger et Christopher Plummer), et la mise en scène ! Les soldats qui se rallient à l’Empereur au début du film ! Et surtout la bataille en elle-même : le duel d’artillerie, la charge de cavalerie française sur les carrés anglais vu du ciel, la scène du dernier carré français, l’observation du terrain après la bataille par Wellington… tout ça alors que c’est film de 1970 (donc sans aucun effet numérique), c’est grandiose ! Dommage qu’il n’ai pas été reconnu à sa juste valeur à sa sortie ! Merci pour l’avoir mis en ligne
English: Finally, I've just finished watching this legendary film! I'm literally stunned by the actors (special mention to Rod Steiger and Christopher Plummer) and the direction! The soldiers rallying to the Emperor at the beginning of the film! And especially the battle itself: the artillery duel, the French cavalry charge on the English squares seen from the sky, the scene of the last French square, Wellington's observation of the terrain after the battle... all of this in a film from 1970 (so without any digital effects), it's magnificent! Too bad it wasn't recognized at its true value when it was released! Thank you for putting it online.
Chinese: 终于,我刚刚看完这部传奇电影!我对演员们(特别是Rod Steiger和Christopher Plummer)和导演感到非常震撼!电影一开始,士兵们为皇帝而战!尤其是战斗本身:炮火对决,法国骑兵从天空俯冲英军方阵,最后一个法军方阵的场景,惠灵顿在战后观察战场的一切... 这都发生在1970年的一部电影中(因此没有任何数字效果),真的是宏伟壮观!可惜这部电影在上映时没有得到应有的认可!感谢您将其上传在线。
est une reconstitution historique extraordinaire de la grande bataille de Waterloo, véritablement bluffant! Magnifique et si triste en même temps, tous ces hommes sacrifiés à l'ambition des puissants de ce monde... Comme l'a dit Wellington, le plus triste après une bataille perdue, c'est une bataille gagnée... Du point de vue cinématographique, mention spéciale pour les charges de cavalerie, très impressionnantes, et aussi pour le sacrifice de la Garde. Un bel hommage rendu à tous ces grands soldats et officiers...??
In English: "It is an extraordinary historical reconstruction of the great Battle of Waterloo, truly stunning! Magnificent and so sad at the same time, all these men sacrificed to the ambition of the powerful of this world... As Wellington said, the saddest thing after a lost battle is a battle won... From a cinematographic point of view, a special mention for the cavalry charges, very impressive, and also for the sacrifice of the Guard. A beautiful tribute to all these great soldiers and officers... ??"
In Chinese: "这是对滑铁卢大战的一次非凡历史重现,令人震撼!宏伟而又悲伤,所有这些人都为这个世界的权贵野心而献出了生命... 正如惠灵顿所说,输了一场战役后最悲哀的是赢了一场战役... 从电影角度来看,特别要提及骑兵的冲锋,令人印象深刻,还有卫队的牺牲也是如此。对所有这些伟大的士兵和军官致以美好的敬意...
WATERLOO Film de 1970 de Sergueï Bondartchouk