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Innovative and evolving to re-invent their adoptable culture, they drew the history of "How The Jewish Created Hollywood" is a biographical book that explores the collective efforts of a group of Eastern Jewish men who, although having few resources, collaborated to transform their childhood experiences into compelling narratives in an American context. Through their teamwork, they successfully established a significant presence in the film industry. Despite starting at the lowest position, their unwavering dedication propelled them to seemingly surpass everyone else and reach the highest position on the totem pole, using whatever methods required. The film exhibited a somewhat milder tone compared to the novel.
Jewish borrowed the black form of music to create Hollywoodism: How The Jews Invented Hollywood (1998)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MXeHnvImcMk [by Reelblack One].
Preserving history, especially for black Americans, is worthy of praise.
787,034 views Premiered Sep 24, 2022
The history of the influence Eastern European Jewish Émigré culture has had on Hollywood and the films created in its golden age. The American Dream" was around many years before Hollywood pictures.
I always wondered why so many films depicted peaceful, vulnerable people being attacked and brutalized. I guess I didn’t see why the working-class, underdog, or outsider story was so prevalent, but I can now see how it was pushed so hard.
2 months ago
"I didn't even know I was Jewish." I can totally relate to this. My Hungarian Jewish Grandfather Chemist Scientist hid our Jewishness behind his secular, humanist views. When asked about his heritage, he would say simply, "We were Hungarian. That is all." It was my dark eyes and dark locs that set me apart and soon it was pointed out to me who I really was once I hit Jr High School. A teacher at Luther Burbank Jr High in Highland Park, East LA, first alerted me to this new identity beyond an allusive "Attila the Hun" ancestry (this is what I was told by my predominately English/Scottish/French maternal sides...Lol.
..they did a good job covering up this Jewish part of our heritage). The teacher, whose dark eyes mimiced my own, angrily blurted out incredulously, "Dont you know who you are?" It wasnt until an older couple about my Grandfather's age stopped me outside their convenience store right off Figueroa and the center of town. "Girl, girl...come here. What is your name?"
I gave them my name, and they smiled at one another, speaking in Hungarian and indicating they knew my family. They motioned me to their shop and once inside rolled up their sleeves and there were the numbers on their forearms. They pointed to the store, indicating i could come anytime and have whatever I wanted. I was around fourteen. It was 1976.
Returning to my mothers Bohemian artisan shop, I told her about my encounter. She said, "That's ridiculous. You are related to Attila the Hun." It took a DNA test many years later by one of my brothers that finally the rest of my family accepted this Jewish part of ourselves. This documentary film definitely hits home. So much was hidden for good reason. Hatred of the Other is a scary thing.
? Dark Feathers 「无迹可寻」bilingual posting is highly recommended - TJKCB - 给 TJKCB 发送悄悄话 TJKCB 的博客首页 (386 bytes) (3 reads) 08/01/2024 17:24:26
? 造勢而起,見勢而進 How The Jewish Created Hollywood and leads? - TJKCB - 给 TJKCB 发送悄悄话 TJKCB 的博客首页 (4697 bytes) (0 reads) 08/01/2024 18:28:03
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其中一个天才写了好莱坞大片的剧本《Dark Feathers》,8月2号本周五上映
八月二号一部东方风情浓郁的惊悚悬疑电影《Dark Feathers》将在在旧金山,洛杉矶,拉斯维加斯院线上映,点击下面看预告片短片。
最有趣的是当年科大少年班与神童宁铂同班的姚进同学,一个数学天才是《Dark Feathers》的编剧和音乐剪辑。很好奇天才特殊的脑回路花了4年的时间精心打磨写出什么样的悬疑剧本?
导演、制片和女主角是华裔演员黄洁萍,剧组主创人员是华裔,他们邀约好莱坞各路大腕明星加盟。Michael Madsen 麦克 麦迪森是美国最高产的电影演员之一,他参加演出过400多部电影。他与世纪鬼才昆丁塔伦提诺的合作最为世人称道。Michael以饰演反角著称,在许多好莱坞经典影片,比如「末路狂花」,「罪恶之城」,「杀死比尔」,以及007 「明日永存」中,都有傲人的口碑。反派角色的刻画深入人心。他在Dark Feathers 「无迹可寻」中扮演美籍日裔剑道首领,气场全盛,风采绝伦。
男主角Gilles Marini 是法裔明模和明星。各路明星在剧情中生猛冲突碰撞,让我们拭目以待.....