
宁静纯我心 感得事物人 写朴实清新. 闲书闲话养闲心,闲笔闲写记闲人;人生无虞懂珍惜,以沫相濡字字真。
  • 博客访问:


(2023-12-29 19:14:37) 下一个





Extrapolated Points from the Comments:

  1. Claims about Societal Contributions:

    • The comments suggest a belief in the Masonic organization (referred to as 共濟會 or "Gong Ji Hui") playing a significant role in the creation of Chinese civilizations, attributing the establishment of various cultures and achievements to this group.
  2. Comparison with Song Dynasty:

    • The comments draw parallels between modern Taiwan, Korea, and Hong Kong to the Song Dynasty in ancient China. They highlight a focus on education, a disdain for military service, and a perceived decline in martial spirit.
  3. Historical Reflection on the Song Dynasty:

    • There is a reflection on the Song Dynasty as a period similar to contemporary China, emphasizing similarities in governance, societal attitudes, and geopolitical challenges.
  4. Critique of Song Dynasty's Overconfidence:

    • The comments criticize the Song Dynasty's overconfidence and reluctance to recognize the strength of neighboring nations. This overconfidence is linked to diplomatic failures and a lack of preparation against external threats.
  5. Analysis of External and Internal Factors:

    • The comment provides an analysis of external factors, like climate, impacting the Song Dynasty's interactions with neighboring nations. Internally, there's a critique of a focus on cultural development at the expense of military strength.
  6. Historical Lessons for Modern China:

    • The comments caution against repeating historical mistakes, drawing parallels between historical events and current Chinese policies, especially in terms of technological developments, foreign relations, and the treatment of the common people.
  7. Reflection on Han and Tang Dynasties:

    • There is a positive reflection on the inclusivity and self-confidence of the Han and Tang Dynasties, contrasting it with the perceived shortcomings of the Song Dynasty.
  8. Comparison with Contemporary China:

    • A connection is made between the historical practices of the Song Dynasty and what is perceived as modern issues in China, such as a lack of adaptability, problems arising from reforms, and a gap between government actions and public sentiments.
  9. Quoting Historical Texts:

    • The comments conclude with a quote from Wang Anshi's "本朝百年无事札" (Notes on a Century of Peace in the Present Dynasty), implying that the absence of major conflicts in ancient times was due to favorable conditions rather than exceptional governance.

These extrapolated points provide an overview of the themes and opinions expressed in the original Chinese comments, offering insights into historical perspectives and their perceived relevance to contemporary issues.


in English: extrapolate points of the below: "@richardmylau8225 @richardmylau8225 1 year ago (edited) 共濟會創造了中華文明,共濟會有虞氏建立了良渚文化,共濟會東夷創造了龍山文化,光明會武丁時代,光明會共濟會同盟建立中國第一個文明。所以共濟會趙姓統治的宋朝是中華文明全盛時代,共濟會除了推動文化發展外,亦推動經濟發展,宋朝亦是經濟繁榮時代。不過宋朝最偉大發明是大角星姓氏畢昇發明的活字印刷,宋朝最偉大詞人是大角星姓氏柳永和蘇軾,清明上河圖是由大角星姓氏張擇端所作,唐宋八大家由唐朝時大角星姓氏韓愈和柳宗元開始,共濟會雖然推動經濟文化發展,但頂尖文化科技來自大角星。宋太祖是贵族出身,中国历史文化从宋朝开始落后,和开创祖师和开放的政治有很大关系。 元朝是草原酋长出身,明朝是农民出身,清朝是东北酋长出身,至于我朝,,,自己体会。

10 Reply 7 replies @enzol2823 @enzol2823 1 year ago 近代台灣,韓國香港,新加坡都已經步入宋朝的翻版。 奉行萬般皆下品,唯有讀書高的思想,生活水準高,人民失去開創獨立精神,體弱多病,毫無尚武精神。教育不知文武雙全的重要。 鄙視當兵,鄙視技藝工匠等,鄙視那些只會活燿於體育場上的人。 反觀那些弱不禁風的偶像明星,被當成神! 中國呢?!恭喜老爺賀喜夫人,中國也開始宋朝化了,很快就會追上來的。元蒙那么厉害,那么近那么弱的印度都拿不下。无它,败给了气候而已。霍去病卫青武勇强悍也没能解决掉北方匈奴之患,结果一场天灾就把匈奴彻底打击了。

2 Reply 3 replies @tianchengli3193 @tianchengli3193 1 year ago 前事不忘后事之师。

宋朝是整个中国历史上跟当今中国最像的朝代。 对外,宋朝无法完成汉、唐一般的绝对统治,只能参与到各国博弈中,因此妥协和让步时常发生。但宋朝人却始终不愿承认其他民族或政权的日渐强大,依旧做着汉唐的美梦。这种对周边国家的鄙夷造就了宋朝君臣的好大喜功,接连两次背弃盟约,最终引火烧身(范志毅要是再那个时代,一定会说,陛下醒醒吧,咱们宋朝连脸都不要了,再下去要输越南了,结果……果然输了。当然,我并不是说越南弱,而是说当时的宋朝看不清自己的实力)。这种盲目的自信导致两个非常差的结果,



再想想最近兴起的战狼外交,傲慢到不讲理,这桥段是何其相似。 对内,宋朝文治天下,对士大夫待遇优渥,犯法不刑,虽然拥有了繁荣的商业,却也因此自废武功,丧失了自保能力;而且日益繁重的苛捐杂税把老百姓的利润压榨到极限,最终的结果就是国败民贫。


其实汉唐之所以能成为汉唐,正是因为他们的包容和自信,这种自信不是说你说一句我的不好,我就要打你,而是我承认你好,并愿意跟你学习。所以霍去病长驱大漠三千里,骑的是大宛的千里马,配的是大月氏的钢刀,学的正是匈奴人不带辎重,走到哪里就抢到哪里的战术(当然,他抢的是匈奴人)。所以唐玄宗汉家天子,却喜欢打羯鼓,也从不拒绝异族人在中枢机构做高官。 最后引用王安石《本朝百年无事札》中的一句话:赖非夷狄昌炽之时,又无尧、汤水旱之变,故天下无事,过于百年。

袁腾飞讲两宋风云(一)徽宗即位:“轻佻”浪子是怎么即位皇帝的?| CCTV百家讲坛官方频道

451,945 views Apr 30, 2013 #两宋风云 #袁腾飞 #百家讲坛
本期节目主要内容:据现代专家统计,宋徽宗即位时北宋时期的国民生产总值,占了当时世界的80%,是明朝的10倍之多。但是在公元1127年,中国北方女真族建立的金国,大军南下,一举灭亡了北宋,这就是历史上著名的靖康之耻。宋朝的两个皇帝都被金军掳走,康王赵构即位,率残部南迁,所以在历史上,宋朝被分为北宋和南宋两个时期。本期由北京市海淀教师进修学校高级教师袁腾飞讲述了北宋的国力和亡国之君宋徽宗即位时的情况。 #百家讲坛 #两宋风云 #袁腾飞讲两宋风云 #袁腾飞 《百家讲坛》栏目一贯坚持“让专家、学者为百姓服务”的宗旨,在专家、学者和百姓之间架起“一座让专家通向老百姓的桥梁”,从而达到普及优秀中国传统文化的目的。 袁腾飞讲《两宋风云》播放列表:https://bit.ly/3FZGZZp 《百家讲坛》播放列表:https://bit.ly/2sJYMS3 【订阅CCTV百家讲坛官方频道】:https://bit.ly/2uhOrgA ■□其他CCTV百家讲坛精彩节目列表■□ 《大宋王朝》播放列表:https://bit.ly/2R44lqH 《宋徽宗之谜》播放列表:https://bit.ly/3M55Q1X 《中国史话(宋元篇)》播放列表:https://bit.ly/3cb3PBz 《国史通鉴·宋元时代》播放列表:https://bit.ly/3M7JzAe 《资治通鉴》播放列表:https://bit.ly/33PbaPH 王立群读宋史《宋太祖》播放列表:https://bit.ly/3gj0ui5 ■□更多精彩视频,请关注我们■□ CCTV中国中央电视台:https://bit.ly/2ZX81dD CCTV中文国际:https://bit.ly/2QdbHYo CCTV春晚:https://bit.ly/2ZSHLTg CCTV电视剧:https://bit.ly/3awsXwO CCTV热播剧场:https://bit.ly/CCTVhitdrama CCTV科教:https://bit.ly/2QsICpc CCTV社会与法:https://bit.ly/CCTVsocietyandlaw CCTV今日说法官方频道:https://bit.ly/CCTVlegalreport
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