This is the entry after TJKCB.
Bernstein, my favorite conductor; Mahler, my favorite composer.
Bernsein, a German noun, means amber in English; Mahler, a German noun, means painter in English (I could not find this entry in 2 German-English dictionaries (Webster's and Collins Unabridged) and in 2 German dictionaries (Wahrig and Duden), I learned this from a German textbook and it is confirmed by google:
You could not find this translation in google translate:
They were both jewish people.
I have listened Mahler's 9th symphony more than10 times. It is about his life. He probably knew he was about to die when he was composing, he was also crying for his daughter's death in this symphony.
9th symphony listening guide:
"Four ways to farewell", in Bernstein's words:
Mahler's 9th symphony, Bernstein with Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra
All his symphonies are also my favorite, especially No.1, 2. 3, 5 and 9.
There are movies about him:
"keeping score":
"Bride of the Wind":
My collections, Bernstein and Mahler: CD (>150), DVD(9), BD(10):
• 欣赏人文贴。This is the entry after TJKCB. 请TJ看过来。:) -盈盈一笑间- ♀
(0 bytes) (2 reads) 12/17/2023 postreply 07:44:01
• 古典音乐?好棒! -一荷- ♀
(0 bytes) (1 reads) 12/17/2023 postreply 08:06:03
• Yes. Bernstein has young people's concerts in youtube -xia23- ♂
(2787 bytes) (1 reads) 12/17/2023 postreply 10:34:43
• 我很喜欢Mahler第一交响曲。 -唐宋韵- ♂
(0 bytes) (4 reads) 12/17/2023 postreply 09:15:59
• Mahler's symphomy No. 1 "Titan" -xia23- ♂
(777 bytes) (1 reads) 12/17/2023 postreply 10:16:38

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回答: 古典音乐?好棒! 由 一荷 于 2023-12-17 08:06:03
In youtube, there are 53 episodes of Bernstein's young people's concerts. You could start to listen.
In Amazon (0 available):
A book in ebay:
1 year ago
First movement : 0:00:45
Second movement : 0:28:25
Third Movement : 0:44:45
Fourth Movement : 0:56:29
5 years ago
I - 0:40 - 28:17
II - 28:26 - 44:36
III - 44:45 - 56:17
IV - 56:29 - 1:22:25
5 years ago
I feel like I just lived an entire lifetime from birth to death during this performance and I honesty may have cried slightly. I'm 19 now, but listening to this made me contemplate what I want my life to have been like in October 22nd 2099 once I'm reminiscing on my deathbed. I was sad that I had no children to comfort me while I slipped into the eternal slumber.
3 years ago (edited)
At the ending Mahler was reaching out to his four year old daughter who had died two years earlier. At the end of the fourth movement he quotes from his Kindertodenlieder ("Songs for Dead Children") a theme in which a dying mother calls to her dead child to light the path to heaven. Mahler was dying and calling to his dead daughter, "I am coming soon and miss you. Light the path for me."
2 weeks ago (edited)
That section from 1:05:31 to 1:06:52 is my favorite part, especially because of that immense, larger-than-life eruption from those French horns! I just can't stop listening to it! Such an immense, raw, and emotionally charged build-up that never ceases to send chills down my entire spine. And at 1:17:26, it sounds to me like someone resigning themselves to their fate. Personally, I think Mahler knew he was nearing the end. But even if he didn't, this was still one incredible "farewell" to the world!
The climax up to and around 1:22:18 is truly apocalyptic in this performance. That chord at 1:12:25 is such a crisis point in the symphony: an A flat in the bass, an F sharp, an A, a D, and the top B in the strings (although many of those notes are enharmonics to how they are written), represents the most tortured attempt to pivot out of the tragedy of D flat major, back to the D major of the first movement, an attempt that of course fails.
3 years ago (edited)
Performance: March 1971, recording the DGG DVD.
Bernstein (b. Aug. 25, 1918) is 52 here. He died on October 14, 1990, at the age of 72, perhaps too young. You would have expected somebody who had access to the best medical advice and care to live longer. But Bernstein lived a life of indulgence, abusing his body, not taking good care of his diet and exercising, and not even mentioning his addictive and suicidal smoking. In later video recordings, closer to the end, you can notice his bulging paunch under his immaculately tailored shirt and vest and the invading wrinkles on his face and hand. Bernstein didn't take care of himself as other conductors did and lived much longer. Health consciousness had not yet become the predominant obsession, as it did in the late 1990s and into our present era.
4 years ago
If you want a great story on Mahler Symphony No. 9, get this book, The Art of Possibility, and look at the end of Chapter 3. It will amaze you and put a smile on your face.
4 years ago
Great conductor interpretation:
Brahms, Beethoven by Karajan;
Mahler by Bernstein.
3 months ago
I’m sorry, folks. I just don’t get Mahler. I really don’t. I’ve been listening to classical music for well over 60 years. I recently saw a British 10 or 20 best symphonies of all time, and there were three Mahler symphonies in there, all ranked higher than Beethoven’s fifth. Mahler, to me, sounds like a white-bread John Williams. He sounds like the soundtrack to a 1960s travelogue. I see no drama, no intensity, no passion; I just don’t get it. Maybe it’s me. You can argue over nuances, but I would put the Eroica, Beethoven’s fifth, sixth, and ninth, all in the top five—the new world, Schubert unfinished, and The Great—and then you can fight over Tchaikovsky, Shostakovich, Mahler, and Berlioz. Maybe I just have no insight.
4 years ago
OMG. This is horrible. I know I'm supposed to worship Mahler, but I don't. The emperor not only has no clothes - he has no soul...