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Sahara 1943, Humphrey Bogart,

(2023-11-19 13:07:05) 下一个
tjkcb notes: 
"Three swallows for everybody. Three swallows, no more. Here you are, Jimmy." Equal right to survive no matter what ethics: US, Germany, Italy, France, Africa! even POW, enemy!
"This is the original Sahara, just a great movie, Although Casablanca was a great movie, this is such a great film; it reflects how important all our allies were, especially the Sudanese. I never saw color; we are all the same, and I love how Bogey defends him against the Germans. There is no room in the army or any branch of service for racism, and in our society as well. This is one of the best and most forgotten war movies of our time
One of the best war films of its time, the tale follows a stranded group of six Allied soldiers, plus an Italian and a Nazi prisoner of war, as they trek across the desert in Bogart's tank in search of a legendary well at an abandoned fort. They find the fort, but the well's run dry, and a German battalion is headed their way. © 1943, renewed 1971, Columbia Pictures Industries, Inc. All rights reserved.

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My cinematic prayers continue to be answered...Where Eagles Dare, Murphys War, Anzio, Battle Of The Bulge, Battle of Britain, Morituri, The Traiin, Porkchop Hill, 12 OClock High, African Queen, The Eagle Has Landed and now another...SAHARA. I think maybe the coup de gras will be when Kellys Heroes, the Dirty Dozen, Von Ryans Express and They Were Expendable all make it to YT.
I always love it when movies show people dying of thirst and when they finally get a little bit they spill half of it in their hurry to get a swallow. Great movie by the way.
Absolutely gorgeous actor of his time "Humphrey Bogart."
I agree he is one of the best. The others are John Wayne, Clark Galare,, Cary Grant, and now there gone. And these movies are the only thing to remember them.
Bogey's favorite character in a movie - Sgt. Joe Gunn!
Another great war movie.
Excellent movie made during the war.
Another movie I would love to see is Red Rock West.
50:06 Bogey's wrench keeps altering !
39:52 Geez, Bogart! Bring the shovel with ya!
Finally! Instead of the McConaughey film.
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