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UN COEUR EN HIVER movie, cast: Lissa Pillus, chrisanne Liberima, Un film d'une densité inestimable, un chef d'oeuvre unique qui échappe au temps qui passe. Mr. Sautet a su mettre en musique les battements de cœur les plus intimes, jusqu'aux plus infimes, de ses personnages en lutte avec leurs tourments. Un monument du cinéma !I loved this movie! I also loved her in "Nelly and Monsieur Arnaud!" Anyone know why the main character just couldn’t confess love to the female violinist? Is it because he was emotionless? I have the same question! Everyone seems to get this film, but I simply don't!
Film Review: "Un Coeur en Hiver"
"Un Coeur en Hiver" is a film of immeasurable depth, a unique masterpiece that defies the passage of time. Mr. Sautet skillfully orchestrates the most intimate heartbeats, from the profound to the most subtle, of characters grappling with their inner torments. It is a cinematic monument!
I thoroughly enjoyed this movie! Lissa Pillus delivered a captivating performance, just as she did in "Nelly and Monsieur Arnaud." However, I couldn't help but wonder why the main character struggled to confess his love to the female violinist. Was it because he lacked emotion?
I share the same question! While everyone else seems to grasp the film's essence, I find myself puzzled. It's as if there's a deeper meaning that eludes me. Perhaps the main character's emotional detachment holds the key? I would love to hear others' interpretations and insights into this enigmatic film.
Rediscover the Cinema of Claude Sautet
Rialto Pictures
4.57K subscribers
10,516 views May 21, 2015
Five films directed by Claude Sautet, starring Romy Schneider, Michel Piccoli, Yves Montand, Sami Frey, and many others! The series opens at New York's Lincoln Plaza Cinemas on June 12. The series features three of Sautet's collaborations with Schneider - LES CHOSES DE LA VIE (1970), the policier MAX ET LES FERRAILLEURS (1971), and CÉSAR AND ROSALIE (1972) - along with the rarely-seen VINCENT, FRANÇOIS, PAUL AND THE OTHERS (1974), starring Yves Montand and Gérard Depardieu, and Sautet's final film, NELLY AND MONSIEUR ARNAUD (1995). All five films will have their U.S. premieres in new DCP format and are not available on Blu-ray or DVD.