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one song, one book, one movie for insight into CTO ChatGPT

(2023-02-21 10:55:53) 下一个

Time cover story: Mira Murati, chief technology officer at OpenAI, leading the teams behind DALL-E, which uses AI to create artwork based on prompts, and ChatGPT, the wildly popular AI chatbot that can answer complex questions with eerily humanlike skill.

** Have you got those 3 items below? If not, not surprising at all, as you don't work on AI.

Mira, can you give me one song or album, one book, and one movie that gives us some insight into who you are and what inspires you?

  • Song: Paranoid Android by Radiohead The song is layered and touches on themes related to society on technology. Not most uplifting but beautiful and thought provoking.

  • Book: Duino Elegies, a collection of poems by Rainer Maria Rilke. I recently received this as a gift and found the depth and beauty of the poems very inspiring.
  • Movie: 2001: A Space Odyssey continues to stir my imagination with its imagery and music, especially in the breathtaking sequence where the space shuttle docks accompanied by the waltz of Johann Strauss’s Blue Danube Waltz, inciting contemplation of the weightlessness of this event and the magnificence of the moment.




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