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Away From Her/Julie Christie Gordon Pinsent Olympia Dukakis

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Away From Her


Sep 1, 2020
149M subscribers
Married for almost 50 years|Grant and Fiona's serenity is interrupted by Fiona's increasingly frequent memory lapses. When it is no longer possible for either of them to ignore the fact that she is being consumed by Alzheimer's disease|the limits of love and loyalty are wrenchingly redefined.
d lightbourne
Lovely movie on how to handle the difficulties of Alzheimers and other roadblocks of life. Everyone has stumbling blocks that get in the way of easy living. Some find a broken fingernail a challenge. Another can deal with a broken neck and still see a beautiful life ahead. Retrospective silent scenes work nicely. The camera angling around the room in slow motion at the end is very "moving." Fine acting and well directed.
Rose Mahurin
Beautiful but sad love story.I worked in nursing for 27 years and I still see dementia and confused people all the time. Thank you for making a movie of this kind.
Anita Johnson
I am 56 and have early onset Alzheimers and suffer from AdHD as well. I'm doomed. Please pray for me and my 2 adult special needs sons. Please pray for us and my middle son who will responsible for all 3 of us when I can't anymore.
Carol Demaris
"At the end of things, It's always the men that think that not too much went wrong," That is so true! lol! Other than that, very sad, heart-wrenching movie
loveszymanski loveszymanski4
Love this movie. Caring for my husband for 9 years now So sad to see him slipping away.
Mary Ann Vitelli
This was a most beautiful film. Thank you so very much.
Deborah Clark
Such a lovely movie. Julie Christie is beautiful as always. The actors did a wonderful job portraying this desperate situation. What a terrible place this illness takes one to, of course the family is forced to go along for the ride. My ex husband had Lewy Body Dementia, our wonderful daughter was his caregiver for the last six years of his life.
Beth Cialek
I lost my Grandma to Altzheimers and it's sad when they don't remember their own Children and Grandchildren. I was 14 when she passed at 60. I still miss her and l'm past her Age now. Altzheimers is a real bad disease and it takes your Lovedones away slowly. This Movie is sad. But l liked it. This Woman reminded me of my Grandma in alot of Ways. Very loving and kind.
Eden Clearbrook
My sweetheart is about to go into a memory care facility...one day he likes one, the next not at all as the process is taking too long for him. I know that as long as there are women present, he'll be delighted, at least for a while. Grieving losing this precious one to life! About the film...so disappointing a different actress played young Fiona for those of us who knew young Julie Christie! Well done otherwise, a very difficult subject to explore; an important one to remind us all of life's unexpected twists and turns.
Bina Lavery
I lost my love last year to Alzheimer's and it's so sad. He was 68 and young at heart. I took care of him for 6 years while he faded away from me. God bless the Caregivers who take care of their loved ones ...?
It's confusing that Fiona remembers Aubrey, a new person, but not her husband, since short term memory is most affected and these patients remember the past better.
Sandy Patin
I really thought this movie was so very real! I loved the care the actors took to reveal this devastating robbery of life.
Sarah W. Rah
Sweet movie, and realistic in many respects. But it was jarring to see how long it took the husband to go looking for his wife when she wandered off alone in the snow -- not looking for her until dusk.
While a beautiful story, it negates the reality of Alzheimers. My mother was a brilliant woman who was secretary to Rocky's press secretary back in the 60's. She loved working...she did not enjoy being a wife and mother. She was never abusive, but cold, distant and degrading towards my Dad and her kids. I was ridiculed for not being accepted at Julliard, nor did I get a scholarship to Smith or Vassar. My friends remember threats of violence (though I apparently blocked it out). It manifested itself as the Alz. kicked in. She kept a knife under the mattress and threatened to kill us. Docile one minute, raging the next. Finally, in 2015, I flew from Calif. to upstate NY to find a facility to take care of her. Teresian House accepted after three months. After I took her there under false pretenses, they told me to not visit for a month. But the day I said goodbye, she said "Don't leave me here. I love you." That was the first time in 59 years my mother ever uttered those words.
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Tam Weir
I can't even watch this. So sad. I was married 20 years, he got so mean after 5 years. He ended up Bi- polar. I had no idea what that was. I was raised with happy loving people. We were so happy until he ended up with this. Why? He never smiled or laughed anymore? He got mean to our child, no way could I live like that. So I've been single ever sense. He hates me to this day for divorcing him. That was 20 years ago. At least I can smile and laugh.
Sandy Patin
I thought this movie was so very real! I loved the care the actors took to reveal this devastating robbery of life.
Luved it!
Range Rider
When my Mom had Alzheimer's she didn't know who my Dad or my 4 siblings were, but every time I went to see her, she knew me instantly and we talked like nothing had changed. I refused to believe there was anything wrong with her because of that and while I was away, she passed away at 69. It was hard to deal with, her being gone, she was a wonderful person and mother.
j g
I'd like to think the intake staff would allow them that private goodbye.
Bonnie Suggs
I lost my mom to Alzheimer's, awful diasiese
Catherine Fisher
What a beautiful, bittersweet love story ? Thank you ?
Miss Amy
This is love. Way down deep in the thick of it. A must see. Thank you for the opportunity to see such a wonderful film.
sandramA heynemana
I saw this movie years ago and felt it was an accurate portrayal of Alzheimer’s and what couples fo through. It’s a bit heart wrenching but well acted and realistic.....maybe a little bit too close to home for some.
Vintage Hollywood
Keeping family away for a month is horrid, no way should that be allowed.
Cheryl Tellez
Great movie! Sad to see a loved one slip away. We care for and love our spouses, partners and parents. When they fade away from the memories we once shared it’s heartbreaking because our lives change forever that point forward and OUR memories are all we have left to share and cling too!
Your average Nursing homes and / or Assisted Living Facilities, don’t look like the one in the movie, and there are always under-staffed. Very depressing ...
Rosanna Cellini
This is a Heartbreaking, true to life story, of what happens in the lives of those stricken with Alzheimer's and how hard it is for them and their loved ones. If you have a heart, don't miss this film. I've seen it a few times. Great acting, by Julie and Gordon. Written and directed by actress, Sarah Polly, then at 27 yrs old. Talented girl! Pray for a cure. ????????????????????
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