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Ref: 颤音 蝉音了了 https://blog.wenxuecity.com/myblog/71593/202104/38333.html 蝉音了了
据主流媒体报道新冠疫情期间美国的贫富差距进一步加大,极富的财富有了天文数字的增加,老生重谈解决这个顽疾的最佳方案是政府给穷人发钱。媒体却没有任何研究探讨贫富差距的根源在哪里。俺猜测政府给穷人发钱才是罪魁祸首。极富的财富多和股市相关,而政府给穷人发的钱最终去了哪里了?俺以为是消费和炒股,而这两种去处分别间接和直接的抬升了股市,自然肥了极富的腰包。虽然穷人的投资,如果真的去投资了,也可能会以和富人同样的百分比去增长,可是极富的基数是远远大于穷人的,所有差距的绝对值只会因为股市的飙升而进一步地加大。缩小贫富差距的办法是什么呢?俺以为该是教会穷人如何致富,和政府的制度和法律利于穷人致富,而不是发钱。当今的极富几十年前都是从 garage 和 home office 开始,比方贝索斯和盖茨,美国那时有对 small business 友好的环境,政府的条条框框都比如今小很多。如今的大政府,税收和各种奇葩的法规都在扼杀 small business ,American Dream 终将成为 DAYDREAM 。
RACISM 是当今能把人一棍子打倒的大棒,BLACK , BROWN , YELLOW , 各种颜色,一波接一波。俺以为 RACISM 的定义该是依据肤色判定他人的行为和决定自己的行为。由此俺觉得最符合这个定义的例子是 98% 黑人在总统选举时都投票给了和自己肤色一样的 OBAMA 。能胜过这样的一致的投票率的选举只发生在东西朝鲜。当这样的一个群体的选票会决定选举的结果时,一人一票的民主选举也许出了问题,也许天朝的选民素质论听起来有道理。
俺读书时的导师是个南方长大的男性白人,满足 RACIST 的基本条件。一次闲聊起南北战争,让我惊掉下巴的是他觉得南方有独立的权力,争端不该通过战争来解决的, 北方并不代表正义。这是20年前,现在他只怕不敢讲出这样的话了。就在几年后的一次市长选举,两个候选人,一个是白人男子,来自当地世袭政客之家,是前市长的儿子,现任联邦参议员的弟弟,另一位是黑人男子,无从政经验,是一家打公司的高管。他投票给了那位黑人,因为他对 career politicians 非常失望,觉得有 business background 的企业高管更有可能扭转城市的现状。很显然,投票时他是 color blind 。 很遗憾,他看走了眼。虽然那位黑人侯选人成功当选,并连任,只是他任期内的受贿事发,数目虽然和天朝的臣子么相比是小巫见大巫,还是 convicted ,进了联邦监狱服刑。
如今的精英们流行呕吐博爱,教育世人当爱弱势群体,爱非法移民,爱罪犯,爱环境,爱爱爱。他们教育人民要充满爱心,贡献出资源,贡献出爱,节约能源,等等等等。可是大多精英们都住在高墙和私人保镖保护的豪宅,而不是他们最爱的 inner city 。他们需要乘坐私人飞机去领取颁发给他们的环境保护奖。一个国家如果交付给这样的精英来领导,会怎样?比方圣人一样的 Obama 总统
媒体也是生意,怎么赚钱怎么来,包括拉赞助,拉广告,拉捐款。美国的主流媒体也得这么做,不然关门大吉。媒体人相应地要搏眼球拉听众和观众,宣扬正义和揭露阴暗是博眼球的副产品。这部电影开始让我对媒体产生了疑问。DUSTIN HOFFMAN 主演的 MAD CITY。Its plot from wiki:
After being sacked from his job at a museum, former security guard Sam Baily returns to the place with a shotgun and dynamite and takes his former boss Mrs. Banks and a number of children (at the museum on a school field trip) as hostages. Local television journalist Max Brackett is in the museum using the restroom after an interview with the curator about financial difficulties. He becomes directly involved in the hostage situation, acting as Baily's intermediary to the outside world and the police.
Baily accidentally shoots a friend of his, Cliff, who's still working there as a security guard, sending him to the hospital. He later fires the weapon again, frightening the children and becoming increasingly unstable as he takes caffeine pills to stay awake. Along with the young intern coworker Laurie among the growing media circus outside, Brackett reports the inside story exclusively on television, reviving his career. By being free to come and go, he negotiates with a national network and its star news anchorman, Kevin Hollander, with whom Brackett has an unhappy history.
Baily wants the police to let him return home to his wife and kids, refusing to accept that he's going to jail. Brackett, on the other hand, makes a deal rather than let Hollander have the story, prompting Hollander to publicly accuse Brackett of prolonging the crisis and endangering the children. Laurie then betrays Brackett, proving that, like him, she's willing to do whatever it takes to further her own career.
When his friend Cliff dies, Baily starts to realize he's lost everything. Baily and Brackett allow the situation to worsen until the police finally have had enough, issuing a five-minute ultimatum to Baily for release of the hostages. Baily lets the children and Mrs. Banks go. He also sends out Brackett to try to convince the police to put down their guns so he could personally usher out Baily. But rather than face prison and his wife Baily locks the museum doors on Brackett, who's outside trying to get the police to listen.
Brackett tries to get him to come out, but Baily ignores him. Brackett is unaware that Baily has decided to set off his explosives, committing suicide. The blast knocks Brackett off his feet and into the parking lot, sending debris everywhere. As reporters surround Brackett to ask about Baily, all he can say is, "We killed him," referring to how the media handled the situation.
让我彻底对美国主流媒体失去信任是2016年的大选。我原本经常听 NPR 的,可是它大选前后一边倒的报道厌恶。举个栗子。关于墨西哥,NPR 曾经报道过那里毒贩猖獗和因此而生的暴力犯罪,它报道的目的是揭露和同情。而当床铺提出严控边界,防止坏人入境时,NPR 却说无需严控,说那一边想过来的都是善良守法追求美好生活的人。对芝加哥这类城市的报道也是如此。
媒体很擅长 manipulate 人民的心理,不留痕迹地牵着你顺着它的目标下结论。我的体会来自轰动一时的 Trayvon Martin 事件。初始报道时的 headline 是少年被无辜枪杀。 用的照片是这一张,只媒体没有指明照片是事发几年前拍的,会让你怀疑这样的男孩怎么会让 George Zimmerman 感到生命威胁而自卫扣动扳机。当尘埃落定,需要宣扬他的 “legacy”的时候,用了接近事发年龄时的照片,穿着被 “iconized” grey hoodie 的照片,照片就不再掩饰他的 power 了。
媒体还很擅长的一手是突出报道一个事件中众多因素里它最关注的 A 和 B ,进而诱导你去得出 A causes B ,尽管 A 和 B 只是一个事件中无数关联的因素两个而已。
昨日一睹茶坛扭腰文化人的风采,让俺染上了重度 XMJDH ,惟一的解药是吐槽。俺以为当今天下的种种乱象有些是源于文化人酒足饭饱,有了底气,占领了话语权,通过各种媒体渠道,以先知和救世主的姿态给劳苦大众讲解生命的真谛,号召劳苦大众也和文化人一样放弃劳作,去体验生命的喜怒哀乐,比方新科奥斯卡,NOMADLAND ,浪漫化对生命放弃的选择,而对颂扬坚韧征服的都斥之为心灵鸡汤。
推荐一个 Netflix 上的 show , GRAND DESIGN , 一个 episode 里一家人历经10年建成了自己的 DREAM HOUSE , REAL GRITS 。